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Identifying Obstacles That Hinder Outdoor Learning Opportunities for Our Middle School Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Identifying Obstacles That Hinder Outdoor Learning Opportunities for Our Middle School Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identifying Obstacles That Hinder Outdoor Learning Opportunities for Our Middle School Students

2 Action Research: Implementation and Assessment for Restoration-Based Environmental Education Grant Middle School Educator Dawn Stickney

3 “Is education possibly a process of trading awareness for things of lesser worth? The goose who trades his is soon a pile of feathers.” – Aldo Leopold


5 INTRODUCTION What is of interest to ME? I just kept wondering about:

6 Problem Formulation Research questions?

7 What is keeping teachers from taking their students outdoors?

8 Some teachers do not attempt projects that involve outdoor experiences for their students Some teachers do not attempt projects that involve outdoor experiences for their students

9 FEAR or What?

10 PROBLEM IDENTIFIED: What is getting in the way of teachers taking their students outside to conduct their lessons? Why don’t more teachers try to involve students in place-based learning?


12 Literature Research McEzvan, A.E. (2012). Time and Teaching. Education Forum, 76(1), 81-89. Shooter, W., Paisley, K., & Sibthrop, J. (2010). Trust Development in Outdoor Leadership. Journal of Experiential Education, 33(3), 189- 207. Mills, A. (2009) Early-Childhood Education Takes to the Outdoors. Edutopia, retrieved from outdoor-education-waldkindergarten. outdoor-education-waldkindergarten

13 Research tells us that we should enter into projects that get students outside

14 A few MORE good resources to motivate educators and administrators

15 E D U C A T O R S N G E A R – U P A G E ngagement M E N get outdoors! T

16 Green Play Settings Reduce ADHD Symptoms


18 Data Collection and Findings Survey (25 participants) MSTA Survey (25 participants) MSTA Focus Group (6 participants) Focus Group (6 participants) Post focus group interviews (3 participants) Post focus group interviews (3 participants)

19 MSTA SURVEY QUESTION? I would take my students outside more often if I had:

20 More information about how colleagues use outdoor lessons and curriculum Agree(24)Disagree (1) Clear rules and consequences for student misbehavior outside Agree(20)Disagree (5) Training and materials on how to integrate outdoor activities (Fun and exciting activities) into all subject area curricula Agree(25)Disagree (0) More qualified adult support (Co-teacher/ teacher aid/ para-professional/parent volunteers) * NA=1Agree(21)Disagree (3)



23 Do you take your students outdoors for classroom experiences as often as you would like to? What would the perfect outdoor learning experience look/sound like? What are some reasons that teachers don’t take students outside more often?



26 APPENDIX D: MATRIX OF RESULTS OF FOCUS GROUP (BY THEME) MEMBERS OF FOCUS GROUP: THEME: TIME (10 comments) THEME: TRUST (15 comments) THEME: CURRICULUM (12 comments) OTHER QUOTES TEACHERS 5 th – 8 th grade (all levels in building represented) SUBJECT AREA 3 - Science 2 - Language arts 1 - Social Studies * missing Math and other non-core subject areas No more teaming Lots of preplanning Hard to add into schedule Coordinating effort takes time Sharing with colleague/team mate Want lessons pre- developed Hard to fit outdoors into lessons Loss of class time We disrupt curriculum for “social activities”, why not for outdoor lessons? We don’t spend enough time going over expectations; we assume they (students) know what is appropriate. Being alone with No adult support Management doesn’t support Student attitudes Other teachers see me “not in control” Class size too large for one teacher Need More experience / Professional Development Weather issues Sharing with colleague/team mate Students know when we are excited and prepared Students benefit from outdoor experiences Need ways to support each other as educators Liability is big concern It scares me! Yes, those loose students that do cartwheels. If we could go out with another adult I would be more comfortable Connection to curriculum are hard to justify for outdoor lessons Stress about coverage of standards Want lessons pre-developed Hard to fit outdoors into lessons Curriculum Changes regularly It is hard to get relevant professional development to support new curriculum Lack of direction/expectations from administration I need to stay on track with my curriculum I’m comfortable taking kids outside but the problem is tying it into the curriculum…it is hard to fit! We disrupt curriculum for “social activities”, why not for outdoor lessons? Our curriculum is test based I want crafted lessons Take a whistle & phone. We need parent volunteers. Give short directions and regroup for next direction set I’m not opposed to taking kids outside. I used to do it! When we had teaming! I’ve talked about it. I do it in the Fall (about 1 each week) and Spring (3X) Students get excited! Give squirrely kids specific jobs!

27 TRUST Teacher to: TeacherStudentAdministrationCommunity


29 TIME Time to Plan and Organize Time to Plan and Organize Time to Process and Learn Time to Process and Learn Time for “Teachable /unexpected Moments” Time for “Teachable /unexpected Moments”

30 Insecurity? Or TIME ISSUES?


32 Don’t we need to support NCLB? We do need to comply with standards!




36 RESPONSES “Encourage me and relate more resources!” “Encourage me and relate more resources!” “Help me find a ‘Climate-change’ lesson for outside.” “Help me find a ‘Climate-change’ lesson for outside.” “I would enjoy a joint lesson for writing and/or reading that takes us outside.” “I would enjoy a joint lesson for writing and/or reading that takes us outside.” I want to read the book you mentioned, “No Child Left Inside”. I want to read the book you mentioned, “No Child Left Inside”.


38 These FEARS are REAL! Until you: Make a decision

39 ACTION PLAN Promote: EXPAND PLCs to include one dedicated conversation about CURRICULUM each month. Promote: EXPAND PLCs to include one dedicated conversation about CURRICULUM each month. I think that I could share the results of my focus group with our school and administration as a means to gather additional interest in taking kids outdoors during the next school year. I think that I could share the results of my focus group with our school and administration as a means to gather additional interest in taking kids outdoors during the next school year.

40 CRITICAL FRIENDS - TEAM Small group Large group – class Colleagues Partners

41 What if I think…. I am alone?

42 PROVIDE TIME Time to listen Time to listen Time to share Time to share Time to process and create Time to process and create

43 Search for System of support Come prepared and be respectful Use tuning Protocol Tackle more when you can


45 FINAL REFLECTION Action Research is valuable Action Research is valuable Consequently, I am feeling like my small actions are having some benefits to students as well as my community of colleagues. Consequently, I am feeling like my small actions are having some benefits to students as well as my community of colleagues.

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