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The Impact of RIAC on Public Authorities. Partnership «Co-ordinating institution: Pädagogische Akademie Tirol «25 Partner Institutions «8 Initial Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "The Impact of RIAC on Public Authorities. Partnership «Co-ordinating institution: Pädagogische Akademie Tirol «25 Partner Institutions «8 Initial Teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Impact of RIAC on Public Authorities


3 Partnership «Co-ordinating institution: Pädagogische Akademie Tirol «25 Partner Institutions «8 Initial Teacher Training «5 In-service «3 Research institutions «2 Schools «4 Public authorities «1 Teachers’ Resource Centre «1 Service for New Technologies

4 Working Period 1.10.2002-30.9.2005 «Project Year I 2002-03 Start-Up, Focus Regional Identity «Project Year II 2003-04 Implementation, Focus Active Citizenship «Project Year III 2004-05 Consolidation of Results Fusion: RI - AC

5 RIAC Sub-Projects & Activities «Analysis & Academic Papers lRegionalism & Citizenship lRôle of Inspectors in EU Projects lCOMENIUS 1 Best Practice Analysis - Tool lRIAC in Curricula «Teaching Materials - Modules - Inset Workshop «Impulses for Youth Activities lYouth Democracy Project lRegional Sports Project lInternational Youth Fora «Conferences & Meetings

6 Partners - Public Authorities «Three regional school boards lLandesschulrat für Tirol lDeutsches Schulamt Südtirol lInspection Académique de Meurthe et Moselle «One nature, youth and sports centre lPiispala, Central Finland

7 Impact: Co-operation & Communication «Transnational co-operation between school authorities lWithin transnational region «Best practice examples - impulses lE.g. Youth Fora «Enhancement of co-operation lWithin institutions lBetween key players lBetween regional & national public authorties «Direct exchange of information

8 Impact: Thematic «Through links among regional, municipal and educational authorities: lGreater awareness of Citizenship activities in the region lGreater awareness of citizenship work in the schools e.g. the existence of European Clubs lGreater awareness of citizenship activities in other parts of Europe through presentations of the RIAC Network at a regional level

9 Impact: Support for Schools working on COMENIUS Projects «RIAC as the motor for EU projects - initiation & implementation «Better comprehension of challenges

10 Impact: Positive Publicity «Positive publicity in local press - events «Positive & concrete local demonstration of EU work within education «Greater tangibility

11 Impact: Support for youth activities «Youth Democracy

12 Impact: Support for youth activities «Regional Sports

13 Impact: Support for youth activities «International Youth and Children’s Meetings in Innsbruck and Wroclaw (2003-2005) «International Youth Meetings in Italy & Greece

14 Citizenship Day at the Practice School February 2005

15 Workshop on Learning Materials in Vilnius

16 Impact: Impulse for ARION Study Visits «Innsbruck, 2003 Regional Identity: Tirol «La Vendée, 2003 Geographic Isolation «Innsbruck, 2004 Personality Training & Citizenship «Innsbruck, 2005 European Citizenship «Planned:Deutsches Schulamt & Inspection Académique

17 Impact: Youth Centre «Rationale for teamwork - citizenship lcivic responsibility, especially concerning children and young people sustainable development «Promotion of active European citizenship on a regional level

18 Sustainability of European co-operation


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