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Presentation on theme: "THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTHERN AFRICA. OCTOBER 27, 2015 2."— Presentation transcript:


2 OCTOBER 27, 2015 2

3 DO NOW… After quietly coming into class and taking your seat, take out your World Geography binder and turn to your Go Geography! Take out your maps to be checked 3


5 GO GEOGRAPHY! Topic: Geography of the Middle East Video… (Reflection Questions to follow…) 1)What is your initial overall impression of the southwest Asia region, also known as the Middle East? Does it look like somewhere you might like to visit? Why or why not? 2)After watching the video, what do you believe might set the Middle East apart from the other regions we have studied so far? 5

6 GEOGRAPHICAL LANDFORMS SLIDESHOWS: Each group will receive one of the following geographical landforms or bodies of water: 2) peninsula, 3) gulf, 4) sea, 5) river, 6) mountain range, and 7) desert. Work in your groups to research examples of your landform in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Identify as many examples of your assigned feature in the Middle East and North Africa. You should determine an accurate description of the location of your assigned landform or body of water, including the country or countries where the geographical feature is found. You should also indicate why the feature is significant to the Middle East and North Africa and the impact of that landform or body of water has had historically and currently. You will present your information in the form of a “slide show,” made with supplies from the craft table. At least one slide for each piece of information, and a cover page for your slide show. 6

7 GEOGRAPHICAL LANDFORMS INFORMATION WALK Record the necessary information from each “slide show” in your graphic organizer. 7

8 ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTHERN AFRICA The current day Middle East was once home to some of the greatest civilizations in the entire world. Work with your groups to try and see how many ancient civilizations you can name that originated in the current day Middle East and Northern Africa 8

9 CLOSURE Which type landform do you believe is the most significant to the region of The Middle East and Northern Africa? Explain? 9


11 OCTOBER 28, 2015 11

12 DO NOW… After coming into class and taking your seat quietly, take out your World Geography materials and turn to your landform graphic organizer from yesterday. 12


14 GO GEOGRAPHY! Topic: Ancient Civilizations – Middle East and Northern Africa The current day Middle East was once home to some of the greatest civilizations in the entire world. Work with your groups to try and see how many ancient civilizations you can name that originated in the current day Middle East and Northern Africa 14

15 ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTHERN AFRICA Each group will be assigned one of the following major civilizations from World History: Egypt, Israel, Persia, Phoenicia, Sumer Start working with your group to research information such as: 1) the area(s) settled and conquered by the civilization, 2) ways the civilization adapted to the physical environment, 3) lasting impact or historical significance of the civilization, 4) conflicts, 5) governmental system, and 6) economic activities. 15

16 ANCIENT CIVILIZATION STORY BOARDS Take each category of information, and think of it as part of the story that defines your civilization. Working with your group, you are going to create a storyboard that tells the story of your civilization. Each box needs to have an illustration for the area of information. At the bottom of each box, you must write a statement (2-3 sentences will suffice) explaining your illustration. Every person should be working to illustrate, write statements, fact check, arrange the story board, or anything else that contributes to the productivity of your group. 16

17 COMPARING THE CIVILIZATIONS… Circulate around the room, and create a list of what you believe to be the 3 most interesting facts about each nation! (5 Nations, 3 Facts each = 15 Facts!) 17

18 HOMEWORK Finish Classwork! (15 interesting facts from the storyboards) 18

19 OCTOBER 29, 2015 19

20 DO NOW… After coming into class and taking your seat quietly, take out your World Geography materials and turn to your Go Geography! for today. Turn your homework in to the homework box! 20

21 GO GEOGRAPHY! Topic: Comparing Civilizations 1)What are some similarities and differences between the civilizations and their impact on the Middle East and North Africa throughout time? 2)Was there any information you read that you had not heard about before? If so, what was it? 21

22 MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT THE MIDDLE EAST… What do you believe some of the stereotypes and misconceptions Americans have about people from the Middle East and North Africa might be? On a separate sheet of paper, write a statement describing why each misconception about people from the Middle East is false. 22

23 MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT THE MIDDLE EAST What do you believe some of the most prevalent misperceptions/stereotypes are? How do these misperceptions and stereotypes lead to discrimination and prejudice today? 23

24 ETHNIC GROUPS IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA Each group will get an ethnic group in the regions of the Middle East and North Africa. The groups include: Arab, Israeli, Turk, Iranian, Afghani, Cypriots, and Kurd. Describe the culture of the assigned group including items such as customs, family life, food, religion, clothing. etc. You should also determine historical conflicts involving your assigned ethnic group along with the causes of these conflicts. Each student group should determine the push or pull factors for the settlement or migration of their ethnic group. Students may use smart devices to conduct research.. Your group will create either a brochure or an informational poster to display their information. 24

25 KWL CHART: ISLAM, JUDAISM, AND CHRISTIANITY Today, you will work on the portion of the chart telling me what you know and what you want to know about the three main religions of the Middle East and North Africa. 25

26 CLOSURE… Reflect on and Answer the following questions: How has the Middle East and North Africa changed over the course of history? How has the physical environment impacted human activity? 26

27 HOMEWORK… Finish Classwork… 27

28 OCTOBER 30, 2015 28

29 DO NOW… After coming into class and taking your seat quietly, take out your World Geography materials. 29

30 FINISHING ETHNIC GROUP ACTIVITIES Each group will get an ethnic group in the regions of the Middle East and North Africa. The groups include: Arab, Israeli, Turk, Iranian, Afghani, Cypriots, and Kurd. Describe the culture of the assigned group including items such as customs, family life, food, religion, clothing. etc. You should also determine historical conflicts involving your assigned ethnic group along with the causes of these conflicts. Each student group should determine the push or pull factors for the settlement or migration of their ethnic group. Students may use smart devices to conduct research.. Your group will create either a brochure or an informational poster to display their information. 30

31 GO GEOGRAPHY! Topic: Comparing Civilizations KWL Chart – Islam, Judaism, and Christianity Start on the portion of the chart telling me what you know and what you want to know about the three main religions of the Middle East and North Africa. 31

32 THE STORY OF ADAM You will read each story of Adam, as it is told in the Koran, Torah, and Bible. Quran 2.31-2.40 Torah Genesis 2.7-2.18 Bible Genesis 2.7-2.18 After reading, you will discuss the similarities and differences in the story of Adam from the three different religious sources. You will share your ideas in a think-pair-share format 32

33 RELIGIOUS CONFLICTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST Many religious conflicts have taken place in the Middle East throughout history. Additionally many of the religious conflicts have stemmed from differences between the ethnic groups of the Middle East The article “Three Religions, One God” Explains some of those similarities and differences As a group, you will research the religions and find information to fill in your Venn diagram for the three religions. 33



36 HOMEWORK… Finish Classwork! 36

37 NOVEMBER 2, 2015 37

38 DO NOW… After coming into class and taking your seat quietly, take out your World Geography materials and turn to the tests and quizzes section. Materials in the Pick Up Box 38


40 GO GEOGRAPHY! Topic: Anticipation Statements – Middle East Resources Reflect on each of the following statements: Water has always been an important resource in the Middle East. Historically the British and French controlled oil reserves in the Middle East. The United States is dependent on Middle Eastern oil. Major conflicts in the Middle East are caused by distribution of water. Do you believe these statements to be true or false? Explain each prediction 40

41 CONCEPT REVIEW… What do each of the following terms mean or refer to? exploration, colonization, and imperialism. All resources are scarce and how the scarcity of any product increases its price in the marketplace. In terms of oil, the presence of oil in areas that were desolate became open to exploration by competing companies, thus impacting oil prices. Page 581 and 587 of Textbook What do you notice about the presence of oil? 41

42 “WHAT ROLE HAVE NATURAL RESOURCES PLAYED IN POLITICS AND ECONOMY OF THE MIDDLE EAST?” Read the following article… ource/index.html ource/index.html. Refer back to your anticipation statements… What content from the article has either strengthened your prediction or led you to change your prediction? 42

43 REGIONAL GROUPS WITHIN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA Working in your table groups, identify and describe regions within the Middle East and North Africa defined by cultural characteristics (e.g., religion and language) and by natural resources (oil). Where does each group usually reside, how would you describe the group in terms of the cultural characteristics or resources that define the group. Groups: 1) Sunni Islam, 2) Shi’ite Islam, 3) Jewish, 4) Arabic language, 5) Persian language, 6) Turkish language, 7) Kurdish language Use the Map to determine your groups location and record what you have found below the map. 43

44 REFLECTING ON GROUP DIVISIONS Reflect on and answer the following questions in your shoulder pairs: Explain how cultural forces divide peoples and create conflict. Explain how cultural forces produce cooperation in regional associations. List the most powerful cultural characteristics that divide people. List the most powerful cultural characteristics that unite people. Explain how cultural factors as well as physical factors can create or hinder both cooperation and conflict within and between regions. 44

45 THE REGIONAL ASSOCIATIONS/REGIONAL CONFLICTS Students should use textbooks, encyclopedias, or the Internet to complete the Regional Associations/Regional Conflicts Graphic Organizer. Solicit responses from students and compare their findings with the class. Facilitate a class discussion of the regional associations and conflicts. Some teacher guidance may be needed. Graphic organizers should be used as study guides for quizzes and tests. 45

46 CLOSURE Write a two paragraph letter to the government of any Middle Eastern or North African country. In this letter, students should either condemn or commend the administration on their role in preserving natural resources and creating peace within the region. 46

47 HOMEWORK… Start Studying for Test On Friday Finish Map Regional Conflicts 47

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