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PASSing the Power How peer assisted learning empowers students within the curriculum

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1 PASSing the Power How peer assisted learning empowers students within the curriculum @LincolnEDEU

2 Hello and welcome Emily Parkin Student Engagement Officer, EDEU Samuel Jones Psychology PASS Leader Andy Hagyard Senior Lecturer, EDEU @LincolnEDEU PASSing the Power

3 Session overview What is PASS? How does it fit ‘within the curriculum’? What are the benefits? PASS in practice @LincolnEDEU PASSing the Power

4 What is PASS? Peer Assisted Study Sessions Derived from US model of Supplemental Instruction (SI) More experienced students lead study sessions for 1 st years Centrally co-ordinated (EDEU) Training / observations / evaluation Owned by the school Timetabling / de-briefs Led by students @LincolnEDEU PASSing the Power

5 Key features of PASS PASS leaders work in pairs Sessions cover content and skills Students agree what is covered PASS leaders are NOT teachers! @LincolnEDEU PASSing the Power

6 Within the curriculum DISCOVERY - exploring new methods of active learning COLLABORATION - student-student, student-staff ENGAGEMENT – supplementary, safe-space, engagement in learning PRODUCTION – co-creation, building academic communities from induction @LincolnEDEU PASSing the Power

7 @LincolnEDEU Tell me, and I forget Show me, and I remember Involve me, and I understand Chinese proverb

8 Benefits of PASS ‘Peer-learning schemes promote and empower autonomous learning, enhance engagement and improve grades’ ‘Students participating in peer-led sessions experience easier transition into HE with greater belonging and participation, more academic confidence and better retention’ ‘Peer leaders gain a range of personal and professional skills, deeper subject learning, increased inter-cultural awareness and enhanced employability skills’ (Keenan, C. 2014. Mapping student-led peer learning in the UK. HEA) @LincolnEDEU PASSing the Power

9 Think Pair Share Consider how PASS could benefit your specific area. Write benefits on post it notes – 2 mins Discuss your notes as a pair – 3 mins Feedback to the table – 5 mins @LincolnEDEU PASSing the Power

10 Thank you! Emily Parkin Student Engagement Officer, EDEU 01522 837105 @LincolnEDEU PASSing the Power

11 PASSing the Power How peer assisted learning empowers students within the curriculum @LincolnEDEU

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