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CLUE Passato e Futuro A. Menzione, Gr 2, 19/11/03.

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Presentation on theme: "CLUE Passato e Futuro A. Menzione, Gr 2, 19/11/03."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLUE Passato e Futuro A. Menzione, Gr 2, 19/11/03

2 1 : Generale A. Menzione, Gr 2, 19/11/03

3 CLUE Cherenkov Light UV Experiment Matrice 9 telescopi 3x3, Passo 45 m, specchi F/1 1.8 m Lece Cerenkov UV (190-240 nm) MWPC con TMAE FOV 4^ Trigger 2 Livelli Soglia 1 TeV


5 The UV Cherenkov light properties Typical CLUE event on one mirror Standard imaging techniques cannot be used Cluster Cluster charge Cluster centroid



8 2 : Sources A. Menzione, Gr 2, 19/11/03

9 CLUE RESULTS : CRAB Obs Hours: Tot Events: Used Events: Excess: Significance level: 89 68000 31000 1000 7 sigma

10 CLUE RESULTS : AGN MRK421 Mrk 421 Active Period Mrk 421 Quiescent Period Obs Hours: Tot Events: Used Events: Excess: Significance level: 36 28000 15000 1500 17 sigma

11 Data Analysis on  -sources Preliminary Crab  feb.-mar 98, feb. 99, and nov.99 - mar. 2000  90 hrs ON-source  68000 evts  31000 reconstructed events ( Ncluster>9 )  27000 OFF-source MrK421  Apr.-May 98 and mar. 2000  86 hrs ON-source  63000 evts  32000 reconstructed events ( Ncluster>9)  18000 OFF-source Data Reduction  Pedestal drift correction  Noisy and hot pad identification and correction  Charged particles / photons selection (on clusters) We used thrust method to reconstruct showers direction Corrections depending on I.P. have been not yet applied in that analysis



14 3 : Moon A. Menzione, Gr 2, 19/11/03


16 Observation of Moon Shadow with old method Same preliminary treatement of source data We rotate the primary directions in such a way to have the proton shadow fixed along the  - axis. The Moon dip lies along this axis (the West of the sky) and then it is evidenced in the difference between Western and Earsten bins Chamber owerview and pad segmentation [degrees]





21 4 : HPD A. Menzione, Gr 2, 19/11/03



24 Rb2Te 5-inch: Q.E.

25 Cover for HPD SYLGARD moulding air evaporationjob done!!! Rb2Te 5-inch: SYLGARD

26 Rb2Te 5-inch: Gain Equalization FFT Ref NIM A 385(1997) 336-370

27 Bialkali 10-inch: Production Assembly Top view Heater

28 Bialkali 10-inch:Sealed and working in May 2003 10-inch saled TOM-HPD compared to 5-inch HPD

29 Bialkali 10-inch: Q.E.


31 First Conclusion Wider in QE Good separation between noise and single phe Good photon counting (small gain fluctuations) Good imaging property (detector segmented) Good time property Project CERN-INFN GOAL : Production of a 10-inch HPD - Quartz window - Rb2Te Photocathode - Integrated electronics

32 TOM development road map * 5-inch Solar blind Rb2Te Photocathode (Q.E. 15 %) (BEAUNE 2002 NIM A 504 (2003) 19 ) DONE * 10-inch tube with Bialkali Photocathode (Q.E. 25%) (ELBA 2003 to be published on NIM A) DONE * 10-inch tube with QUARTZ window and Rb2Te with very special technology sealing quartz window to glass body developed toghether with PHOTEK and SVT 2003 * 10-inch tube with autotriggering electronics (VA-TA). Ready for CLUE 2004


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