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Hick on resurrection - 1 John Hick on human destiny zIs dualism dead? If not, should it die? yDualism was introduced by the Greeks & baptized by Christianity.

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Presentation on theme: "Hick on resurrection - 1 John Hick on human destiny zIs dualism dead? If not, should it die? yDualism was introduced by the Greeks & baptized by Christianity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hick on resurrection - 1 John Hick on human destiny zIs dualism dead? If not, should it die? yDualism was introduced by the Greeks & baptized by Christianity yImmortality is a Hellenic idea yDualism may not be part of Biblical Christianity yDualism & modern science

2 Hick on resurrection - 2 John Hick on human destiny yThe human person is a “psycho-physical unity” (452). yBiblical notion of afterlife which emerged at end of O.T. period is resurrection

3 Hick on resurrection - 3 John Hick on human destiny zNotion of resurrection yN.T. notion in Paul 1 Cor. 15:36-44 yNot natural yRequires special intervention by God yTransformation of person or “embodied human personality” (not soul only) -- Paul calls the transformed person a soma pneumatikon, “spiritual body.”

4 Hick on resurrection - 4 John Hick on human destiny yFuture event yHick appears to reject intermediate state resurrection & defend extinction- recreation resurrection zAside on Oscar Cullmann’s famous comparision of the death of Socrates & the death of Jesus (1955)

5 Hick on resurrection - 5 John Hick on human destiny zThe problem of resurrection (as extinction/recreation) retaining personal identity yMental experiment x1. Disappearance & reappearance in new place x2. Death & reappearance in another place x3. Death & reappearance in different world -- resurrection world

6 Hick on resurrection - 6 John Hick on human destiny xThe point of the mental experiment: To show the intelligibility of retaining personal identity without continuity (contra Badham).

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