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Making the Most of the Tools at Hand: Building Toward Courageous Technology Use Cindy Jennings & Lori Tanner EDUCAUSE Southeast Regional Conference 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Making the Most of the Tools at Hand: Building Toward Courageous Technology Use Cindy Jennings & Lori Tanner EDUCAUSE Southeast Regional Conference 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the Most of the Tools at Hand: Building Toward Courageous Technology Use Cindy Jennings & Lori Tanner EDUCAUSE Southeast Regional Conference 2011

2 Welcome!!! Find our Session Resources: ‘Making the Most of Tools at Hand’ (mtmt) Wiki:Making the Most of Tools at Hand’ (mtmt)

3 Why are you here?

4 Our story…

5 2 project examples… Digital Storytelling Academy New Media Faculty Seminar Spring 2011 Fall 2010 - It all started with:Fall 2010 –New Media Consortium - “Awakening the Digital Imagination: A Networked Faculty Development Seminar”New Media Consortium - “Awakening the Digital Imagination: A Networked Faculty Development Seminar” – and here…networked with Baylorand here…networked with Baylor Web home

6 What tools…?

7 Our learners…

8 Challenges… Hint…they were NOT about the tools!

9 More about… sustaining engagementsustaining engagement,

10 Successes/Outcomes… Hint…they were NOT about the tools!

11 new connectionsnew connections sustainable collaborationssustainable collaborations powerful shifts in practicepowerful shifts in practice More about…

12 Lessons...

13 Now you…

14 Framing Questions:

15 What would you like to be able to DO with technology that you are now already doing?

16 What technologies, capabilities, functionalities, affordances are missing, if any?

17 What technologies do you have that might be used in new ways?

18 What is stopping you?

19 Who are your champions?

20 Share your stories and ideas…

21 Find ways to make your own meaning in your own institutional contexts.

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