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Winter Sports Meet the Coach Night Monday, November 16th.

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1 Winter Sports Meet the Coach Night Monday, November 16th

2 Important Contacts  Director of Student Activities- Greg Miller-  Asst. Director – Tony Garza-  Admin. Asst. – Jen Hill-  Head Athletic Trainer – Dan Reynolds-  Assistant Athletic Trainer – Christa Faiver-  Activities Office: 703-619-3140  Follow us on twitter @MVHSMajors  Website:

3  Boys Basketball Lou Golden  Girls Basketball India Thomas  Gymnastics Linda Fisher  Indoor Track Courtney Jordan/John Uccellini  Swim & Dive Mark Murray  Wrestling Joel Archer

4  President Pete Cutler  Vice PresidentSteve Diminuco  Treasurer Christie Perryman  Gatehouse Committee Chair- Mike Galliot  FundraisingVacant

5  Better GPA  Better test scores  More likely to attend college  More self esteem Eccles JS, Barber BL (1999) “Student Council, Volunteering, Basketball, or Marching Band: What Kind of Extracurricular Involvement Matters?” Journal of Adolescent Research 14(1):10–43.

6 “I played everything. I played lacrosse, baseball, hockey, soccer, track & field. I was a big believer that you played hockey in the winter and when the season was over you hung your skates up and played something else.” -Wayne Gretzky This year Urban Meyer (Head Coach- Ohio St) recruited 47 freshmen…42 of them were multi- sport athletes

7  Eligibility - Must have passed 5 classes previous semester - All 9 th graders are eligible til 2 nd semester, - Physical, ECC, Concussion Ed  Transportation - Expectation is that all Student Athletes will take the bus to and from games - Parents must coordinate with coach if this isn’t the case

8 Mount Vernon Athletic Training Staff Athletic Training Staff Head Athletic Trainer: Dan Reynolds, MEd, VATL, ATC Associate Athletic Trainer: Christa Faiver, Med,MS, VATL, ATC ATC Office Phone: 703-619-3323 ATC Cellular Phone: 703-932-1948 ATR Hours 2:55-7:00pm subject to change per game schedule Team Physician OrthoVirginia Dr. Daniel Weingold 703-810-5209 Military (Tricare) Military (Tricare) – If you are military families, we can often help to expedite needed physician visits. Please contact the athletic trainers for more information.

9 Assumption Of Risk  Not all injuries can be prevented  Catastrophic injuries can occur in any sport  In FCPS, Comprehensive Athletic Training care has proven to influence a reduction in the severity of injury.

10 ATC Responsibilities  Prevention of injuries/ re-injury  Recognition, evaluation & assessment of injuries and conditions resulting  Immediate care of injuries  Rehabilitation & reconditioning of injuries  Organization & administration  Professional development & responsibility

11 ATC Coverage An Athletic Trainer will be available for evaluations, treatments, rehabilitation & questions from student athletes, parents & physicians each school day afternoon. The following events are covered by the home ATC: Basketball, Wrestling, Gymnastics

12 Injuries  All injuries & illnesses must be reported to the ATC  All injuries must be reported prior to return to activity regardless of severity or physician consultation  Our philosophy is to return injured athletes to participation in the quickest and SAFEST manner possible using a progressive return to activity

13 Return To Play  The role of the Athletic Trainer is to make sure your athlete is safe to return to play.  A Parent, Coach, Family Physician, Athlete, Administrator, ATC, or Team Physician can exclude an athlete from participation.  Although one of the above individuals can exclude an athlete from participation the decision to return to play

14 MRSA: What Is It?  MRSA is a “Staph” infection  It does not respond to some antibiotics  It is treatable  Like other infections, this can be deadly if left untreated  Severe infections can be prevented by following proper hygiene and early detection and treatment

15 Concussions  A concussion is an injury to the brain  Concussions can alter a student’s ability to learn  Concussions can be life threatening  Signs & Symptoms include : Headache, confusion, dizziness, change in personality, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, loss of appetite, loss of memory, and others.  Treatment is REST and hydration

16  What Is ImPACT? Web Based Concussion Management Tool  Why Are We Using It? It is a tool that can help us identify if the brain has recovered to a point that the athlete is safe to begin to return to sport. It also helps us with the safe progression for full return to sport.

17 Steroids  Signs and Symptoms: Severe Acne, mood swings, aggression, depression, very fast strength gains, change in physical characteristics, and others.  The consequences for being caught using steroids is 2 years disqualification from sports. (Virginia state law) * This applies to Virginia Universities as well


19  Mount Vernon  Lake Braddock  West Springfield  TC Williams  South County  WT Woodson  Annandale  West Potomac


21 2016 FCPS SAAP Budget 23,070,784 2016 FCPS Budget2,600,000,000 Student Activities and Athletics accounts for.8% of the total FCPS Budget How the Budget May Affect Athletics: -Institution of $200 activity fee -Elimination of9 th Grade Sports -Elimination of 1 Female and 1 Male Sport Contact your Board of Supervisor Representative to voice your concerns!!!


23  Participation in activities is a privilege, not a right.  Athletes must conform to high standards.  Violations of the Pledge Policy include: Drug and/or alcohol use Breaking school rules Other disciplinary issues Sportsmanship

24  Athletes are expected not to put themselves into compromising situations where drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products are being used. If they are at a party where drugs, alcohol or tobacco products are being used, students are expected to leave immediately.

25  Winning on the professional level is required.  Winning on the collegiate level has become expected.  Winning on the high school level should be a pleasant by-product to what you’re really supposed to be doing which is developing young people into good citizens”  Robert Kanaby, Executive Director, NFHS

26  Be part of the solution not the problem  Concerns expressed directly to the coach.  Notification of any schedule conflicts well in advance.  Specific concern in regard to a coach's philosophy and/or expectations.  Medical or physical limitations of your child.

27 APPROPRIATE CONCERNS TO DISCUSS WITH COACHES  The treatment of your child, mentally and physically.  Ways to help your child improve.  Concerns about your child's behavior.

28 ISSUES NOT APPROPRIATE TO DISCUSS WITH COACHES  Playing time  Team strategy  Play-calling  Other student-athletes

29 IF YOU HAVE A CONCERN TO DISCUSS WITH A COACH, THIS IS THE PROCEDURE YOU SHOULD FOLLOW: * Treat our coaches how you would want to be treated at your place of work *Call the coach to discuss or to set up an appointment. *If the coach cannot be reached, call the Director of Student Activities (DSA). He will set up the meeting for you. *Please do not attempt to confront a coach before or after a contest or practice. These can be emotional times for both the parent and the coach. Meetings of this nature do not generally promote resolution.

30  By releasing a child to the game the parent is telling their athlete all the successes are theirs and the failures are theirs.  Many times parents want to be the problem solver because they find it painful to watch their children find their own solutions.

31  Learn to watch, not coach, the sport your child has chosen  Model appropriate behavior  Focus on the team and the team’s goals  One instructional voice

32  Give your child time and space  Let them come to you - be a reflective listener  Keep corrections and criticisms in check  Always address unacceptable behavior

33 One comment from a parent that can always be sincerely said and received by a young athlete.

34  Breakout Rooms:  Cafeteria Side 1 – Girls Basketball  Cafeteria Side 2 – Boys Basketball  G100 – Indoor Track  D111 – Gymnastics  F111 - Swim & Dive  F110– Wrestling

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