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Why did the League fail in its aim to keep peace?

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2 Why did the League fail in its aim to keep peace?

3 Organisational problems b Unanimous decisions impractical b Did not meet often enough b Took too long to make decisions

4 Membership b Important nations absent: b USA never joined b Germany joined 1926 but left 1933 b Japan left in 1933 b Italy in 1937

5 Sanctions b Economic sanctions not effective, particularly with absence of USA. b No army - individual countries reluctant to commit troops

6 Treaty of Versailles b League bound to uphold the terms of the Treaty. b Treaty seen increasingly as unfair

7 The will to make it work bIbIbIbIdealism after WW1 soon disappeared bBbBbBbBritain and France not best suited to lead the League… in fact they Acted against the League (Hoare-Laval Pact) bDbDbDbDepression allowed aggressive individuals to gain support at home e.g. Hitler, Mussolini bLbLbLbLeague seemed powerless to react.

8 In defence of the League b Once USA did not join Britain and France were not strong enough themselves. b Depression altered political climate - it was nobody’s fault b No organisation could have stopped aggressive individuals such as Hitler and Mussolini. b Were put in a position of defending a peace settlement that many saw as unfair.

9 Against the League b Manchurian b Manchurian crisis - the League should have resisted Japan b Members b Members did not keep to the rules. When challenged they just left the League e.g. Japan, Germany and Italy b No strong leadership b Too slow to make decisions b All main members guilty of secret alliances b Aggressive individuals weren’t dealt with

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