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National Laboratory Libraries Coalition Meeting 13-15 October 2010 – National Renewable Energy Laboratory Erin C. Anderson Office of Scientific and Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "National Laboratory Libraries Coalition Meeting 13-15 October 2010 – National Renewable Energy Laboratory Erin C. Anderson Office of Scientific and Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Laboratory Libraries Coalition Meeting 13-15 October 2010 – National Renewable Energy Laboratory Erin C. Anderson Office of Scientific and Technical Information U.S. Department of Energy * Support * Assist * Partner * OSTI and National Laboratory Libraries One Community

2 * Support * Assist * Partner * OSTI Works In Partnership with DOE Laboratories to Fulfill STI-related Contractor Requirements. DOE’s STI Program is Managed by OSTI –Provides accountability and historical record by creating a central, authoritative collection of DOE STI for long- term use and access –Fulfills statutory mandates –Enhances transparency of DOE research –Saves research dollars by reducing duplication and enabling reuse of previous research OSTI does this while also providing a host of products to assist librarians and researchers

3 * Support * Assist * Partner * OSTI Responsibility Has Been Established In: –Atomic Energy Acts of 1946 and 1954 –Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 –Department of Energy Act of 1977 –Energy Policy Act of 2005 –America COMPETES Act of 2007

4 * Support * Assist * Partner * Equals Success OSTI and the Labs are partners in making scientific and technical information available. 30.7 million Full-Text Downloads in FY0930.7 million Full-Text Downloads in FY09 More than double the Full-Text Downloads in FY08

5 Homepage

6 Widgets OSTI currently offers nine widgets Six additional widgets will be added by the end of the calendar year OSTI can create a widget specifically for National Laboratory Librarians So when you get back to your office try out an OSTI Widget and tell us what you think! Enhancements & Updates

7 Access OSTI’s Digital Library From Your Mobile Phone In cooperation with Information International Associates (IIa), OSTI is pleased to announce the planned release of Energy Mobile for early 2011! Energy Mobile is a mobile search application compatible with the Blackberry, Droid, and iPhone/iPad platforms. Features Include: Search OSTI’s digital library by Product or Document Type. View and/or download full-text documents. Bookmarking Send URL to yourself or others via Email or SMS (free of charge).

8 Figure 1. Main MenuFigure 2. Search Results Application Main Menu & Search Results

9 Figure 3. Result Details Functionality Includes: Clicking on hyperlinked DOI Downloading full-text PDF to device Reading full-text within application Sending URL of result via Email or SMS Bookmarking record for viewing at a later time. We are currently seeking beta testers, please contact Erin Anderson today if you would like to participate or request additional information Result Details

10 FY 10 Updates/Enhancements: Provides Free public access to more than 259,000 full-text DOE documents Search Results –Word Clouds –More Like This feature –NTIS hot link Mobile Application Enhanced Widget Efforts to migrate the rest of the HEDB records that were not migrated in 2001 or 2005 Embedded metadata to increase visibility of OSTI articles in Google Scholar/Google Additional records have been added to the database via DOePatents if there is full text or a link to full text Enhancements & Updates

11 FY 10 Updates/Enhancements: Provides free public access to more than 2,387,659 citations with over 259,000 full-text DOE documents and over 408,101 DOI’s Worldcat links for journal articles Search Results –NTIS hot link –Hover over title for OSTI ID and document description/abstract –DOI display Open URL functionality Enhanced Widget Efforts to migrate the rest of the HEDB records that were not migrated in 2001 or 2005 Embedded metadata to increase visibility of OSTI articles in Google Scholar/Google Additional records have been added to the database via DOePatents if there is full text or a link to full text Enhancements & Updates

12 FY 10 Updates/Enhancements: 2,211 requests fulfilled for digitized full-text 878 registered users Faster search and retrieval via use of a new indexing system Addition of approximately 14,000 more electronic documents Future Enhancements: New reference management software tool Incorporation of some Web 2.0 capabilities Enhancements & Updates

13 FY10 Enhancements: Science Accelerator brings you more access and more to access. An upgraded widget provides the capabilities to search the database from the widget itself, to access the RSS feed, and to register for and/or login to Alerts. Search results pages are now printer friendly. DOE Data Explorer and DOE Green Energy have been added to the federated search. A greater emphasis has been placed on DOE research results. Enhancements & Updates

14 FY10 Enhancements: An aggregated RSS news feed, populated by 11 participating agencies, now appears on the main page of –Provides one stop for major science agency news feeds. –A rolling window of the most current news from each of the participating agencies, with a MORE link offering news from the past 24 hours. The Internships and Fellowships section is very popular. Internships and Fellowships –A new search capability on this section was applied in September to provide the opportunity to both browse and search for science internships and fellowships. Federal science sites available via are now at about 2100 contributed by 18 organizations within 14 agencies. New deep web databases added are DOE Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center, International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS), and the NREL Website DOE Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center NREL Website Upcoming FY 11 Enhancements: An Image Library will be added to, with photos from various participating agencies. Major software upgrades will be made to to enhance the user experience. New Widget is in development. Enhancements & Updates

15 FY10 Enhancements: Multilingual BETA was launched in June 2010. Searching and translation of scientific and technical information in nine languages (Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian) is currently available. Upcoming Enhancements: The ability to search multimedia (video, audio, etc.) will be integrated into by June 2011. Expansion of the multilingual capabilities, via additional languages and more non-English databases, is also planned for FY11. Enhancements & Updates

16 Unification of five federal science agencies’ science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) Over 35,000 web pages of STEM content can be accessed. The website employs social networking software specifically designed to encourage participation by the education community. is intended to be an interactive forum that will benefit from the participation of its members (registered users). New BETA

17 Launched in coordination with the celebration of the 60 th Anniversary of Earth Day in April 2010. Provides technical reports and patent information on different types of renewable energy resources and energy conservation. Pulled from Information Bridge and DOePatents databases. Over 34,000 technical reports and 2,200 patents. Some subject area examples: hydrogen, solar energy, tidal and wave power, energy storage and direct energy conversion. New

18 FY10 Enhancements: ETDEWEB new features include: OpenURL capability (any libraries interested can contact us); subject clustering as a way to narrow searches; updated Federated Search with a few new sources and new features; and, the capability to suggest additions to the database Developing country access to ETDEWEB has increased again; the count is now around 100 countries, and member country territories are now also permitted access As of 1 Sep 2010: Total Bibliographic records available: 4,367,000 Total records with full text available onsite: 356,000 (significant increase) Total records with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) links: 1,034,000 Many thousands more have URLs linking to sites worldwide that make the full text available Enhancements & Updates

19 Open URL Soft Launch of Open URL services with ORNL through Energy Citations Database. Please contact OSTI if you are interested –You can send your Base URLs and we can get you registered

20 Digitization of DOE Report Collections With the current NE cost recovery efforts going on, OSTI will digitize in the neighborhood of 7,500-10,000 documents annually. Strategic Repository Management –Unclassified Vault: 900,000 hardcopy documents and 400,000 microfiche –Document Digitization: Mix of in-house efforts and partnerships (DOE sites, INIS, private sector). Advanced scanning technology implementation. Documents are reviewed for sensitivity. –Seeking funds to digitize the complete legacy collection.

21 Adopt-A-Doc? more than 200,000There are more than 200,000 DOE technical reports in need of digitization. To find technical reports in need of digitization go to: The cost is $85 (approximately the same cost as ordering a hard copy). Discounts for larger scale projects may be available. For additional information contact Susan Tackett at 865-576-5699 or

22 Spotlighting: OSTI “spotlights” individual universities and community colleges committed to supporting and advancing the U.S. Department of Energy’s scientific research programs at DOE Laboratories and Scientific User Facilities. Some Spotlights from the past year: –University of Illinois (Exceptional Students) Fermi Lab Connection. –Jackson State University (Science and Educational Initiatives) ORNL Connection. –Princeton University PPPL Connection. –Des Moines Area Community College (Research Feature) Ames Laboratory Connection.

23 Spotlighting: University of Illinois

24 OSTI & Staff Outreach Exhibited at the ALA Annual Conference-June 2010. Support of the Office of Science Exhibit at AAAS 2010 and at the upcoming meeting in 2011. Presentation at the Federal Depository Library Program Conference-October 2010. Presentation at the Tennessee Library Association’s Government Documents Roundtable-October 2010. CENDI (longtime interagency collaboration). Exhibit at the SLA Annual Conference-June 2011. Tim Byrne—Co-Chair of the ACRL Science and Technology Section Government Information Committee. Erin Anderson—2011 President of the Tennessee Valley Chapter of the Special Libraries Association.

25 Please Stay In Touch and Let Us Hear Your Comments… Karen J. Spence Karen J. Spence (Assistant Director for Information Systems) Erin Anderson Erin Anderson (Library & University Outreach, DOE Green Energy, Widgets) Webmaster Webmaster (OSTI Homepage Comments & Feedback)

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