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Welcome to Year 6 Curriculum Information. Staff in Year 6 Miss Harrod & Mrs Carter in Class 6HC Mrs Phillips in Class 6P Staff your children may work.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 6 Curriculum Information. Staff in Year 6 Miss Harrod & Mrs Carter in Class 6HC Mrs Phillips in Class 6P Staff your children may work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 6 Curriculum Information

2 Staff in Year 6 Miss Harrod & Mrs Carter in Class 6HC Mrs Phillips in Class 6P Staff your children may work with: Mrs Kelly, Mrs Zengin, Miss Langford Jackson, Mr Graves, Mr Foster, Mrs Mangan, Mr Kavanagh

3 This evening, we hope to give you a brief overview of the subjects and skills that will be covered throughout the year. We would like to create a partnership so that you can help your child make the most progress possible. We intend to inform you of arrangements and changes to the National Curriculum and end of KS assessments.

4 Areas of Learning RE English (reading, writing and grammar) Maths PE Music PSHE Computing MFL - French Subjects that will be taught as part of our learning challenge topic. Science History & Geography Art & DT

5 Reading In Year 6 children will – Revise and further their understanding of a range of fiction and non-fiction texts There will be a particular focus on how to answer a range of comprehension questions. Read for pleasure and information. They will be given opportunities to report on what they have read – giving their own opinion. Listen to, read and analyse stories, songs, rhymes and poems All children must read at least four times per week and make a record of this. Adults need to make a record of this once per week.

6 Writing In Year 6 children will – Revise and further their understanding of writing in a range of genres Increase their understanding and ability to use VCOP Write for different purposes and audiences. The BIG WRITE will continue and Talk for Writing will be used to support this. All children must develop further their stamina in writing and the quality of writing produced. Please continue to support your child in learning spellings, improving their handwriting and writing at length for a purpose.

7 Maths Some areas of learning in Year 6: Increase understanding of place value including decimals Using a range of strategies for adding, subtracting, multiplication and division Using and applying the 4 rules of number to problem solving Confidently name, describe and make 2d and 3d shapes Use a range of measures accurately. Improve mental calculation strategies.

8 Presentation Expectations All children have a copy of the presentation expectations stuck into their Mathematics and English books. We will be monitoring their work to ensure that all children work neatly. Hopefully when you view their books, you will notice lots of effort being put into presentation!

9 R.E. Some areas of learning: The Kingdom of God Justice ( including Advent ) Jesus – The Bread of Life Jesus – The Son of God ( including Easter ) The Work of the Apostles Called to Serve We will also be studying Judaism and Buddhism.

10 Learning Challenge Curriculum This will be topic questions that are based around Science, History and Geography, eg. What would a journey through your body be like? These are cross curricular topics and will also incorporate aspects of maths, English, RE, PSHE, computing, art and DT These topics are in line with the expectations of the New National Curriculum.

11 SATs SATs will be held during the week beginning 9 th May 2016 The SATs papers include reading, SPAG and mathematics (which includes arithmetic and mathematical reasoning). Writing is now assessed throughout the year. Possibly science if we are selected as a sample school. Our intent is that the children should not be stressed about this – we will be doing a number of practise papers with them, along with revision during lessons in the half term before the SATs.

12 Homework Directed Homework Maths: given on Thursday. Must be returned completed on Monday Writing: given on Thursday. Must be returned completed on Monday Reading: from time to time your child will be given a comprehension homework. Spellings: given at the beginning of each half term and tested every FridayReading Please encourage your child to read at least 4 times per weekPlease encourage your child to read at least 4 times per week Ensure that they keep a record of what they have read in their Reading Journal. This must be done regularly.Ensure that they keep a record of what they have read in their Reading Journal. This must be done regularly. We may also give occasional Learning Challenge homework. We will also be sharing the marking policy with you so that you understand the symbols that we use.

13 Uniform We believe that if the children look smart and take pride in their appearance then this will also filter into their work. In Year 6 the children are expected to wear: White shirt, school tie, maroon jumper or cardigan, grey skirt for girls and grey trousers for boys, grey socks, and sensible black shoes. EITHER the school coat or a plain black coat.

14 Attendance Year 6 is such an important year that we encourage the children to be in school as much as possible. If you can make appointments for outside of school hours we will be very grateful. The register is taken in every class at 8.55. It’s really important that the children are in school on time as we do Early Morning Work from 8.45, if your child is late then they will often miss out on introduction or revision work.

15 PE Information PE kits must be brought to school on Monday and taken home for washing on Friday Outdoor PE: jogging bottoms after half term when it gets a little colder for outdoor PE. Trainers for outdoor PE only Indoor PE: Plimsolls or bare feet are acceptable. No trainers Girls: socks not tights for PE Please NAME all school uniform This term our main PE session is swimming every Wednesday afternoon.

16 There will be some events where we and the children would appreciate your support and attendance. For example; Year 6 Class assemblies The Year 6 Leavers Mass

17 Trips Trips that will need to be paid for: Harry Potter Studio Tour PGL Chessington Other opportunities may arise throughout the year, however we are aware that the planned trips are expensive so we will try to keep costs to a minimum or free of charge if possible.

18 Resources Year 6 support for parents. TES guide to the new KS2 SATs Map of Parental Engagement Workshops Tips to keep children safe on the internet and social networking St Joseph’s postcards

19 Any Questions?

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