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Academic Services Center

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1 Academic Services Center
Presenter: Sami Nuristani

2 Types of Degrees Offered
B.B.A. – Bachelor of Business Administration B.A. – Bachelor of Arts B.S. – Bachelor of Science

3 Majors Management (B.B.A.) Accounting (B.B.A.)
Computer Information Systems (B.B.A.) Economics (B.A., B.S., B.B.A.) Finance (B.B.A.) International Business (B.B.A.) Management (B.B.A.) Marketing (B.B.A.) Quantitative Finance (B.S.)

4 Minors Chinese Business Studies (18 credit hours)
Economics (18 credit hours) Computer Information Systems (18 credit hours) Business Analytics (formerly Management Science – 18 credits) Must go to China for CBS minor

5 B.B.A. Lower-Level Core Classes (Must be completed PRIOR to COB 300)
COB 191*: Business & Economics Statistics COB 202: Interpersonal Skills COB 204: Computer Info. Sys. COB 218: Legal Environment Of Business COB 241: Financial Accounting * If MATH 220 (Statistics) credit is already earned, it will substitute for COB 191; otherwise COB 191 should be taken.

6 B.B.A. Lower-Level Core Classes cont.
COB 242: Managerial Accounting (pre-requisite: COB 241) COB 291: Intro to Mgt. Science (pre-requisites: MATH 205/235 & COB 191) MATH 205 or MATH 235 (Calculus) ECON 200: Intro to Macro Economics ECON 201: Principles of Micro Economics

7 BBA Upper-Level Classes
COB 300 is the first course you will take when formally accepted into the College of Business. It is unique to JMU! COB 300 is an integrated class made up of 4 different components (12 hours): Finance, Management, Marketing and Operations Management. Includes developing a Business Plan with a group of fellow students; Provides a business foundation for future major coursework Offered Spring, Summer, and Fall Students generally take during their Junior year to stay on track! Explain that the course they are taking now are getting them closer to COB 300 (and graduation). So, there’s a need to explain what COB 300 actually is since they will be hearing if often.

8 COB 300 Acceptance Requirements
Completion of 10 lower-level BBA core courses BBA Core GPA of 2.7+ for guaranteed acceptance Submit COB 300 Application: For Fall and Summer COB 300 – April 1 deadline For Spring COB 300 – November 1 deadline Somehow we need to explain WHEN a student needs to apply to COB 300………submit your application the semester before you want to enroll

9 Non-Business Courses B.B.A. students must complete 60 credits outside the COB to satisfy graduation requirements. These credits can be earned through: taking general education classes, a non-business minor or any other classes of interest to you! Check Academic Requirements Report on MyMadison

10 Registration/Waitlist
COB does not have a central override request process If unable to enroll in a COB class, you can add yourself to the waitlist Once a seat becomes a available, the waitlist will auto enroll the student or the student will receive notification to enroll themselves Please note that not all COB courses may have a waitlist. Explain that COB has a central override request process. Overrides requested after this period may not be considered. Stress the importance of getting a request in during this time. Remind students that this process does not accommodate swapping. Remind students that if a suitable section is open, they should take it.

11 Services JMU Offers English Language Learner Services (ELLS)
Communication Center Office of International Program (OIP) Learning Strategies Instruction Program (LSI) Science & Math Learning Center (SMLC) University Writing Center (UWC) Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS) Academic Service Center (COB majors only)

12 English Language Learner Services (ELLS)
Tutoring English Conversation Club Grammar Hour Study Skills Accent Reduction Strategies Student Success Center, Room 1152| phone:

13 Science & Math Learning Center (SMLC)
Chemistry Tutoring Physics Tutoring Statistics Tutoring Math Tutoring Student Success Center, Room 1100

14 Learning Strategies Instruction Program (LSI)
1 to 1 Academic Coaching Research Based Strategies Test-taking Study Skills Reading Comprehension Strategies Active Listening Time Management Note-taking Learning Strategies: SSC Suite 1202| Phone: |

15 Communication Center Developing a Presentation
Delivering a Presentation Overcoming Speech Anxiety Record Your Presentation Present Data Visually Student Success Center, Suite 1143| Phone:

16 Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS)
A student-facilitated academic support program designed to help students improve performance & retention: BIO 114 CHEM 241 BIO 214 COB 291 BIO 270 ECON 200 BIO 290 ECON 201 CHEM 120 MATH 107 CHEM 131 MATH 205 CHEM 132 MATH 207 Student Success Center, Suite 1119| Phone:

17 Academic Services Center
Provides academic advising services Develops academic plans Coordinates formal admission into the COB Assists with enrollment in COB 300 Monitors and certifies graduation applications for COB majors Assists students with academic related questions Academic Services Center, ZSH 205|

18 Extracurricular Engagement
UREC Sport Clubs (over 40 sports club to join) Intramural Tournaments Cultural Engagement Student Organizations Events organized by OIP Embracing the Beautiful Nature of Shenandoah Valley

19 Office of International Program (OIP)
Linguistic & Cultural Engagement: Bridges: Local students connecting with international students to mutually benefit from cultural awareness Conversation partner: pairing American students with international students to mutually benefit from language acquisition/enhancement Weekly Social events to connect int’l students with their American peers Host family events: a monthly event/activity hosted by local families

20 Student Organizations: Business Fraternities
Open to all College of Business majors. Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity Phi Chi Theta Business Fraternity Pi Sigma Epsilon Business Society Students in Free Enterprise: SIFE

21 Student Organizations: Business Fraternities
Beta Alpha Psi Accounting Honor Society Accounting majors Computer Information Systems majors Finance majors Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society All COB majors Epsilon Chi Omicron Business Honor Society International Business majors Eta Sigma Delta Honor Society Hospitality and Tourism Mu Kappa Tau Marketing Honor Society Marketing majors Omicron Delta Epsilon Economics majors

22 Student Organizations: Major Specific
Madison Investment Fund Finance majors Madison Marketing Association Marketing majors National Society of Minorities in Hospitality Hospitality and Tourism Management majors Professional Convention Managers Association Society for Human Resource Management Management majors

23 Student Organizations: Major Specific
Association of Information Systems: AIS Computer Information Systems majors Club Managers Association of America Hospitality and Tourism Management majors Entrepreneurship Club Management majors Financial Management Association Finance majors Institute of Management Accountants Accounting majors Madison Economics Club Economics majors

24 ASC Contact Information Zane Showker Hall, Suite 205 Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Academic Services Center -

25 Questions? Thank You!

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