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Ila May Binding Wellness Plan Presented by: Tomas Pasvogel Erin Rooney Student Nurses, Arizona State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Ila May Binding Wellness Plan Presented by: Tomas Pasvogel Erin Rooney Student Nurses, Arizona State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ila May Binding Wellness Plan Presented by: Tomas Pasvogel Erin Rooney Student Nurses, Arizona State University

2 Consult primary care provider Please consult your primary health care provider BEFORE making any changes in your health activities.

3 Strengths  Communicates appropriately  Able to hear spoken words in conversation Risks:  Vision & hearing  Forgetful Recommendations:  Continue to partake in daily activities to stimulate the brain  Utilize hearing aid  Continue routine check-ups with Optometrist

4 Strengths Attends T’ai Chi classes Enjoys fitness activities at the fitness center Walks around Friendship Village Reads Kindle Risks Injury while exercising Falling Recommendations Find someone to exercise with or who can assist you Continue daily exercise and social activities

5 Strengths Routine bedtime No use of sleep aids Risks Disruption of sleep due to frequent nightmares Recommendations Continue daily exercise Seek care about re- occurring nightmares

6 Strengths Uses cane when walking in an unfamiliar area Apartment free of excessive clutter and potentially hazardous objects. Uses Friendship Village transportation to get from place to place Risks Not wearing hearing aid Recommendations Be cautious while walking and using stairs. Continue use of Friendship Village transportation If not currently in use, install safety rails in shower to prevent fall Continue seeing heath care providers regularly and keep eye prescription updated.

7 Strengths Generally feels stress-free Plays the piano throughout community to relax Active social life Enjoys nature for stress relief Risks Anxiety regarding wife’s health Recommendations Continue leisure activities including staying active in the community Maintain relationship with son and daughter Maintain religious activities

8 Strengths:  Makes friends easily Has many friends at Friendship Village  Good relationship with son and daughter can turn to them in time of need Risks: Lack of sleep Recommendations Continue to seek support from family, friends, and the community

9 Completion of childhood vaccines Additional Vaccines:  Pneumovax Also known as pneumococcal vaccine One dose if not yet vaccinated  Zoster Also known as shingles vaccine (U.S. Department of, 2010)

10 Thyroid Test  Every 5 years Blood Pressure  At least every 2 years Blood Glucose  Every 3 years Mammogram  Every 1 – 2 years Fecal Occult Blood Test  Every year Full Rectal Exam  Every 5 – 10 years Complete Eye Exam  Every year Hearing Test  Every year

11 Dental Exam  One or two times a year Mole Exam  Self-Exam every month (Edelman, 2009)

12 Healthy People 2020 Goals Wellness Plan based on following goals:  Prevent illness and disability related to arthritis and other rheumatic conditions, osteoporosis, and chronic back pain.  Increase the proportion of adults vaccinated annually against Influenza and previously vaccinated against pneumococcal disease  Increase public knowledge of how adequate sleep and treatment of sleep disorders improves health, productivity, wellness, quality of life and safety on roads and in the workplace. (U.S. Department of, 2010)

13 Thank You! Dear Ila May Binding, It has been such a privilege to get to know you and spend time with you. It has been truly inspiring to gain insight about your perspective of life. You have such an amazing, positive spirit about life. We have learned so much from you and will be better nurses because of you! Sincerely, Tomas Pasvogel Erin Rooney

14 References Edelman, C.L. (2009). Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, 7 th Edition. Mosby U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). Vaccinations for adults (Item No. P4030). St. Paul, MN: Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (2010). Healthy people 2020 objectives Washington, DC: Retrieved from http:// s2020/default.aspx

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