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Accelerated World History October 26, 2015. Warm Up – October 26, 2015 The 5 Pillars of Islam contain all of the following EXCEPT: A. Faith B. Prayer.

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Presentation on theme: "Accelerated World History October 26, 2015. Warm Up – October 26, 2015 The 5 Pillars of Islam contain all of the following EXCEPT: A. Faith B. Prayer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accelerated World History October 26, 2015

2 Warm Up – October 26, 2015 The 5 Pillars of Islam contain all of the following EXCEPT: A. Faith B. Prayer C. Alms D. Feasting

3 Agenda Islam Ch. 10 Outline Reminders: Chapter 8 due Today Chapter 10 Outline due Friday

4 Essential Question What makes someone popular?

5 The Muslim World

6 Geography of the Muslim World Crossroads of Three Continents Desert Land with little fertile soil Bedouins or Nomads live in Clans

7 Arabia before the Rise of Islam Regionalized System of Clans and Bedouins Blood Feuds or “Vendettas over Honor” were rampant Umayyad Clan controls the politics and economy Women were allowed to be unveiled and enjoyed some economic freedoms, but were limited socially Polytheistic blend of animistic religion (lukewarm)

8 The Prophet Muhammad 570 AD Muhammad born into Meccan Clan Becomes a trader marries a wealthy woman Khadijah Gabriel appears before him and is a messenger of Allah. Founds Islam “Submission to the will of Allah” Becomes a Muslim “One who Submits”

9 Rise and Persecution Muhammad makes substantial gains in establishing a following. Umayyad Clan see Muhammad as an rebel. Muhammad flees to Medina during what is called the “Hijra”

10 Beliefs and Practices of Islam One God- Allah Good and Evil Exists Blend of Christian and Judaism Structures Muhammad rose to heaven to learn Allah’s will Five Pillars of Islam: 1. Faith 2. Prayer 3. Charity 4. Fasting 5. Pilgrimage


12 Customs of Islam Source of Authority- Allah Qur’an-Holy Book (Allah’s revelations to Muhammad) Follow the Sunna (Example for Proper Living) Shari’a (Body of Laws)

13 Links to Judaism and Christianity To Muslims- Allah is the same God worshipped by Jews and Christians Qur’an-Torah-Gospels Contain God’s Will All three believe in Eternal Life and Day of Judgement Muslims practice religious tolerance and call Christians and Jews “People of the Book”

14 Converts and “People of the Book” “People of the Book or dhimmi”- Jews and Christians Converts- “Mawali” Payed a “Jizya” or head tax for being a non-believer Enjoyed Religious freedom Not Part of the “Umma” or Community of the Faithful

15 Succession Crisis Muhammad’s death spawns crisis Who becomes the Caliph (leader)? Sunnis- Believe the Caliph should be rightly guided Shi’a- Believe that the Caliph should be a descendant from Muhammad

16 Muhammad’s Successor Spreads Islam Muhammad dies in 632 AD Abu-Bakr becomes first Caliph-”Successor” Jihad –Armed struggle with unbelievers By 750 AD, Muslim Empire stretches from Atlantic Ocean to Indus River

17 Shi’a and Sunni Split Shi’a Muslims believe Caliph should be descendant of Muhammad Sunni- Followers of Muhammad (Support Umayyads) Sufi- Pursue life of Poverty reject Umayyads 750 AD the Abbasids overthrow Umayyads

18 Trade Networks Trade by land and sea with Asia and Europe Speak Arabic, Single Currency, and Checks Use of Caravan System to Spread goods between Asia and Europe

19 The Umayyad Empire

20 Rise of the Umayyads Caliph election system fails Decadent Society Abandoned the core principles of Islam Umayyads move the Muslim capital to Damascus (Syria)

21 Down fall of the Umayyads Decadence Rise of the Abbasids (Shi’a) Destroyed the Umayyads at the Battle of the River Zab Last remaining part of Umayyads located in Spain Caliphate of Cordoba

22 The Abbasid Empire

23 An Empire of Three Continents Abbasids destroy Umayyad family One survivor of Umayyad family: al-Rahman flees to Spain and establishes Caliphate in al- Andalus 762 AD Abbasids move Muslim capital to Baghdad Access to Trade and provides strong bureaucracy.

24 Abbasid Empire Relocate Capital to Baghdad Persian Customs and Traditions Less Tolerant than Umayyads regarding non-believers Non-Believers heavily Taxed

25 Succession Disputes in the Abbasid Empire Imperial Extravagance and Succession Disputes Extravagance amazed visitors Luxury and palace intrigue/manipulations Harun al-Rashid gains Throne at 23 – growing power of royal advisors signaled shift in power – court advisors now more important Now also power struggles between court factions Death of Harun al-Rashid led to civil war Power shift now to military Between military and court, assassinations quite common

26 Decline of the Abbasids New Waves of Nomadic Invasions and the End of the Caliphate Abbasid domains divided as rival states grew Mongols under Chinggis Khan – 1220s Grandson – Hulegu continued Baghdad overthrown in 1258 Cairo and Istanbul would become dominant city Defeated by Mamluks – Turkish slaves

27 Muslim Culture Four Social Classes Muslims from Birth (Arabs) Converts- Mawali “Protected People” (Jews/Christians) “Dhimmi” (Where majority of taxes came from) Slaves

28 Role of Women Women have some rights, but must submit to men Women’s responsibilities vary with income

29 Muslim Contributions Calligraphy- Beautiful Handwritings Medical Knowledge- Al-Razi advances Advance Algebra Perform Scientific Experiments Alchemy- Chemical Sciences “Dhows”-Ships used for Trading along the Indian Oceans


31 Ch. 10 Outline Due Friday Must include key terms, time periods, events, and people. Minimum of 3 pages per section Must be written in Cornell Notes

32 Islam Reading & Worksheet Due at the end of class

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