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Foreign Language in Elementary Schools (FLES) Program Overview Nora Garcia Annie Young Emily Golden Kim Hoopes FLES Teachers at Oakridge ES.

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Presentation on theme: "Foreign Language in Elementary Schools (FLES) Program Overview Nora Garcia Annie Young Emily Golden Kim Hoopes FLES Teachers at Oakridge ES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foreign Language in Elementary Schools (FLES) Program Overview Nora Garcia Annie Young Emily Golden Kim Hoopes FLES Teachers at Oakridge ES

2 APS World Languages Mission “Prepare students to use their language skills to communicate enthusiastically, enrich their lives and build a successful future as global citizens.” 2

3 FLES Program Overview The FLES Program provides students the opportunity to learn about others’ cultures and develop proficiency in a language other than their native language at a developmentally critical time. 100 minutes of instruction per week. Programs taught in the homeroom (push-in model) Curricular units aligned to SOL areas. 3

4 Time and Language Performance From ACTFL 4

5 Proficiency Expectations 5 Level 5 / AP / Fluent Speakers Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

6 M - Meeting Student consistently meets skills related to language competency at this level. Student independently demonstrates an understanding of the key functions and skills. P - Progressing Student is in the process of developing language competencies for this level. Student demonstrates or applies key vocabulary, structures and skills, inconsistently. Student partially meets the standard. B - Beginning Student is beginning to develop language competencies and skills for this level. Student is beginning to apply functions and skills and requires teacher support to complete tasks related to this level. Marking Code for FLES Progress Grades K – 5

7 7 What can students do with the language? Theme 1: Personal and Public Identities (Socializing and talking about personal life) Theme 2: Contemporary Life (Family, school and daily life) Theme 3: Families and Communities (Talking about your Community) Theme 4: Global Communities (Talking about communities around the world)

8 What can we do to help our children? Ask them to teach YOU new vocabulary Encourage them to use the language (restaurant, park, neighborhood, etc.) Listen to music, watch TV, read simple,familiar books in Spanish

9 Foreign Language in Elementary Schools (FLES) Program Overview Nora Garcia Annie Young Emily Golden Kim Hoopes FLES Teachers at Oakridge ES

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