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E- crisecommunication in trade unions – case Chemical Workers Union Ari Myllyviita järjestösihteeri Kemianliitto ry. 050.

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Presentation on theme: "E- crisecommunication in trade unions – case Chemical Workers Union Ari Myllyviita järjestösihteeri Kemianliitto ry. 050."— Presentation transcript:

1 E- crisecommunication in trade unions – case Chemical Workers Union Ari Myllyviita järjestösihteeri Kemianliitto ry. 050 3039 282

2 Situation and working environment strike situation, where results migth come very quikly and the data change all the time (it matter of minutes when and how to react) firms, which were in strike or going to be ”next ones”, needed to be informed all the time to get information should not be dependent to where you are you can follow the prosess – all have the same information

3 Technical readiness – strike in ”basic chemistry sector” E-mail – every shop steward has a e-mail address anfd acsess to internet; at work, at home or both –we also used Hotmail-service, because one employer did not allow entering to the shop stewards room good page creation tools – quick updating possibility (FrontPage, Dreamweaver, FTP)

4 Readiness? using internet was a ???? decision – we needed a fast way to inform our members and specially our shop stewards – Lakko-Reaktio (Strike-News) internet-service´s task was also to fullfill media´s intrest– we didn´t use so much fax or telephone to share information or pressreleases we have developed our website for long time as a action tool, not only as a information sharing tool Examples: Frontpage | Strike-News | www-news | PDF-format | Links | In different languages

5 Frontpage of union website during stike

6 Hits on unions website

7 Strike-News – frame of the information

8 Unions www- news - list of e- mailaddresses - direct links - response possibility

9 Important papers (guides) in PDF-format Also in swedish

10 Basics about strike in swedish and english

11 Trade union and internet Trade unions working model Tradional, ”social security model”, you pay you get service Activate, tool for action Building a netcommunity, ”online”, e-zine Principle of interface Static frontpageDynamic frontpage Dynamic and interactive How it look like in the internet Common netserviceIndividual netservice, own e- mail Netcommunity, users are also content creators Final taskSharing information, there is one and only truth Different kind of services, tool for action Tool for community, interactiv

12 Limits negotions situation, something must hide? different kind of browsers – remember click ”Reload” To give response or other opinions (or facts) to negotiators did´t work – no ”connection” from meeting room? Not interactive? everyone has not connection open all the time – are we using SMS-technic in the future? (and WAP/GPRS –technics)!

13 ICEM – Our international union

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