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DALKEITH HIGH SCHOOL Shaping the Senior Phase Curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "DALKEITH HIGH SCHOOL Shaping the Senior Phase Curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 DALKEITH HIGH SCHOOL Shaping the Senior Phase Curriculum

2 Curriculum in Secondary Schools Broad General Education S1-3 Senior Phase S4-6

3 Purpose of Senior Phase Curriculum To provide opportunities for deeper learning to suit aptitude, interest and career aspirations To allow pupils to gain qualifications at the highest attainment levels To support literacy and numeracy developments To develop skills for learning, life and work To provide opportunities for wider achievement To support transition beyond school.........

4 Present Structure in Dalkeith High School Broad General Education S1-3 Senior Phase S4 7 subjects Senior Phase S5/6 5 subjects

5 Rationale for Proposed Changes To continue to raise attainment for all To increase the variety of subjects on offer to meet needs and interests To provide opportunities for vocational learning and develop skills for work Increased staying on rates To provide opportunities for flexible pathways through the Senior Phase To provide opportunities to gain ‘added value’ in S6 Emerging national picture But retaining academic rigour!

6 Feedback from Staff You liked Progression through subjects Time allocated in S5/6 Full timetable in S6 Improved attainment at Higher level Range of subjects, including some vocational options Breadth of 7 options in S4 Some opportunities for wider achievement for S6 e.g. volunteering

7 Feedback from Staff You expressed concerns about Coursing that did not always meet the needs of all learners Learning for Nationals starting at end of S3, pupils joining need to catch up Discrepancy between time for Nationals in S4 compared to S5/6 Not enough vocational subjects Pupils coming out of other classes for some vocational courses Columns do not allow certain combinations of subjects/play to strengths Learners not always able to progress to the appropriate level Bi-level classes

8 Proposed Structure Broad General Education S1-3 Senior Phase S4-6 6 subjects in each year

9 Implications for S4 6 choices made at end of S3, other options beyond this 6 + 6 + 6 5 periods per subject Vocational options on offer Classes arranged by ‘stage not age’ in general Flexible pathways in the future e.g. 2 year Higher classes English and Mathematics compulsory

10 Implications for S5 6 choices made at end of S4 6 + 6 + 6 5 periods per subject Vocational options on offer Classes arranged by ‘stage not age’ Flexible pathways in the future e.g. 2 year Higher classes No compulsory subjects, play to strengths Pupils encouraged to study English and Mathematics to highest levels

11 Implications for S6 6 choices made at end of S5 6 + 6 + 6 5 periods per subject Vocational options on offer Classes arranged by ‘stage not age’ Flexible pathways in the future e.g. 2 year Higher classes A range of Advanced Highers on offer Opportunities for wider achievement or ‘added value’ built into options

12 How might this look in practice? 33 period week: Subject 1Subject 2Subject 3Subject 4Subject 5Subject 6 PE/PSE RME(S4 only) 5 periods (Tues/Thur pm) 3 periods

13 Draft Course Option Sheet Yes Not yet

14 Multiple Pathways/Blended Learning

15 Next Steps Seek views of parents/carers Pupil Focus Groups (representative of school population) Changes to draft course option sheet ‘Dummy run’ prior to Christmas ‘Coursing’ of pupils in Term 2 Timetabling of the Senior Phase

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