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ICT across the curriculum Lena Arena ICT Consultant K-12 9582 2810

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Presentation on theme: "ICT across the curriculum Lena Arena ICT Consultant K-12 9582 2810"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT across the curriculum Lena Arena ICT Consultant K-12 9582 2810

2 ICT Projects 2008 Creating WebQuests for the K-12 Curriculum Integrating ICT into the Mathematics Curriculum Using podcasts to engage students in the middle years Using wikis to engage students in collaborative learning in the K-12 classroom

3 ICT Projects 2008 Using “Hot Potatoes” software to develop interactive web based teaching resources Integrating Technology into COGS Differentiating Data using Census At School

4 ICT Workshops 2008 MemoriesOnTV v3 Digital Storytelling using PhotoStory or MemoriesOnTV Spreadsheet and Charts in the K-6 curriculum Databases in the Science 7-10 curriculum Creating basic Flash animations Creating a web site Note: ICT workshops will be advertised through inPrincipal

5 ICT in T&L web pages Support….Curriculum….ICT in T&L 2007 project resources: Teacher developed webquests Podcasts Hot Potatoes exercises COGs units

6 Other 2008 events ICT Conference end of Term 1– details in inPrincipal early Term 1 Tech-KNOW-Tours to continue and repeated Making Movies 2008 – invitation sent to schools in Term 1

7 Connected Learning Awards Centre for Learning Innovation (CLI) – Connected Learning Awards Web Design Awards Greeting Cards Design Awards Learning Resource Award On line projects

8 Useful Web 2.0 online tools Wikispaces Podbean

9 Useful websites Rainforest Explorer plorer/index.htm plorer/index.htm Scholastic FunBrain

10 Useful websites Teachers TV Comic Life meets the curriculum mic_Life_site/CLindex.html mic_Life_site/CLindex.html Dream a Better World Channel NSW

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