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The European Agenda for Adult Learning. Context (1)

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Presentation on theme: "The European Agenda for Adult Learning. Context (1)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The European Agenda for Adult Learning

2 Context (1)

3 Context (2)

4 European policy Europe 2020 “ET 2020” European Agenda for Adult Learning

5 2020 Benchmarks At least 95% of children between the age of 4 & the age for starting primary education in early childhood education Share of 15-year olds with insufficient abilities in reading, mathematics & science less than 15% Share of early leavers from education and training less than 10% Share of 30-34 year olds with tertiary educational attainment at least 40% Average of at least 15 % of adults (age group 25-64) participating in Lifelong Learning 5

6 Participation

7 Likelihood of positive social and economic outcomes among highly literate adults (scoring at Level 4/5 compared with those scoring at Level 1 or below) Odds ratio

8 European Agenda for Adult Learning – priority areas 1.Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality 2.Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training 3.Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship through adult learning 4.Enhancing the creativity and innovation of adult and their learning environments 5.Improving the knowledge base on adult learning and monitoring the adult learning sector

9 What NIACE is working on Linking adult learning to wider social and economic policy in the UK; Raising awareness of the value of adult learning to UK citizens; and Increasing participation of low skilled or less well qualified adults.

10 Our programme of work Measuring the economic and social impact of adult learning Impact Forums in each of the UK nations Linking the OECD Adult Skills Survey with surveys in the UK Developing a Citizens’ Curriculum Enhancing digital skills Employability skills for young adults

11 Policy and Practice

12 UK Partners NIACE (England) Forum for Adult Learning Northern Ireland Scotland’s Learning Partnership NIACE Cymru (Wales) British Council/Ecorys EPALE UK

13 European Basic Skills Network, EBSN ? independent policy network a meeting place for policy makers and policy influencers a platform for a continuous dialogue and cooperation with the EU Commission 67 members from 31 European countries, + 5 associate members from outside of Europe What is

14 To create a sustainable organisation Membership is open Annual Collaborative Workshop: The Hague: June 3 –5 @EBSNhq Fostering policy development at EU level!

15 Working with EPALE Sharing news, information, events, publications, and practice. Hearing about project-based discussionsand the impact of adult learning Learning from each other, about new developments in the sector, results of research etc. Advocating on behalf of professionals and learners, initiatives or launch online debates/discussions.Giving voice to concerns or issues of European ornational relevance—and backing this up withevidence!

16 For further information about the work of NIACE or EBSN please contact: Joyce Black, Assistant Director, NIACE. Contact details

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