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Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Describe the four types of airspeed. 2) Describe the meaning of the white arc.

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Presentation on theme: "Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Describe the four types of airspeed. 2) Describe the meaning of the white arc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Describe the four types of airspeed. 2) Describe the meaning of the white arc on the ASI. 3) Describe the upper limit of the white arc (VFE). 4) Describe VNE 5) What is the indication on the ASI if both the pitot tube opening and the drain hole should become clogged simultaneously? Warm-Up – 3/31 – 10 minutes

2 Questions / Comments

3 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Describe the four types of airspeed. 2) Describe the meaning of the white arc on the ASI. 3) Describe the upper limit of the white arc (VFE). 4) Describe VNE 5) What is the indication on the ASI if both the pitot tube opening and the drain hole should become clogged simultaneously? Warm-Up – 3/31 – 10 minutes

4 AirSpeed Indicator (ASI) Multiple types of airspeeds. Indicated airspeed (IAS)— the direct instrument reading obtained from the ASI Calibrated airspeed (CAS)—IAS corrected for installation error and instrument error.

5 AirSpeed Indicator (ASI) True airspeed (TAS)— Because air density decreases with an increase in altitude, an aircraft has to be flown faster at higher altitudes to cause the same pressure difference between pitot impact pressure and static pressure. TAS increases as altitude increases.

6 AirSpeed Indicator (ASI) Groundspeed (GS)—the actual speed of the airplane over the ground. It is TAS adjusted for wind. GS decreases with a headwind, and increases with a tailwind.

7 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Describe the four types of airspeed. 2) Describe the meaning of the white arc on the ASI. 3) Describe the upper limit of the white arc (VFE). 4) Describe VNE 5) What is the indication on the ASI if both the pitot tube opening and the drain hole should become clogged simultaneously? Warm-Up – 3/31 – 10 minutes

8 AirSpeed Indicator Markings Standard color-coded markings: White arc — commonly referred to as the flap operating range since its lower limit represents the full flap stall speed and its upper limit provides the maximum flap speed. Approaches and landings are usually flown at speeds within the white arc.

9 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Describe the four types of airspeed. 2) Describe the meaning of the white arc on the ASI. 3) Describe the upper limit of the white arc (VFE). 4) Describe VNE 5) What is the indication on the ASI if both the pitot tube opening and the drain hole should become clogged simultaneously? Warm-Up – 3/31 – 10 minutes

10 AirSpeed Indicator Markings Lower limit of white arc (VS0)—the stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed in the landing configuration. Maximum landing weight in the landing configuration (gear and flaps down). Upper limit of the white arc (VFE)—the maximum speed with the flaps extended.

11 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Describe the four types of airspeed. 2) Describe the meaning of the white arc on the ASI. 3) Describe the upper limit of the white arc (VFE). 4) Describe VNE 5) What is the indication on the ASI if both the pitot tube opening and the drain hole should become clogged simultaneously? Warm-Up – 3/31 – 10 minutes

12 AirSpeed Indicator Markings Red line (VNE)—never exceed speed. Operating above this speed is prohibited since it may result in damage or structural failure.

13 Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: 1) Describe the four types of airspeed. 2) Describe the meaning of the white arc on the ASI. 3) Describe the upper limit of the white arc (VFE). 4) Describe VNE 5) What is the indication on the ASI if both the pitot tube opening and the drain hole should become clogged simultaneously? Warm-Up – 3/31 – 10 minutes

14 Blockage of the Pitot-Static System If both the pitot tube opening and the drain hole should become clogged simultaneously, no change is noted on the airspeed indication should the airspeed increase or decrease.

15 Questions / Comments

16  March 31 1912 — The world's first hydroplane competitions, held in Monaco, over the past week, has been a runaway success for Farman biplanes. Belgian Jules Fisher is the overall winner. He is one of only two non- French pilots of the eight starters and flies a Henry Farman machine. THIS DAY IN AVIATION

17  March 31 1936 — Airship “Hindenburg” makes round-trip between Friedrichshafen, Germany and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. THIS DAY IN AVIATION

18  March 31 1966 — The USAF's Strategic Air Command phased out its last Boeing B-47 “Stratojet” tactical aircraft. THIS DAY IN AVIATION

19  March 31 1975 — A specially modified Royal Canadian Air Force de Havilland CC-115 (DHC-5 “Buffalo”) makes its first flight carrying an inflatable air- cushion landing system beneath the fuselage. THIS DAY IN AVIATION

20  March 31 1979 — The British government announces development and production costs for the “Concorde” supersonic airliner since November 29, 1962, when agreement was reached with France to design and built the aircraft. Through December 31, 1978, the French government spent a total of £920 million whereas the British spent £898 million. The total cost of £1.818 billion would increase by a further £163 million, before government funding ceased. THIS DAY IN AVIATION

21 Questions / Comments

22 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 3031 Chapter 7 Gyro Systems 1 2 Chapter 7 Magnetic Compass 3 4 FltLine Friday Chapter 7 Test 5 678 Chapter 8 Flight Manuals 910 Chapter 9 Weight & Balance 1112 1314 SPRING BREAK 15 SPRING BREAK 16 SPRING BREAK 17 SPRING BREAK 18 SPRING BREAK 19 202122232425 FltLine Friday 26 27282930 March/April 2014

23 Questions / Comments

24 Chapter 7 – Flight Instruments FAA – Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge

25  Mission:  Identify in writing how to interpret and operate flight instruments.  Describe the pilot’s ability to recognize errors and malfunctions with flight instruments.  Describe the pitot-static system and associated instruments.  Describe the vacuum system and related instruments.  Describe the gyroscopic instruments and the magnetic compass.  EQ: Describe the importance of Aeronautical Knowledge for the student pilot learning to fly. Today’s Mission Requirements

26 Gyroscopic Flight Instruments Several flight instruments utilize the properties of a gyroscope for their operation. The most common instruments containing gyroscopes are the turn coordinator, heading indicator, and the attitude indicator.

27 Gyroscopic Flight Instruments Precession can also create some minor errors in some instruments. Instruments may require corrective realignment during flight, such as the heading indicator.

28 Gyroscopic Flight Instruments Sources of Power Gyros are vacuum, pressure, or electrically operated. Most aircraft have at least two sources of power to ensure at least one source of bank information is available if one power source fails.

29 Gyroscopic Flight Instruments Sources of Power The vacuum or pressure system spins the gyro by drawing a stream of air against the rotor vanes to spin the rotor at high speed, much like the operation of a waterwheel or turbine.

30 Gyroscopic Flight Instruments Sources of Power Pressure required for instrument operation varies, but is usually between 4.5 "Hg and 5.5 "Hg. One source of vacuum for the gyros is a vane-type engine-driven pump that is mounted on the accessory case of the engine.

31 Gyroscopic Flight Instruments Sources of Power A typical vacuum system consists of an engine- driven vacuum pump, relief valve, air filter, gauge, and tubing necessary to complete the connections.

32 Gyroscopic Flight Instruments Sources of Power Air is drawn into the vacuum system by the engine-driven vacuum pump. It first goes through a filter, which prevents foreign matter from entering the vacuum or pressure system.

33 Gyroscopic Flight Instruments Sources of Power The air then moves through the attitude and heading indicators, where it causes the gyros to spin. A relief valve prevents the vacuum pressure, or suction, from exceeding prescribed limits.

34 Gyroscopic Flight Instruments Sources of Power It is important to monitor vacuum pressure during flight, because the attitude and heading indicators may not provide reliable information when suction pressure is low.

35 Gyroscopic Flight Instruments Sources of Power When the vacuum pressure drops below the normal operating range, the gyroscopic instruments may become unstable and inaccurate.

36 Turn Indicators Aircraft use two types of turn indicators: turn-and- slip indicator and turn coordinator. The turn-and-slip indicator shows only the rate of turn in degrees per second.

37 Turn Indicators The turn coordinator can initially show roll rate and it indicates rate of turn. Both instruments indicate turn direction and quality (coordination), and also serve as a backup source of bank information in the event an attitude indicator fails.

38 Turn Indicators Coordination is achieved by referring to the inclinometer, which consists of a liquid-filled curved tube with a ball inside.

39 Turn-and-Slip Indicator The gyro in the turn-and-slip indicator rotates in the vertical plane, corresponding to the aircraft’s longitudinal axis.

40 Turn-and-Slip Indicator The turn-and-slip indicator uses a pointer, called the turn needle, to show the direction and rate of turn.

41 Turn Coordinator The gimbal in the turn coordinator is canted; therefore, its gyro can sense both rate of roll and rate of turn. When rolling into or out of a turn, the miniature aircraft banks in the direction the aircraft is rolled.

42 Turn Coordinator The turn coordinator can be used to establish and maintain a standard- rate turn by aligning the wing of the miniature aircraft with the turn index.

43 Turn Coordinator Two marks on each side (left and right) of the face of the instrument. The first mark a wings level zero rate of turn. The second mark indicate a standard rate of turn.

44 Turn Coordinator A standard-rate turn is defined as a turn rate of 3° per second. The turn coordinator indicates only the rate and direction of turn; it does not display a specific angle of bank.

45 Inclinometer The inclinometer is used to depict aircraft yaw. Coordinated flight is maintained by keeping the ball centered. If the ball is not centered, it can be centered by using the rudder.

46 Inclinometer To center the ball, apply rudder pressure on the side to which the ball is deflected. Use the simple rule, “step on the ball,” to remember which rudder pedal to press.

47 Inclinometer Instrument Check During the preflight, check to see that the inclinometer is full of fluid and has no air bubbles. The ball should also be resting at its lowest point. When taxiing, the turn coordinator should indicate a turn in the correct direction while the ball moves opposite the direction of the turn.

48 Attitude Indicator The attitude indicator, with its miniature aircraft and horizon bar, displays a picture of the attitude of the aircraft. The relationship of the miniature aircraft to the horizon bar is the same as the relationship of the real aircraft to the actual horizon.

49 Attitude Indicator The instrument gives an instantaneous indication of even the smallest changes in attitude. The horizon bar represents the true horizon.

50 Attitude Indicator The relationship of the miniature aircraft to the horizon bar should be used for an indication of the direction of bank.

51 Attitude Indicator The attitude indicator is reliable and the most realistic flight instrument on the instrument panel.

52 Heading Indicator The heading indicator is fundamentally a mechanical instrument designed to facilitate the use of the magnetic compass. Errors in the magnetic compass are numerous, making straight flight and precision turns to headings difficult to accomplish, particularly in turbulent air.

53 Heading Indicator Because of precession caused by friction, the heading indicator creeps or drifts from a heading to which it is set.

54 Heading Indicator Another error in the heading indicator is caused by the fact that the gyro is oriented in space, and the Earth rotates in space at a rate of 15° in 1 hour. The heading indicator may indicate as much as 15° error per every hour of operation.

55 Heading Indicator Instrument Check As the gyro spools up, make sure there are no abnormal sounds. While taxiing, the instrument should indicate turns in the correct direction, and precession should not be abnormal.

56 Questions / Comments

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