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Presentation on theme: "NAVIGATING DECISION LENS 2015 v1.7. 2 1. AFTER LOGGING IN."— Presentation transcript:



3 Decision Lens Homepage Task based actions List of available Portfolios DLU educational content User submissions for potential Alternatives Decision Lens news feed Quick links for specific sections

4 Entering a Portfolio Click Open next to the Portfolio name that you wish to enter 11

5 Portfolio Overview Page After opening a portfolio, you land on the Portfolio Overview Page, from here click on the page within the section of Decision Lens you wish to enter. Here we Selected “Define: Criteria” 11

6 Define: Criteria- Brainstorm 6 Type Brainstormed ideas into the space provided and click This feature may be used as a whiteboard for the facilitator while also allowing for remote collaboration by participants 11 11

7 Define: Criteria - Cluster 7 Note: You can move criteria around different levels by dragging and dropping into the Decision Goal for a higher level criteria or dropping into the highest level to create sub factors. Cluster like concepts into broader categories. Drag and drop from the Brainstorm Criteria pane to the main screen In this example, Traffic volume, Truck volume, Insufficient Capacity, and Construction Material are clustered under the parent Site Characteristics To Add Peer or Add Child to a Criterion, click 11 22

8 Define: Criteria – Adding Definitions 8 Select the criterion you want to define, click on the to enter the definition Define the criterion in the box using specific terminology and explanatory adjectives. Click SAVE 22 11

9 Define Decision: Build Rating Scales 9 Identify Alternatives Identify Criteria Identify Participants Build Ratings Scales Define

10 Option 1: Enter an absolute number Developing a numeric rating scale  Numeric rating scales capture numbers  Only 2 values are required on your scale, but additional points may be entered  Points in between defined values are calculated on a straight line – a value of $100 gets a rating of 0.7 in this example 10

11 Option 1: Enter an absolute number (cont.) Entering ratings using a numeric rating scale  Data can be imported or directly entered by participants  Values outside the listed range are allowed. 11

12 Option 2: Select from a range of numbers Developing a verbal scale for a range of numbers  Useful if a specific number value isn’t available or when there is some uncertainty around the actual value 12

13 Option 3: Select from multiple descriptive titles Developing a verbal scale using descriptive titles 13

14 Build Rating Scales 14 There are options available for building Rating Scales Option 1: Select from the Blueprints Pane  Modify the scale(s) to better fit the criterion Option 2: Copy from existing scales  Edit the scales(s) to better fit the criterion

15 Option 1: Select from Blueprints Pane 15 The Decision Blueprints pane provides Sample Scales that may be used. Mouse over the Sample Scales while holding down the Ctrl key to see a quick view and see if they can be applied to rate the criterion Click and drag the chosen scale to the main workspace or click APPLY. After the sample scale is applied to the Decision, it can be modified to better match the criterion 2211

16 Option 2: Copy from previously built scales 16 Select a scale from the drop-down list to copy a previously built scale, click APPLY, then edit accordingly 11

17 Define Ratings 17 Click Show Rating Definitions to generate a pop-up window in which to define the scale Highlight the criterion for which you want to define a scale 11 22 Define the chosen criteria in the scale and click Hide Rating Definitions to close the windows 33

18 Define Decision: Identify Alternatives 18 Identify Alternatives Identify Criteria Identify Participants Build Ratings Scales Projects Candidates Vendors Projects Candidates Vendors Define

19 Alternatives: Adding Alternatives 19 To create or add alternatives, click Define and Alternatives 11 Type in the Alternative Name, press Enter or ESC to cancel 33 To Add Alternatives, click 22

20 Alternatives: Deleting and Re-ordering 20 To re-order alternatives, re-type the new number of the alternative in the space provided next to the alternative and press ENTER 22 To delete an alternative, click the next to the right of the alternative name 11 11

21 Alternative Categories Users can create Alternatives groups and categories that can be then be assigned to each of the alternatives within the decision Add meta data to classify and organize the alternative list Alternative Categories can be filtered for display and analysis. Each Alternative “Group” will have multiple “Categories” which are used to further assign specific attributes to the alternatives Alternative Groups (Sample) Alternative Categories (Sample) Project Lifecycle Planning, Design, Development, Implementation, Operational Geography North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa Business Function Procurement, Operations, Product, Marketing, Sales, Client Services Market Sector Consumer Goods, Financial, Healthcare, Industrial Goods, Services, Technology Product Lifecycle Introduction, Early Growth, Late Growth, Maturity, Decline

22 Creating Alternative Groups 22 In the Define tab under Alternatives, click on the Add Group button. This will insert a new column in the sheet, and you can name the group 11 Note: Once the group is created you can double click the name to edit the name or click on the X to delete the group. To add another group, repeat the same steps columns

23 Entering Alternative Categories within a Group 23 Mouse over the Alternative Group that you want to manage categories under and click the pencil icon. This will open the Manage Categories dialog box Mouse over the Alternative Group that you want to manage categories under and click the pencil icon. This will open the Manage Categories dialog box 11 Type the Category Name into the dialog box and press enter or click the ADD button to append to the list. When finished adding categories, click the X to close the window 22 Note: To modify existing categories within a group, click on the pencil icon in the header to reopen the Manage Categories dialog. Clicking on the document icon allows edit of the Category Name.

24 Assigning Alternative Categories 24 Click in a column that has a Category & Alternative Group defined. Use the drop down box to select the appropriate category. When a category is selected it will change from Categorized to the selected display name, e.g. Recondition, Repair, Replacement 11

25 Assigning Alternative Categories cont. 25 To assign multiple alternatives to the same category, hold down the SHIFT or CTRL buttons and click on the alternatives you want to select 11 When multiple rows are selected a banner at the top of the screen will appear and you can use the drop down to select the appropriate category assignment 22 22

26 Define Decision: Identify Participants 26 Identify Alternatives Identify Criteria Identify Participants Build Ratings Scales Define

27 Adding Participants 27 Click on the Add Participant button to manage decision participants. This will open the Add User to Decision box 11 11 22 Select the new participants, click on either ADD to quickly add or click on ADD & CLOSE to add and close the dialog 22 2

28 Adding Participants, cont. 28 Once participants have been added, their roles can be changed from the drop-down menu 11 11 To Remove a participant, click the X to the left of the user name 22 11 22

29 Participant Groups Participant Groups can be used to organize the individuals that are participating in the decision process for a given model. Participant Groups can be created like “tags” to be able assign an attribute for a given model participant. 29

30 Creating Participant Groups 30 In the Define tab, under Participants, click on the Manage Groups button in the right More dropdown to manage the overall list of groups 11 Clicking on Manage Groups will bring up the Manage Groups Dialog. To add a new group to the Participant Group list, click the Add Group button 22 22

31 Creating Participant Groups cont. 31 Enter the desired name of the Participant Group you would like to create 11 Once a group is created you can double click the name to edit the name or click on the X to delete a group 22 Note: To add another group, repeat the same steps Current count of members in specific group

32 Editing Participant Groups 32 Click on the X on any of the specific assigned Participant Groups to delete the Group assignment 11 Hover next to the group name and pencil icon will appear to Edit the Manage Groups dialog to assign, delete, and create new Groups 22 Note: For decision participants who have not been assigned to groups, the Add Group button will display to be able to assign participants to groups.

33 Assigning Individuals to Participant Groups 33 Click the blue Add Group button next to the Participant you want to assign. The Manage Groups window will display all of the existing Participant Groups previously created 11 To assign the Participant to one or more of the existing Groups, check the checkbox next to each respective Group Name and click SAVE 22 Note: You are also able to create new Groups when assigning an individual Participant by clicking the Add Group button

34 Multi-Select Assigning Individuals to Participant Groups 34 To Assign multiple participants Groups, highlight the appropriate participant names and the Participant Edit Panel will appear on the Right. 11 With the Participant Edit Panel open can easily check the box(es) you want the list of participants to be assigned. Then click Apply to Save any changes. 22 11 22

35 Prioritizing Participants 35 In the Define tab, under Participants, click on the More dropdown and select Manage Priorities to manage each participant’s weightings 11 For each participant, drag out their bars and lock or enter in their voting weight. Rest Priorities by clicking Reset Priorities. Lastly, press Save to save any changes made. 22 22

36 36 2. COLLECT

37 Collect Insights, Perspectives and Data: Priorities 37 Resources Priorities Costs & Constraints Ratings Collect

38 Establish Priorities Process 38 Access the pairwise comparison by clicking Tab 2 Collect then Priorities 11 Participants in the Meeting will be listed in bold on the left pane 22 2 2

39 Establish Priorities - Entering Judgments 39 Each participant makes judgments by clicking the cell they choose, or voting using their assigned keypad 22 Participants will make judgments on pairs of criteria by answering two questions: As it relates to this Decision Goal, 1. Which criterion is more important. 2. Evaluate how much more important 11 2 2

40 Establish Priorities - Entering Judgments cont. Explain voting scale on the first vote; ask voters to:  Click a 1: the criteria are equally important  Click a 5: Criteria A is strongly (5x) more important than B  Click Switch: Criteria B is strongly (5x) more important than A 40

41 To show remaining pairwise comparisons click Establish Priorities – Views and Navigation 41 22 To view the Criteria Definitions click 11

42 Establish Priorities – Views and Navigation cont. 42 The Navigation will now show all the comparisons at the bottom of the screen and you have the option to select the comparison you wish to vote on 11

43 Establish Priorities – Views and Navigation cont. 43 Click to show the Tree View icon, which displays the criteria framework. Paired comparisons are done at each level in the tree 11

44 Establish Priorities – Views and Navigation cont. 44 The Fullscreen feature expands the screen. Click to activate and deactivate the feature 11

45 Show/Hide Judgments (Votes) 45 The facilitator has the option to Show or Hide votes and lock this view 11

46 Select the option to Show vote direction which indicates the direction voters placed their judgments Show Judgments (Votes) 46 Show judgments to presenter allows the presenter to view votes as they are entered. Show judgments to participants allows for the presenter and all model participants to view votes 2211 Note: The screen displays which participants have voted 2 2

47 Another way to change a vote is to simply click on a new cell. This will change the vote to the new number Delete Judgments (Votes) 47 If a wrong vote was entered, the vote can be deleted by right clicking on the mouse and selecting Delete Vote 22 11

48 The solution will take you to the comparison. Clear out the text box by pressing when finished with the search Quick Search Feature 48 Use the Quick Search feature to search for a particular comparison by typing the name in the box and pressing ENTER 2211

49 Establish Priorities – Enhanced Filtering Within the Control Panel, there are capabilities to filter by participants or by Participant Groups.  Filter settings persist across screens for consistency  Filter Control Panel can be closed to maximize viewable work area  Filter ribbons show on screen what filters are in place and allow for one click reset (Priority Screen) 49

50 Establish Priorities – Control Panel 50 Note: Criteria Participant settings impact overall calculations To add filters open the Control Panel You can select all participants by clicking in the dial next to ALL or you can select individual participants by clicking in the dial next to their name. The selected participants will appear on the voting screen 11 22

51 Establish Priorities – Filter Ribbon 51 The Filter Ribbon in the Priority Graph shows what filter has been applied 11 Closing the filter with the X, will remove all filters 22

52 Pairwise Priority Graph The priority or weight of a parent criterion is determined by its relationship to the other parent criteria If a criterion has children, the weight of the parent does not change when we complete Pairwise at the child level 52 Priority Graph INCONSISTENCYALIGNMENT

53 Understanding the Priority Graph 53 Click Sort Ascending or Descending to change the order of the graph. Note that you will see the weights for the comparison set that you have just completed Click either the Global or Local Priorities radio button to change how the weights are shown in the tree view. Global shows overall weights of sub factors. Local shows how sub factors are distributed within that node only Click either the Global or Local Priorities radio button to change how the weights are shown in the tree view. Global shows overall weights of sub factors. Local shows how sub factors are distributed within that node only 11 22 2 2

54 Inconsistency and Alignment 54 Total Inconsistency measures the logical coherence of the group’s set of judgments. Click to View will open the Inconsistency View Alignment is an index shown as a percentage to indicate how much consensus there were around judgments 1122 2 2 1 1

55 Inconsistency and Alignment Alignment measures the relative difference between group votes and individual votes on pairwise comparisons Maximum alignment is 100%. Is this desirable? Minimum alignment is 0%. What might this suggest? Ideally, alignment ranges from 40% to 80% Inconsistent comparisons are presented and the top 3 are the ones with the most inconsistency. The acceptable threshold of inconsistency is.10. This may require changing one or more judgments. If the Inconsistency is fairly close to zero, no action is necessary. 55

56 Inconsistency Analysis Window 56 Decision Lens will display the top three Pairwise comparisons that are contributing the most to the inconsistency ratings resulting from the most recent voting. For these comparisons, the system will show the effect on inconsistency if it is resolved through re-voting on that specific comparison 11 2 2 1 1

57 Inconsistency and Alignment 57

58 Collect Insights, Perspectives and Data: Ratings 58 Priorities Ratings Collect

59 Group Ratings 59 Navigate to the Collect tab and Ratings 11 Participants vote by clicking the appropriate cell, by using their keypad, or dragging their name to the appropriate cell from the list 22

60 Group Ratings cont. 60 Click NEXT or NEXT SET to move to the next criteria for the same alternative 11 Use the Quick Search box to search for a particular alternative to vote on. Clear the box after using it by pressing on 22 Quick Search 2 2 1 1

61 Different Views 61 Note: The current view is List View, which is the default view. The List and Grid Views allow for different ways to view the voting screen 11

62 Grid View 62 The Grid View lists the votes with checkmarks for an easy view of who has or has not voted 11

63 Group Ratings cont. 63 The SCORESHEET will open the current scoresheet for review Use the GROUP COMMENTS box to enter optional textual comments 11 22

64 Entering Comments 64 Make selections from the Intensity and Category drop-down menus Type text detailing comment. Click SUBMIT to enter comment 11 33 The User drop-down lists all the comments for each participant in the model or for the entire group 22 Saved comments will appear here. For each rating, you may enter comments to record discussion and support/dissent for each rating

65 65 Ratings ScoreSheet The ScoreSheet can be easily accessed at any time during or after the voting process

66 Views and Navigation 66 The Navigation Bar at the bottom of the screen shows the different tile sets of alternatives

67 You have the option to select the alternative you wish to rate Views and Navigation 67 22 To access the navigation, click on This will activate the navigation screen 11 22 11

68 Add/Delete Group Ratings – Facilitator Techniques 68 A facilitator can add participants’ votes by selecting the voter from the Rating Participants list on the left and dragging the voter’s name to the rating on the right 11 Conversely, to delete the vote, the name of the voter can be dragged back to the Rating Participant list on the left from the rating on the right 22 2 2

69 Show/Hide Ratings 69 During a voting session, the facilitator has the option to Show or Hide votes and lock this view 11

70 To lock view, slide the When locking view, after clicking Next, the following screen will appear the same as the view you have enabled Show/Hide Ratings cont. 70 Note: The screen displays participants who have voted. Shading indicates No vote entered Show ratings to presenter allows the presenter to view votes as they are entered. Show ratings to everyone allows for the presenter and all model participants to view votes 22 11

71 Once you drag the icon to show ratings to everyone, all screens (including those remotely will see the votes Hide Ratings for Everyone 71 Drag over to Hide votes 22 11

72 Ratings Assignments – Presenters View Unassigned Participants will be displayed but not able to set ratings

73 73 3. OPTIMIZE

74 Optimize Results: Sensitivity Analysis 74 Resources Sensitivity Analysis Visualize Optimize Trade Off Analysis Allocate Sensitivity Analysis is designed to let you test “what if” scenarios to see how changing the priorities of criteria impact the scores of alternatives. Portrayed graphically, sensitivity analysis is valuable for testing the impact of changing priorities on alternative business decision choices.

75 Sensitivity Analysis 75 Click the Optimize Tab and Sensitivity Analysis Drag out any priority or change multiple priorities by using the dials to see how the alternative ranking changes real time 11 22 2 2 1 1

76 Sensitivity Analysis cont. 76 In the list of Alternatives, the top alternative, Region 1 Interstate 88, has the highest value score from the completed sensitivity analysis based on all the voting 11

77 Sensitivity Analysis cont. 77 Click either Global or Local Priorities radio button to change how the weights are shown in the tree view. Global shows overall weights of sub factors. Local shows how sub factors are distributed within that node only 11 1 1

78 Sensitivity Analysis: Filtering 78 Control Panel includes full set of filtering capabilities:  Criteria Tree  Criteria Participants (inputs for Criteria)  Ratings Participants (inputs for Ratings)  Alternative Categories Criteria and Ratings Participants input settings impact calculations Criteria Tree and Alternative Categories only filter views without any calculation/data input changes

79 Sensitivity Analysis: Filtering 79 Access Filters through the Controls Screen. Click on the Arrow icon to open/close the menu 11

80 Sensitivity Analysis: Custom Priority Set 80 Drag out any priority or change multiple priorities by using the dials to see how the alternative ranking changes real time Click Save New to save as a custom priority set under Controls – Criteria Participants. **Note the Change column which shows you how alternatives shift up or down the list.** 11 22

81 Optimize Results: Trade Off Analysis 81 Resources Sensitivity Analysis Visualize Optimize Trade Off Analysis Allocate Compare any desired subset of alternatives against each other using any desired subset of criteria, to see how well they perform. To help inform possible trade-offs within the prioritization exercise, the analysis can be used to understand what is being gained or given up when comparing or choosing one alternative over another.

82 Note: The chart shows the score for each criteria, determined by the individual criterion weight (for the chosen priority set) multiplied by the group average input for that criterion's rating scale Trade Off Analysis 82 Click the Optimize tab and Trade Off Analysis 11 Select all the criteria and alternatives you wish to show in the analysis 22

83 Trade Off Analysis cont. 83 Points from different alternatives that are in close proximity (clustered) to each other along a given axis have comparable performance with respect to that criterion and thus is not a primary differentiating criterion for that set of alternatives 11 Points from different alternatives that are separated (dispersed) along a given criterion axis have differentiated performance with respect to that criterion and highlights which alternatives outperform the others (further from center is better) 22 2 2 1 1

84 Optimize Results: Allocate 84 Resources Sensitivity Analysis Allocate/ Visualize Trade Off Analysis Optimize What’s In/ What’s Out Value Return on Investment Bubble Chart Pareto Table Visualize Allocate

85 Allocate Introduction The Allocate tab enables decision owners to set up and manipulate different scenarios for allocating resources across alternatives. Resources may be allocated across multiple time periods and multiple pools as required. Allocate has two screens 1) Inputs and 2) Outputs 85

86 Allocate: Inputs and Outputs INPUTSOUTPUTS Define Resource Pools Define Alternative Costs Define Alternative Dependencies Define Funding Constraints View and Determine funding decisions View and adjust sequencing Identify Bottlenecks Identify Portfolio Value Request Algorithmic Assistance Inter-screen Navigation

87 Allocate: Input Screen 87 Add Alternative Costs for single and multi-year scenarios The Input screen allows you to define scenario baselines for resource supply and demand The Input screen allows you to define scenario baselines for resource supply and demand Editable Pool Name Click to enter in resources for a given pool and time period Add multiple pools by clicking ADD POOL button 11 22

88 Allocate: Input Screen – Resource Pools & Funding Alternatives 88 11 22

89 Allocate: Output Screen 89 Output screen provides a canvas to visualize funded portfolios based on data from the Input screen Use Control Panel to filter Identify bottlenecks View live Portfolio Score Request algorithmic assistance from the optimizer only if desired View and adjust timeline sequencing with Gantt bars Move back to Inputs screen to make edits to data 11

90 Optimize Results: Visualize 90 Resources Sensitivity Analysis Allocate/ Visualize Trade Off Analysis Optimize What’s In/ What’s Out Value Return on Investment Bubble Chart Pareto Table Visualize Allocate

91 Visualize Introduction The Visualize tab offers several ways of visualizing complex data sets in order to better understand the information and to more effectively analyze data for discovery (e.g. to identify relationships, trends, outliers, patterns, and business conditions). Each of the visualizations focus on a different aspect of the decision process. All of the data visualizations include view options and can display custom priority sets and allocation scenarios. 91

92 The What's In / What's Out visualization provides a table view of your alternatives list based on the chosen Scenario Views: What’s In / What’s Out 92 11 The visualization lists which alternatives received Full, Partial, or No funding based on the best mix of alternatives in order to maximize the portfolio value score 22 22 Funding ResultsNames, Value, Descriptions FundedProjects with the highest value per dollar spent, get completely funded Partially FundedProjects with a high value and high cost will only get partially funded Not FundedLow value / highest cost projects will not get funded 11 22

93 The “0” indicates the Base Budget amount. Evaluate the portfolio value change as resources increase or decrease. Customize table columns by changing Increment Value. Views: Pareto Table 93 11 The percentage (%) indicates amount funded based on a given funding level. Color intensity indicates funding level. Dark colors mean a reduction to no funding 22 Note: To the right simulates an increase in budget and to the left indicates a decrease in the budget

94 The Pareto Chart plots the summary information from the Pareto Table using a line graph. Evaluate the portfolio value change as resources increase or decrease. Customize Budget increment by changing Increment % Views: Pareto Chart 94 11 Mouse over the data points to view the total Portfolio Value and budget available. 22

95 Views: Value ROI Chart 95 The Green bar shows the “expected value” returned for completing the alternative 11 The Red bar is the cost in resource, the Full dots show the funded projects, the Gray dot show the unfunded projects 22 The Trend line shows the marginal decrease in returns.

96 ENTER TEXT Views: Bubble Chart 96 The Bubble Chart is a flexible visualization displaying an X Axis, Y Axis and Bubble Size. Each of these components can be changed by clicking the drop down arrows in Chart Settings 11 11 In the example below, Bubble Size is the alternative VROL Index, the X Axis displays the alternative Value and Y Axis displays the alternative Cost 22 Note: The gradation in colored circles indicates the level of recommended funding.

97 View Alternatives on an interactive geographic map. Auto zoom to display locations, filter & color by alternative categories and by funding status Views: Geographic Map 97 11 11 22

98 Learn more at


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