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Sailing To District Accreditation External Review: October 6-9, 2013… but the journey begins now!

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Presentation on theme: "Sailing To District Accreditation External Review: October 6-9, 2013… but the journey begins now!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sailing To District Accreditation External Review: October 6-9, 2013… but the journey begins now!


3 AdvancED District Accreditation Components Engage in an ongoing improvement planning process Meet Accreditation Standards Demonstrate Quality Assurance

4 1. Purpose and Direction 2. Governance and Leadership 3. Teaching and Assessing for Learning 4. Resources and Support Systems 5. Using Results for Continuous Improvement

5 Everything we do should be done with the Quality Standards in mind. Our District and all stakeholders need to be familiar with the standards and where ‘what we do’ fits into the standards.

6 Each school and the District is engaged in a process of continu0us improvement Each school and the District submits and Accreditation Comprehensive Report The District hosts the External Review Visit (October 6-9, 2013)

7 Self Assessment Executive Summary Stakeholder Perception Surveys Profile (Demographic Update) AdvancED Accreditation Assurances Improvemement Plan Student Performance Results

8 We have to ensure that preparing for the External Review visit and the school improvement process is a collaborative process. Stakeholders throughout the District and schools should be engaged.

9 Committees are being created for the purpose of Self- Assessment of each of the 5 standards. We invite and encourage you to be a member of any of the Standards Committees 1. Purpose and Direction 2. Governance and Leadership 3. Teaching and Assessing for Learning 4. Resources and Support Systems 5. Using Results for Continuous Improvement

10 We will host a visit October 6-9, 2013. The Review Team will want Board Members available for interviews on Monday, October 7.

11 What Happens During the External Review? Sunday evening- the visiting arrives and meets to prepare for the review Monday- The team will be at the District Office for an opening presentation, Superintendent/Leadership Team interview, interviews of Standards Committees, and Board Member Interviews Tuesday- The visiting team will spend at least ½ day in selected schools. We will know which schools have been selected before the visit Wednesday- Team works on reviewing evidence and confirming or changing Standards rating and gives district a preliminary report in the afternoon.

12 What Happens During the School Visit? Interview with Principal and Leadership Team or School Improvement Team Classroom Visits (at least 20 minutes and using ELEOT tool Interviews with Teachers Interviews with Non-Instructional Interviews with Parents Debrief Meeting with Principal/Leadership

13 Engage in a systematic, inclusive, and comprehensive process to review, revise, and communicate a system-wide purpose for student success.

14 The system maintains and communicates at all levels of the organization a purpose and direction for continuous improvement that commit to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning

15 Standard 1- Purpose and Direction Indicator 1.1: The system engages in a systematic, inclusive, and comprehensive process to review, revise, and communicate a system- wide purpose for student success.

16 “The mission of the Jackson County Public School district is to maintain systems that focus all resources on helping students achieve their highest potential.”


18 Does this slogan communicate what we want to say about our District Purpose and Direction?

19 All stakeholders have the opportunity to give input into the review of our purpose and direction.

20 Sailing To District Accreditation External Review: October 6-9, 2013… but the journey begins now!

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