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Lesson Plan: Life in New France Multiple Intelligences:Flexible Grouping: Individual Pair Mixed Groups Homogeneous Group Whole Class Key Vocabulary: Fur.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Plan: Life in New France Multiple Intelligences:Flexible Grouping: Individual Pair Mixed Groups Homogeneous Group Whole Class Key Vocabulary: Fur."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Plan: Life in New France Multiple Intelligences:Flexible Grouping: Individual Pair Mixed Groups Homogeneous Group Whole Class Key Vocabulary: Fur Trade New France Habitant Seigneur Seigneurial System Rotures Church Priests, Nuns Courier du Bois Haudonasonee/Iroquois Key Visuals: Virtual Tour of New France (http://www.civ /explore/virtual- museum-of- new- france/features) Historical Map of New France Assessment For Learning: Preassessment Formative assessment Summative assessment Learning Expectation(s): Overall: identify key characteristics of economic, political, and social life in New France Specific– use a variety of primary and secondary sources to locate relevant information about how early settlers met the challenges of the new land ( use a graphic organizer to construct a paragraph to compare and contrast the life of 2 different individuals in New France); – construct and interpret a wide variety of graphs, charts, diagrams, maps, and models to organize and interpret information (working with a group, create a presentation for the class that includes a concept map, model/diorama, poster, and folder game that explores the lives of 3-4 individuals and how their lives intersect in New France) ESL ELD Stage 1: with support, use key visuals to create a concept map that shows some key vocabulary and pictures of people and things relevant to Life in New France Stage 2: with support, use key visuals and information to identify 11 key features of life in New France. Create simple sentences to identify and explain each feature. -with support, organize each feature statement to create a simple paragraph describing life in New France. -with support, create a model/diarama depicting the life of a selected person (priest, nun, habitant, habitante, Seigneur, Courier du Bois, Iroquois male or female) in New France Planning for Effectiveness Unit: New France Strand: Inquiry/Research and Communication Skills

2 Activity: Accommodations Activity: Students access the Virtual Tour of New France to view primary and secondary sources depicting life in New France from various perspectives Students complete graphic organizers to gather information about the lives of 2 different individuals in New France Students complete a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the lives of their 2 individuals Students compose a paragraph to compare and contrast the lives of 2 individuals living in New France Students work in groups to prepare a presentation on Life in New France using their research (includes: a concept map, model/diorama, poster, and folder game that explores the lives of 3-4 individuals and how their lives intersect in New France) Stage 1 Students use the Virtual Tour of New France with a helper, accessing it several times, with translation if possible, to identify key vocabulary Students create a mind map with assistance from their group to show their key vocabulary research on Life in New France Stage 2 Students use the Virtual Tour of New France with a helper, accessing it several times, to identify and understand key vocabulary Students use a graphic organizer to create a simple paragraph about life in New France Working with the support of their group and the teacher, students create a model/diorama depicting the life of a selected person (priest, nun, habitant, habitante, Seigneur, Courier du Bois, Iroquois male or female) in New France Materials: -internet access to Virtual Tour of New France, Historic map of New France Additional Planning Notes: -ensure stage 1 and 2s are blended into appropriate groups and have support -adjust assessments to reflect inclusion of ELLs

3 ESL Stage 1 Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 Understanding of Concepts – shows minimal understanding with teacher support – shows limited understanding with teacher support – shows understanding of many with teacher support – shows understanding of all or almost all with teacher support Inquiry/Research Skills and Map and Globe Skills – identifies one or two of the key terms with substantial assistance – identifies three or four of the key terms with substantial assistance – identifies 5-7 of the key terms with some guidance – identifies all or almost all of the key terms with some guidance Communication of Required Knowledge – uses a few learned vocabulary words, by copying and drawing with substantial support – uses/applies some learned vocabulary words, by labelling and drawing with support – uses/applies much of the key vocabulary words, by labelling and drawing with support – uses most or all of the key vocabulary words, by labelling and drawing with support Application of Concepts and Skills – concept map shows minimal understanding of Life in New France, even with support – concept map shows some understanding of Life in New France, with support –concept map shows clear understanding of Life in New France, with support –concept map shows good understanding of Life in New France, with support

4 ESL Stage 2 Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 Understanding of Concepts – shows minimal understanding with teacher support – shows limited understanding with teacher support – shows understanding of many with teacher support – shows understanding of all or almost all with teacher support Inquiry/Research Skills and Map and Globe Skills – identifies and explains one or two of the key terms with substantial assistance – identifies and explains three or four of the key terms with substantial assistance – identifies and explains 5-7 of the key terms with some guidance – identifies and explains all or almost all of the key terms with some guidance Communication of Required Knowledge -communicates using a few learned phrases and sentences and repeating some specific vocabulary, with support to create a simple paragraph -communicates using a few learned sentence structures and specific vocabulary, with Support to create a simple paragraph – communicates using some learned sentence structures and specific vocabulary, with support to create a simple paragraph – communicates using learned sentence structures and specific vocabulary to create a simple paragraph Application of Concepts and Skills –model shows minimal understanding of Life in New France, even with support – model shows some understanding of Life in New France, with support –model shows clear understanding of Life in New France, with support –model shows good understanding of Life in New France, with support

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