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MJH_teacher Adjectives noun. MJH_teacher Nouns – שמות עצם Part 1- What are nouns? What are adjectives? How do we use the adjectives?

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1 MJH_teacher Adjectives noun

2 MJH_teacher Nouns – שמות עצם Part 1- What are nouns? What are adjectives? How do we use the adjectives?

3 MJH_teacher nouns What are nouns? Nouns are the names we give to people, places, things and feeling. Examples of nouns: Dan, Dina, Internet, Israel a chair, a table, a man, a soup shoes, oranges, milk, hair love, hate nouns שמות שאנחנו נותנים לאנשים, מקומות, חפצים ורגשות, הם שמות עצם = nouns

4 MJH_teacher adjectives What are adjectives ? I like to eat soup. I like to eat h hh hot soup. Hot soup. Hot is a descriptions of the soup. = an adjective adjectives מילים שמתארות שמות עצם, משנות אותם או מוסיפות פרטים עליהם= adjectives

5 MJH_teacher adjective a noun An adjective describes or modifies a noun (or a pronoun) Thesmalldogabone e.g.The small dog is eating a big bone. veryyoung He is very young. שמות תוארשם העצם. שמות תואר מתארים או מוסיפים פרטים ומשנים את שם העצם.

6 MJH_teacher adjectives What are adjectives ?-2 The adjectives answer the question “Which?” ((איזה Which s ss soup do they like to eat? They like to eat o oo onion soup. They don’t like to eat c cc chicken soup. adjective ניתן להוסיף פרטים על שם עצם על ידי שימוש בשם עצם אחר. למשל, בצל מסביר לנו איזה מרק = משמש כ- adjective

7 MJH_teacher Most English adjectives have the same form for the singular as for the plural. The red bench is under the green tree. ess The red benches are under the green trees. שם התואר שם התואר אינו משתנה ברבים.

8 MJH_teacher Most English adjectives have the same form for I, you, we, they, he, she and it. Tom is a big boy. Tammy is a big girl. Tom and Tammy are big. שם התואר שם התואר אינו משתנה לזכר ונקבה ולקבוצה.

9 MJH_teacher Where do we put the adjective? before The adjective usually comes before the noun it describes. wolf The big, bad wolf the wolf big,bad describe שמות תוארשם העצם. שמות תואר יבואו לפני שם העצם אותו הם מתארים.

10 MJH_teacher Exception: after If the verb in the sentence is “to be”, the adjective comes after the verb. The wolf The wolf is big and bad. Her stories Her stories are boring. Boring - describes her stories שם התואר כאשר הפועל במשפט הוא to be (או פועל מסייע אחר) שם התואר יבוא אחרי הפועל.

11 MJH_teacher What does each adjective describe? The wolf The wolf is big and bad. the wolf. Big – describes the wolf. the wolf. Bad – describes the wolf.

12 MJH_teacher What does each adjective describe? stories The old stories are interesting. the stories. old – describes the stories. the old stories. interesting – describes the old stories.

13 MJH_teacher What does each adjective describe? girl The tall beautiful girl is in the house the girl. beautiful – describes the girl. There are tall girls. One of them is tall the beautiful girl. tall – describes the beautiful girl.

14 MJH_teacher When we have two or more adjectives that describe the same noun, in what order do we put them? - 5 girl The great young dark American girl is in the house. Adjectives follow a certain order: Opinion, Size, Age, Shape, Color, Nationality, Material, Purpose Extra

15 MJH_teacher Adjectives can be two or more words combined by the use of hyphens. e.g. the three-month-old baby a ninety-dollar jacket a two-hour trip שמות תואר. שמות תואר יכולים להיות מורכבים ממספר מילים המחוברות ביניהן במקף (-). Extra

16 MJH_teacher It’s Practice Time: Match opposite1 Match opposite1 Match opposite2 Match opposite2 Match opposite adjectives3 Match opposite adjectives3 Revise more opposites Revise more opposites Write the opposites Write the opposites The order of the adjectives Adjectives and quantifiers

17 MJH_teacher More practice Level 1 d2.swf d2.swf Level 2 d1.swf-Listen and match the opposite. d1.swf Level 3 Synonyms matching Extra

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