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Competitive Universities and Degree Courses Information Evening What are competitive universities and degree courses? What are the institutions looking.

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Presentation on theme: "Competitive Universities and Degree Courses Information Evening What are competitive universities and degree courses? What are the institutions looking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Competitive Universities and Degree Courses Information Evening What are competitive universities and degree courses? What are the institutions looking for? How do they select? The Bullers Wood support programme

2 Bullers Wood Sixth Form ‘More Able’ Programme Philosophy Raise awareness of opportunities for high achievers Challenge misconceptions about Oxford and Cambridge Encourage students to be aspirational and aim high Provide assistance to allow students to maximise their potential in terms of their Higher Education future Ensure there are enrichment opportunities Provide as much individual attention as possible

3 Bullers Wood KS5 ‘More Able’ Philosophy “……I just wanted to say thank you for everything; for your support with Oxbridge - I never thought two years ago this would be my future, I hadn't even considered Oxford when I started Bullers. I'd just like to say, thank you so much for opening doors for me.” (Stephanie Back, Bullers Wood alumnus, read Spanish at St Anne’s College, Oxford)

4 Key School Focal points Mr Weeks Co-ordinator for Academically Competitive University Applications Head of Year 13 Ms Bellis Director 6 th Form Assistant Head Teacher (i/c ‘More Able’)

5 Bullers Wood Oxbridge & Russell / 1994 Group History Oxbridge 2012: 3 offers 2013: 2 offers 2014: 1 offer (but all were interviewed) 2015: 5 offers (4 Oxford, 1 Cambridge) Other Top Institutions 2012: 56 offers for Russell /1994 Group 2013: 60 offers for Russell / 1994 Group 2014: 46 offers for Russell / ex 1994 Group 2015: 55 offers for Russell / ex 1994 Group (and students often attend top institutions after Art Foundation) Medicine Every year, 1 or 2 students gain places on Medicine (and related) degree courses

6 Competitive Universities and Degree Courses Information Evening What are competitive universities and degree courses? What are the institutions looking for? How do they select? The Bullers Wood support programme

7 What are Russell Group universities? “The Russell Group represents 24 leading UK universities which are committed to maintaining the very best research, an outstanding teaching and learning experience and unrivalled links with business and the public sector.”

8 What was the 1994 group? Established in 1994, the Group brings together twelve internationally renowned, research- intensive universities. The Group provides a central vehicle to help members promote their common interests in higher education, respond efficiently to key policy issues, and share best methods and practice. Best in the country for Creative Writing, and more….

9 A Level Advice – make right choice!.

10 Medicine related courses Medicine Veterinary Science Dentistry

11 Competitive Universities and Degree Courses Information Evening What are competitive universities and degree courses? What are the institutions looking for? How do they select? The Bullers Wood support programme

12 What are ‘Top Universities’ seeking? Cambridge (Murray Edwards College) Admissions Tutor: “Students need to be excited by intellectual complexity and uncertainty. This is key and arguably more important than exam results” Advice to students: Academic ability and potential Motivation and independence of mind Enthusiasm and commitment

13 What are ‘Top Universities’ seeking? Oxford Admissions department: “your subject becomes your hobby” Suitability for tutorial system: – Ability in and passion for their subject – Enquiring / questioning mindset – Analytical / logical thinking style – Proven track record at GCSE – Self motivated & reads outside the classroom (Not about personality type / confidence and not looking for ‘all-rounders’)

14 Competitive Universities and Degree Courses Information Evening What are competitive universities and degree courses? What are the institutions looking for? How do they select? The Bullers Wood support programme

15 The New A Levels Oxford University: Recognise the challenge and want to minimise impact on students applying to Oxford Application process does not rely on consideration of AS Level grades: – AS Levels have never been used in a ‘mechanistic way’ – already one third of applicants have not done AS Levels All aspects of application are considered to judge suitability “A fourth subject to AS-level has never been a requirement at Oxford. Our courses require students to have not less than three A-levels ….. some candidates do take additional qualifications, such as the EPQ” “We would advise students and teachers to think carefully about whether additional subjects or additional qualifications might damage the student’s chances of achieving the grades required in any offer.” “Teacher predicted grades are important”

16 The New A Levels Cambridge University: In past, lots of emphasis on AS Level grades and UMS percentages (through a supplementary questionnaire) No public announcement yet (will be made soon!) BUT: “No student will be placed at a disadvantage by their school’s policy” Likely outcome: – more emphasis on teacher prediction backed up by evidence from school mock examinations – more tests at interview or pre-interview – more work submitted at application 4 versus 3 A Levels: – Offer will be based on 3 – Much better to do 3 A Levels well and show extra interest / passion through EPQ

17 Selection process 1.GCSE – Average applicant to Oxford has 6.2 A*s (Classics 7.81 to Computer science 4.43) “if GCSEs poor, but AS results show promise…..”, “continual improvement” 2.Record of Year 12 work outcomes to be confirmed. 3.A2 predicted grades

18 Selection process 4.UCAS Personal statement – Super-curricular activities – (Extra-curricular activities) – Work experience – Associated skills – ENTHUSIASM 5.UCAS reference 6.Aptitude / assessment tests 7.Written work 8.Interviews (minimum 2)

19 Oxbridge Interviews Cambridge and Oxford interviews similar Other Russell Group universities also conduct interviews. Approx 3 candidates per place interviewed at Oxford (more at Cam) Structured but informal based upon tutorial / supervision approach Questions become more challenging (but not ‘trick questions’), often based on resource prompt and involve problem solving In interviews students must demonstrate: enthusiasm, genuine interest, clarity of thought, analytical ability, intellectual flexibility, evidence of wider reading

20 What are the interviews like? Oxford interview video

21 A2 Entrance Requirements for ‘Top Universities’ Oxford – AAA for most Humanities courses – A*AA for most Social Science and Science subjects – A*A*A for most Mathematics courses Cambridge – Standard Offer of A*AA for Arts and A*A*A for Sciences / Maths – “Some flexibility” Russell Group – Depends on institution / course but can be A*A*A Medicine – Minimum AAA (Often A*AA)

22 Competitive Universities and Degree Courses Information Evening What are competitive universities and degree courses? What are the institutions looking for? How do they select? The Bullers Wood support programme

23 Identification of ‘Potential’ Here, students identified and tracked on basis of: – Analysis of GCSE results, Bullers Wood A Level targets – Dialogue with Heads of Department and subject teachers (November of Year 12) – Self selection and subsequent discussion with teachers – Evidence of INDEPENDENT LEARNERS (eg EPQ/MOOC) The group of students is fluid. Students opt out and others opt in (September in Year 13) due to student review of their future or unexpected AS results.

24 Raise Awareness at Bullers Wood Assemblies / presentations / meetings Alumnus talk Higher Education evening at Bullers Wood Regular one to one discussions regarding College and course choice with 6 th form team Participation in events provided by external agencies……

25 Raise Awareness Annual Oxford and Cambridge conference (Epsom) Mansfield College Awareness and Interview workshop Summer Schools (Sutton Trust and UNIQ) London University Taster Days and (very competitive!) University Access schemes (eg K+, IGGY, UCL Unilink, Imperial College summer schools) BME Access event held by the Oxford African and Caribbean Society Academy Conferences – Gifted and Talented Study Day Adhoc events PiXL conferences Subject study days (eg Cambridge Genetics Master Class)

26 Written Application preparation External advice: – Epsom conference – Mansfield College workshop – Summer schools (Sutton Trust, Uniq, Eton College) – Imperial College workshops – Personal statement workshop provided by the “Life Skills Company” Internal UCAS supervision: – Initial draft with Form Tutors – Regular meetings with Mr Weeks to ‘perfect’ the personal statement – Support from SLT (Head and Deputy Head Teachers)

27 Assessment Test Advice Experienced teachers assist Practice Tests provided Specialist BMAT / UKCAT assistance Booked through school (eg LNAT) or taken at time of interview Students given alumnus contact details for LNAT and BMAT / UKCAT help

28 Interview Preparation Discussion workshops – Developing the confidence to impress academically via verbal communication Provide advice – Demonstrate ability to think critically – Demonstrate deep understanding beyond AS level (students should ensure that AS material is revised well) Practice: – Training given by Mansfield College Admissions Co-ordinator – Training / Mock interviews with Admissions Tutor from Imperial College – ‘Swaps’ with Townley Grammar (inc a conference at Townley) – Senior Leadership interviews at Bullers Wood – Subject specific interviews at Bullers Wood – Pay for extra language tuition – Parental assistance…..

29 Medicine preparation Specialist subject teacher assistance – Application advice – Statement advice – Interview advice – BMAT and UKCAT advice External speakers arranged by Science and 6 th Form – Visit to St Thomas’ Hospital Women’s Health Unit, hosted by Professor Poston (Head of Women’s Health at King’s College) – UCL Head of Neurology – Work experience guidance – BMAT and UKCAT advice – Talks from current Medicine students – Medicine Discussion Groups (fortnightly) Bullers Wood ‘Medsoc’

30 Academic Enrichment at Bullers Wood EPQ MOOCs (online courses) – (Bullers Wood is the only state school to be a Beacon school for MOOC) Critical Reflection classes Debating Society Dissection Activity tbc Medicine discussion workshops Book club and literature talks (eg Homer) External speakers, for example: – Sir Stephen Laws (most senior civil service lawyer in UK) – Professor of Neurology (UCL) – Professor of Chemical Engineering (UCL) Academic Journals in SA1 Others suggested by students….

31 Bullers Wood Sixth Form competitive university support programme 2015-17 (Approximate timeline for the programme for the current Year 12, as illustration) Year 12 Nov: - Identification of potential, ongoing critical reflection course Feb: - Increase awareness (Alumnus talk, Oxbridge conference) - Summer school applications March: - Higher Education and Careers evening at Bullers Wood July:- External conferences (eg Oxford BME Access Conference 2015, Pathways to Success Conference at Murray Edwards, Cambridge, in 2011,2012) - “Discussion workshops” - Departments and college open days - UCAS personal statement workshop, Discussion about summer preparation Year 13 Sep: - Interview assistance from Imperial College Admissions Manager - UCAS personal statement assistance - Subject specific preparation led by subject teachers Oct:- General interview preparation given by Bullers Wood - Mock interviews (SLT, Imperial College Tutor, subject specialists) Nov:- Assessments, Submission of written work for Oxbridge, Mock interviews Dec: - Oxbridge interviews, Collation of feedback about the interview and student preparation

32 Student opinion about the programme “During my time at Bullers Wood I was provided with masses of support. This ranged from encouragement to go to open days and Oxbridge conferences, as well as a positive attitude towards my application. Mock interviews were set up for me which were invaluable as they enhanced my confidence and skill set which allowed me to succeed. In addition, my classes were constantly filled with topical current affairs which gave me a greater scope on real world issues, which in turn shaped my mind into the analytical thinking which is needed at university level. Each aspect built my character which I believe allowed me to get to where I am.” (Leila Cazaly, 2015 Alumnus, reading Law at Cambridge)

33 How can parents help? Encourage completion of “super-curricular” activities Listen to talks about academic issues Conduct practice interviews Offer mock interviews for other students (Act as chauffeur for open days etc)

34 Preparation for my Geography Application Subscription to Journal of Meteorology, Journal of Climatology, National Geographic Independent visits to Oxford University Membership of Royal Geographical Society Extra reading and essays on meteorology Arranged mock interviews with family friends WORKED HARD (No Assessment prior to interview or at interview, in my day….)

35 Students’ Advice to Students Caroline Ekagha – hoping to read Law at Oxford Sophie Tuckwood – hoping to read English and German at Oxford

36 What should students be doing NOW!! Year 10: Participate in any additional school activities. Arrange trips to university cities. Is it for you? Work hard for your linear GCSEs and participate in MOOCs Year 11: Maximise your GCSE results in core subjects (EBACC) through hard work Choose the appropriate A Level choices Seriously consider your degree / institution choice (but not fixed!!) Participate in MOOCs Year 12: Do the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) – February Investigate some MOOCs (online courses) – after AS exams Decide on your degree / institution choice(s) Do the extra reading, join societies, complete extra work Attend various Access schemes, Taster Courses, Summer schools, conferences etc SHOW PASSION FOR YOUR SUBJECT

37 What should students be doing NOW!! GET THE BEST GRADES POSSIBLE!


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