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ROCKS AND MINERALS Red Book Chapter 9 Sections 1-3.

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1 ROCKS AND MINERALS Red Book Chapter 9 Sections 1-3

2 Chapter 9 Section 1- M I N E R A L S  Mineral-inorganic solid material with a particular chemical makeup and orderly arrangement of atoms  Minerals form from magma, lava, evaporation, or precipitation.  Mineral formation clues include ___ and _____________________.

3 Properties of Minerals  1. Crystals-repeating pattern of atoms *Gypsum*  2. Cleavage-(smooth/thin sheets) *Mica/Talc*or Fracture (rough/jagged clumps) *Quartz*  3. Color-(color it appears to be) or Streak (test done on tile) *Pyrite/Hematite*  4. Luster- _______(shiny) ________(dull)

4  5. Hardness-Other mineral, Fingernail, penny, nail, glass plate, steel file (1-10 Mohs Scale) *Gypsum=2.5 (fingernail), Quartz =7 (streak plate)*  6. Specific Gravity-to an equal volume of water  7. Other- magnetism *Magnetite*, Reaction to Acid (hydrochloric acid) *Calcite*, Double Image *Calcite*, and Taste (salty) *Halite*  Examples-Mica, Quartz, Pyrite, Calcite, Gypsum, Talc, Hornblende, Feldspar, Hematite, and Magnetite.

5 Chapter 9 Section 2- IR GO NC EK OS U S  Igneous Rocks form when melted rock material from inside Earth cools._________ Cools on Earth’s surface Cools below Earth’s surface LavaMagma Dark ColorLight Color Smooth/No crystals-Cools Fast Large Crystals Cools Slow *

6 Chapter 9 Section 2- SR EO DC IK MS E N T A R Y  Sedimentary Rocks sediment collect in layers.(wind-ice-gravity-water) Detrital ChemicalOrganic

7 Chapter 9 Section 3- MREOTCAKMSORPHICMREOTCAKMSORPHIC  Metamorphic Rocks form when existing rocks are heated or squeezed but not melted; they look different and have recrystallized-may change chemically, too. FoliatedNonfoliated Visible layersNo visible layers

8 *Rocks change from one type to another over millions of years *A rock in ANY part of the cycle could become any other kind of rock *Time, pressure, heat, and events such as erosion and moving land masses, make new rocks out of old rocks The Rock Cycle - Red Book pg 275

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