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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 22 ESSENTIALS OF STRENGTH TRAINING AND CONDITIONING Second Edition – Baechle and Earle."— Presentation transcript:


2 PERIODISATION Responses to training stress – fig 22.1  General adaptation syndrome Alarm reaction phase ○ Shock ○ Counter shock Resistance phase Exhaustion phase

3 PERIODISATION Periodisation cycles  Macrocycles Training year  Mesocycles Several weeks  Microcycles 1 week

4 PERIODISATION Periodisation periods – fig 22.2 and 22.3  Preparatory period Volume – most important Intensity – next Technique – least important  Transition phase – all cross over  Competition period – peaking Technique – most important Intensity – next Volume – least important  Draw both versions.

5 PERIODISATION Periodisation periods  Preparatory period Hypertrophy/endurance phase: very low moderate intensity (50-75% of 1RM) and very high to moderate volume (3-6 sets of 10-20 repetitions). Basic strength phase: high intensity (80-90% of 1RM) and moderate volume (3-5 sets of 4-8 repetitions). Strength/power phase: high intensity (75-95% of 1RM, depending on the exercise) and low volume (3-5 sets of 2-5 repetitions).

6 PERIODISATION Periodisation period  Competition period For peaking: very high intensity (>93% of the 1RM) and very low volume (1-3 sets of 1-3 repetitions); for maintence: moderate intensity (~80-85% of the 1RM) and moderate volume (~2-3 sets of ~6-8 repetitions).  Second transition period (active rest) Lasts 1-4 weeks. Unloading week no training. Recreational activity that may not involve resistance training.

7 PERIODISATION  See excel periodisation table

8 Estimate of fitness and skill demands of AFL Energy systems 20% Muscular fitness 20% Skills 60% Aerobic 50% General strength 15% Individual skills 20% Anaerobic 50% General muscular endurance 25% Small group skills 30% Specific power 50% Team plays 50% Flexibility 10%

9 AFL professional and amateur Phase Professional clubs Amateur clubs Transition 8 weeks 18 weeks Basic preparatory 6 weeks 3 weeks Specific preparatory 12 weeks 5 weeks Competition 26 weeks

10 Training session Minutes 0 – 3 Briefing Minutes 3 -15 Warm-up Minutes 15 - 25 Short sprint training Minutes 25 - 70 Individual skills, group skills and team plays Minutes 70 - 85 Supplementary fitness training Minutes 85 - 90 Cool-down and conclusion

11 COMPARE TRAINING PROGRAMS  Soviet program  Day 1  Session 1 – 3 exercises  Session 2 – 3 exercises  Day 2  1 session – 5 exercises  Day 3  Active rest  Day 4  Session 1 – 3 exercises  Session 2 – 3 exercises  Day 5  1 session – 4 exercises  Day 6  Session 1 – 3 exercises  Session 2 – 3 exercises  Day 7  Complete rest

12 COMPARE TRAINING PROGRAMS  Bulgarian program  Day 1  Session 1 – 1 exercise  Session 2 – 2 exercises  Session 3 – 1 exercise  Session 4 – 2 exercises  Session 5 – 1 exercise  Session 6 – 2 exercises  Day 2  Same as day 1  Day 3  Session 1 – 1 exercise  Session 2 – 1 exercise  Day 4  Same as day 1  Day 5  Same as day 1  Day 6  Same as day 3  Day 7  1 session only – 1 exercise

13 Methods to improve hypertrophy Constant load Progressively increasing load ExtensiveIntensiveisokinetic Form of exercise ConcentricEccentricYesYesYesYesYesYes Intensity load % 8070,80,85,9060-7085-9570 Repetitions8-1012,10,7,515-208-515 Sets3-51,2,3,43-53-53 Rest interval (min) 32233

14 Methods to improve force Near maximal workouts Maximal concentric workouts Maximal eccentric workouts Concentric – eccentric maximal workouts Form of exercise ConcentricEccentricYesYesYesYesYes Intensity load % 90, 95, 97, 100 100 Con. 150 70-90 RepetitionsSets3,1,1,1,+11,2,3,4,+515536-83-5 Rest interval (min) 3-53-535

15 Matveyev’s periodisation PreparationPreparationTransitionCompetition Transition 2 PhaseHypertrophy Basic strength Strength and power Peaking or maintenance Active rest Sets3-103-53-51-3 Repetitions8-124-62-31-3 Days/week3-43-53-51-5 Times/day1-31-31-21 Intensity cycle (weeks) 2-3/12-4/12-3/1- IntensityLowHighHigh Very high to low VolumeHigh Moderate to high Low Very low

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