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ISO CD 16642 Editorial and technical comments. Contact Mailing list Subject: sub 16642 FirstName LastName.

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Presentation on theme: "ISO CD 16642 Editorial and technical comments. Contact Mailing list Subject: sub 16642 FirstName LastName."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISO CD 16642 Editorial and technical comments

2 Contact Mailing list Subject: sub 16642 FirstName LastName

3 Agenda General mechanisms Terms and definitions Document structure Styles and vocabularies Other editorial comments

4 General mechanisms - 1  Recursive   Bracket defined with a “primary data category”, which contains carries the corresponding vocabulary (element name, e.g. descripGrp)  External modules  Declared in relation a namespace (in the XML sense)  The corresponding markup can be used within any textual content (of a DatCat) of a TML  Target = Xpointer  OK!

5 General mechanisms - 2 “Under the condition that no explicit data category for “object language” has been implemented for a given TML and that this mechanism is uniformly used al through the data collection, xml:lang, when occuring at LS level may be interpreted as representing the object language” Wording to be checked in DIS The current level organization as one parameter of the model? (current meta-model as informative annex) For further thought…

6 General mechanism - 3 Interoperability conditions comprise (Thank you Kara) Levels, Values (DCType’s) Targets, [Ids?] Modules

7 General mechanisms - 4 Adding one’s own data categories may himper interoperability

8 Terms and definitions Acronyms!! (TML, GMT) Transparent terminology E.g. backbone >> XML outline Expansion tree >> XML expansion tree Clarification of language Natural language/ Markup language/Programming language Missing terms: “Vocabulary” « data category » taken from 12620 Bodil/Sue-Ellen/Laurent interact to draft one… [Deadline 15th October !!!!!!]

9 Terms and definitions - cont. Terms from section 5 should be also defined in section 3 (terms and definitions…) Agreement! Make more explicit mentions in the definitions for the levels + explanations and examples in section 5 (cf. UML modeling) “Terminological unit”: replace any reference to this term (use term/term section/terminological entry)

10 Document structure Switch modelling p.8 to UML Kara/Bodil/André/Lee/Laurent… Normative annex making explicit the conditions under which a mark-up language qualifies as a TML Section before 6.2 Exemplifying annex showing how to define 2 TMLS and making explicit the degree of interoperability betweeen them One by Laurent, one by Lee + interoperability Paragraph on ‘brack’ implementation (in 6.2)

11 Styles and vocabularies Vocabulary (massive) defined as a component of a style associated to a data category “The set of element names for expansion trees and should be disjoint from the set of elements defined to implement DatCat”

12 Other editorial comments + acronyms used in Introduction Figure numbering Check for any French wording left in document Term Section (OK) vs. Term Level (bad)

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