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Environmental Stewardship. Management Plan Lewis Johnson Director EH&S Vice Chair ESAC.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Stewardship. Management Plan Lewis Johnson Director EH&S Vice Chair ESAC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Stewardship

2 Management Plan Lewis Johnson Director EH&S Vice Chair ESAC

3 Environmental Stewardship ESAC Charge Recommend environmentally sustainable and fiscally sound policies for approval Maintain a strategic plan of environmentally sustainable goals

4 Environmental Stewardship Environmental Stewardship Management Plan Accepted February 27, 2006 Environmentally Sustainable Goals

5 Environmental Stewardship Seven Critical Dimensions I.Curriculum II.Research and scholarship III.Operations IV.Faculty and staff development V.Outreach and service VI.Student opportunities VII.Institutional mission and planning

6 Environmental Stewardship I. Curriculum Goal 1.1 Student Action Students implement the environmental stewardship they learn. Task 1.1.1 Awareness Task 1.1.2 Hands-on participation

7 Environmental Stewardship II. Research and scholarship Goal 2.1 Estero Bay Conference Host a conference addressing the Estero river watershed. Task 2.1.1 Identify partners Task 2.1.2 Organize Conference

8 Environmental Stewardship III. Operations Goal 3.1 Design and Build Facilities for Sustainability Consider sustainability and environmental impact in the design and construction of FGCU facilities, and construct buildings to meet green building certification requirements. Task 3.1.1 Participatory building design and construction Task 3.1.2 Join US Green Building Council Task 3.1.3 Green Building Certification Task 3.1.4 Sustainable design features – existing buildings Task 3.1.5 Comprehensive Trail System

9 Environmental Stewardship III. Operations Goal 3.2 Conservation Promote the use of recycled materials in procurement, the use of recycling practices in disposal activities, and conservation of resources used. Task: 3.2.1 Procurement Awareness Task 3.2.2 Computer equipment Task 3.2.3 Recycling ongoing improvement Task 3.2.4 Culture of conservation

10 Environmental Stewardship III. Operations Goal 3.3 Campus Transportation Promote non-motorized transportation to, from, and within the campus. Task 3.3.1 Promotion of non-vehicular transportation Task 3.3.2 Transportation Task Force

11 Environmental Stewardship III. Operations Goal 3.4 Wildlife Populations Task 3.4.1 Written procedures Task 3.4.2 Wildlife-proof containers

12 Environmental Stewardship III. Operations Goal 3.5 Ecological systems Demonstrate exemplary practice in restoring, sustaining, and managing ecological systems. Task 3.5.1 Exotic removal reporting Task 3.5.2 Chemical reporting Task 3.5.3 Water quantity and quality monitoring Task 3.5.4 Water management

13 Environmental Stewardship IV. Faculty and staff development Goal 4.1 Increased Awareness and Support for Environmental Sustainability Support faculty and staff involvement by enhancing communications. Task 4.1.1 New employee orientation

14 Environmental Stewardship V. Outreach and service Goal 5.1 Community Involvement Catalog the University’s participation in community environmental education and service. Task 5.1.1 Documentation of service-learning hours Task 5.1.2 Identify all MOUs Task 5.1.3 Centralize information dissemination

15 Environmental Stewardship VI. Student opportunities Goal 6.1 Involvement of the Student Body Increase the awareness and involvement of the student body in environmental and sustainability issues at the University. Task 6.1.1 Orientation Task 6.1.2 Student Advisory Board

16 Environmental Stewardship VII. Institutional mission and planning Goal 7.1 Campus Safety Establish written plans and procedures to provide for a safe campus. Task 7.1.1 Health and safety Task 7.1.2 Hazardous materials Task 7.1.3 Criminal behavior

17 Environmental Stewardship Involvement Classroom Projects Department/College Efforts

18 Environmental Stewardship Information Lewis Johnson – –590-1036 –EH&S Office by Aquatic Center

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