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SOCIAL NETWORKING FOR TRAVEL MAGAZINES. New Mexico Magazine Goals – Create community – Grow Web traffic, product sales, and subscriptions Golden Tickets.

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Presentation on theme: "SOCIAL NETWORKING FOR TRAVEL MAGAZINES. New Mexico Magazine Goals – Create community – Grow Web traffic, product sales, and subscriptions Golden Tickets."— Presentation transcript:


2 New Mexico Magazine Goals – Create community – Grow Web traffic, product sales, and subscriptions Golden Tickets – Authority on New Mexico travel – Audience who loves our state and magazine @ambiggers@NMMagazine

3 Strategy Play to our strengths – Support our brand as the authority on New Mexico travel Embrace the off-beat Highlight Web exclusives Events Practical travel tips and deals @ambiggers@NMMagazine


5 Best Practices Create community – Welcome followers/fans and tell them how they can participate @ambiggers@NMMagazine

6 Best Practices: Arizona Highways Establish and maintain a consistent, approachable voice across multiple social networking platforms @ambiggers@NMMagazine

7 Best Practices Promote online extras (Web exclusives, blogs, multi-media content) @ambiggers@NMMagazine

8 Best Practices “Turn the bullhorn around” - Ask readers for input

9 Best Practices: Sunset @ambiggers@NMMagazine

10 Best Practices: Nevada Magazine Show them you value them

11 Best Practices Give ‘em the scoop @ambiggers@NMMagazine

12 Best Practices Oh, you wacky readers. I’m glad you don’t know where I live. Respond to fans/followers thoughtfully and promptly @ambiggers@NMMagazine

13 Results Who we’re reaching – 1/3 of social networking audience replicates our print edition reader demographics – 2/3 of audience represents demographics we can grow Younger users than average reader Locals @ambiggers@NMMagazine

14 Results Web Traffic – Facebook and Twitter are our 11 th and 12 th most popular referral sites – Twitter users spend six times longer on the site than our average users – Twitter and Facebook fans are coming back to the site throughout the month User generated content @ambiggers@NMMagazine

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