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Presents Intellimation April 2009. Company Confidential Provided Under NDA Copyright 2009 Tomorrow Tech Industries Talking Points  Intellimation Overview.

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1 Presents Intellimation April 2009

2 Company Confidential Provided Under NDA Copyright 2009 Tomorrow Tech Industries Talking Points  Intellimation Overview  Benefits  Feature List  Technologies Used  Demo  What Worked/Didn’t Work  Intellimation in the Future  What We Learned

3 Company Confidential Provided Under NDA Copyright 2009 Tomorrow Tech Industries Project Overview  Intellimation is a web based home automation system. It consists of a user interface on the web browser, and a hardware component that the user plugs devices into.

4 Company Confidential Provided Under NDA Copyright 2009 Tomorrow Tech Industries Has This Ever Happed To You?

5 Company Confidential Provided Under NDA Copyright 2009 Tomorrow Tech Industries Now Intellimation Offers A Solution!  Instead of doing what Michael did, you can set your system to turn on your coffee maker, George Foreman Grill, TV, and lights right when you wake up. That way by the time you get downstairs, your breakfast will be done!

6 Company Confidential Provided Under NDA Copyright 2009 Tomorrow Tech Industries

7 Company Confidential Provided Under NDA Copyright 2009 Tomorrow Tech Industries Terminology  Intellimation- The integrated system.  Intelliface- The user interface.  Intellistrip- The hardware component. A smart power strip.  Device- Anything you would plug into a normal power strip.

8 Company Confidential Provided Under NDA Copyright 2009 Tomorrow Tech Industries Benefits  Saves money.  Allows you to easily manage power usage through one remotely accessible interface.  You never have to leave your couch again!

9 Company Confidential Provided Under NDA Copyright 2009 Tomorrow Tech Industries Example Scenarios  Intellimation Offers: Peace of Mind  You’re on vacation and you remembered you left the stove on. Now you can log on to Intellimation and turn it off.  Intellimation Offers: Babysitter  You’re at work and you want to make sure your children are not watching TV. With Intellimation, you can check to see if the power to the TV is on… …then you can turn it off.  Intellimation Offers: Convenience  When you need to turn off all the lights before going to bed, all you need to do is press one button.

10 Company Confidential Provided Under NDA Copyright 2009 Tomorrow Tech Industries Features  Register a new user. So everyone in the household can have their own account.  5 outlets optimally placed so that a bulky adapter never has to cover an adjacent outlet. You paid for 5 outlets, and you should be able to use them all.  One-Touch device power toggling.  One-Touch Intellistrip power toggling.  Simple device adding, reconfiguring, and deleting.  Simple Intellistrip setup with automatic configuration.  User customizable device types and rooms.  Sophisticated error handling. So if something is wrong, the end user will be able to easy to locate and fix the problem.

11 Company Confidential Provided Under NDA Copyright 2009 Tomorrow Tech Industries Technologies Used  The entire website is done in PHP using a MySql database.  Small amount of JavaScript.  Hardware is controlled by code written in C.  Uses XML-RPC to communicate from the Intelliface to the server.

12 Company Confidential Provided Under NDA Copyright 2009 Tomorrow Tech Industries To Intellimation…And Beyond!  Next winter at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Tomorrow Tech will debut Intellimation 2.0 for the first time ever.  Intellimation 2.0 will have customizable timers, presets, and user access levels, and a Web 2.0 design. Intellistrips will be organized by rooms.  With Intellimation 2.0, scheduled to release in the fall of 2009, you can set timers so that you really can wake up to the smell of crackling bacon, and then the Foreman Grill will automatically turn off after a set amount of time so that your bacon will never burn!

13 Company Confidential Provided Under NDA Copyright 2009 Tomorrow Tech Industries What We Learned

14 Company Confidential Provided Under NDA Copyright 2009 Tomorrow Tech Industries What Worked | What Didn’t Work  Class Diagram and Database diagram really helped when writing the code.  We used open source systems to ensure cross-platform compatibility.  Weekly meetings increased productivity.  Excellent coding standards  Fell behind in progress after spring break due to scheduling conflicts and poor planning.  Over ambitious design.  UML Diagram Creation

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