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Poetry Ms. Nebe. What is poetry? In poetry the sound and meaning of words are combined to express feelings, thoughts, and ideas. The poet chooses words.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry Ms. Nebe. What is poetry? In poetry the sound and meaning of words are combined to express feelings, thoughts, and ideas. The poet chooses words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry Ms. Nebe

2 What is poetry? In poetry the sound and meaning of words are combined to express feelings, thoughts, and ideas. The poet chooses words carefully. Poetry is usually written in lines.

3 Writers use many elements to create their poems. These elements include: Rhythm Sound Imagery Form

4 Rhythm Rhythm is the flow of the beat in a poem. Gives poetry a musical feel. Can be fast or slow, depending on mood and subject of poem. You can measure rhythm in meter, by counting the beats in each line.

5 Rhythm example When the night begins to fall And the sky begins to glow You look up and see the tall City of lights begin to grow – In rows and little golden squares The lights come out. First here, then there Behind the windowpanes as though A million billion bees had built Their golden hives and honeycombs Above you in the air. By Mary Britton Miller

6 Rhyme Rhymes are words that end with the same sound. (Hat, cat and bat rhyme.) Rhyming sounds don’t have to be spelled the same way. (Cloud and allowed rhyme.) Rhyme is the most common sound device in poetry.

7 Rhyming Patterns

8 Poets can choose from a variety of different rhyming patterns. (See next four slides for examples.) AABB – lines 1 & 2 rhyme and lines 3 & 4 rhyme ABAB – lines 1 & 3 rhyme and lines 2 & 4 rhyme ABBA – lines 1 & 4 rhyme and lines 2 & 3 rhyme ABCB – lines 2 & 4 rhyme and lines 1 & 3 do not rhyme

9 Couplets A couplet is a poem, or stanza in a poem, written in two lines. Usually rhymes.

10 Tercet A tercet is a poem, or stanza, written in three lines. Usually rhymes. Lines 1 and 2 can rhyme; lines 1 and 3 can rhyme; sometimes all 3 lines rhyme. Winter Moon How thin and sharp is the moon tonight! How thin and sharp and ghostly white Is the slim curved crook of the moon tonight! By Langston Hughes

11 Quatrain A quatrain is a poem, or stanza, written in four lines. The quatrain is the most common form of stanza used in poetry. Usually rhymes. Can be written in variety of rhyming patterns. The Lizard The lizard is a timid thing That cannot dance or fly or sing; He hunts for bugs beneath the floor And longs to be a dinosaur. By John Gardner

12 Cinquain A cinquain is a poem written in five lines that do not rhyme. Traditional cinquain has five lines containing 22 syllables in the following pattern: Line 1 – 2 syllables Line 2 – 4 syllables Line 3 – 6 syllables Line 4 – 8 syllables Line 5 – 2 syllables

13 How to cite poetry in an essay RULE 1: Whenever you mention the title of a poem, put quotation marks around it. In "Fifteen," William Stafford uses the accidental discovery of an abandoned motorcycle to show the speaker caught between childhood and adulthood. RULE 2: Whenever you quote a word or phrase that appears in the poem, put quotation marks around it and INTEGRATE the quoted material within your own sentence. The boy describes the motorcycle as if it were alive, calling it his "companion, ready and friendly" (l. 10). RULE 3: Whenever you quote a phrase that begins on one line but ends on the next, indicate where the first line stops by using A SLASH MARK. The speaker "indulged/a forward feeling, a tremble" as he is torn between mounting the motorcycle and riding away, or dutifully looking for its owner (l. 15-16

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