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Support the spread of “good practice” in generating, managing, analysing and communicating spatial information Exercise No.1: Land-cover Mapping with Aerial.

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Presentation on theme: "Support the spread of “good practice” in generating, managing, analysing and communicating spatial information Exercise No.1: Land-cover Mapping with Aerial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support the spread of “good practice” in generating, managing, analysing and communicating spatial information Exercise No.1: Land-cover Mapping with Aerial Photographs By: Jeroen Verplanke Unit: M11U03

2 Objective To practise the basic concepts of land- cover and land-use mapping based on aerial photo interpretation, and make a preliminary interpretation legend based on photo characteristics

3 Procedure Four assignments and an optional field survey: –Assignment 1: Investigating an aerial photograph –Assignment 2: Preliminary legend –Assignment 3: Interpretation –Optional assignment: Field survey –Assignment 4: Interpreting multi-temporal images for land-use change

4 Assignment 1: Investigating an aerial photograph A B C Figure 1: Detail of photo Horst1989.jpg

5 Assignment 2: Preliminary legend Figure 2: Fixing photo and transparency to a table

6 Assignment 2: Preliminary legend Figure 3: Example of an interpretation legend

7 Table 1. Interpretation legend UnitTone/huePatternTextureShapeSizeHeight Situation / association 12AB◎12AB◎

8 Assignment 3: Interpretation A B C Figure 4: Example of land-unit mapping, mixing image characteristics and land-use characteristics

9 Assignment 3: Interpretation Basic cartographic rules on polygon maps: –All polygons should be closed. –Each polygon with the same characteristics should have the same symbol (label). –The smallest polygon is generally 5 x 5 mm, or 2 x 10 mm for elongated units.

10 Assignment 3: Interpretation Practical hint: Start with the clearest (easiest) units first.

11 Optional assignment: Field survey The purpose of the field survey is to observe the different interpretation units on the aerial photographs in reality. Assess whether the land cover and land use are consistently the same within one interpretation unit.

12 Optional assignment: Field survey Assess the land cover and land use at several places in each unit. Always ensure the participation of local residents to assist you in finding your way around the area.

13 Optional assignment: Field survey Table 2. Field data observation sheet for land cover and land use

14 Assignment 4: Interpreting multi-temporal images 1969 2009 Figure 5: Abundance of land-cover change over 40 years; a new urban area in the Netherlands

15 Assignment 4: Interpreting multi-temporal images 1989 1998 Figure 6: Land-cover change over 10 years in an urban area in the Netherlands; hard to see differences

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