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MoDOT’s Tracker System 2010 AASHTO Right of Way & Utilities Subcommittee Meeting April 2010 Joyce Musick Missouri Department of Transportation.

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Presentation on theme: "MoDOT’s Tracker System 2010 AASHTO Right of Way & Utilities Subcommittee Meeting April 2010 Joyce Musick Missouri Department of Transportation."— Presentation transcript:

1 MoDOT’s Tracker System 2010 AASHTO Right of Way & Utilities Subcommittee Meeting April 2010 Joyce Musick Missouri Department of Transportation

2 MoDOT Mission Our mission is to provide a world-class transportation experience that delights our customers and promotes a prosperous Missouri.


4 MoDOT Tracker Organized around 18 Tangible Results Around 100 individual measures Senior and mid-level managers involved

5 Accountability Quarterly review meetings Presentations regarding performance Discuss actions … NOT PLANS!


7 Fast Projects that are of Great Value MoDOT customers expect that transportation projects be completed quickly and provide major improvements for travelers. MoDOT will honor project commitments because it believes in integrity.

8 Percent of Projects Completed on Time

9 Percent of Projects Completed on Time

10 Supplement – Percent of Projects Completed on Time

11 Percent of Programmed Project Cost as Compared to Final Project Cost

12 Supplement – Percent of Programmed Project Cost as Compared to Final Project Cost

13 Best Value for Every Dollar Spent Providing the best value for every dollar spent means MoDOT is running its business as efficiently and effectively as possible. A tightly managed budget means more roads and bridges can be fixed. That keeps Missouri moving. This is one of MoDOT’s values because every employee is a taxpayer too!

14 Number of Excess Properties Conveyed

15 Supplement – Number of Excess Properties Conveyed By District

16 Leases with Expired Insurance

17 Active Leases Without Current Inspection

18 Attractive Roadsides An enjoyable transportation experience includes more than a smooth surface – motorists expect to see roadsides free of litter and debris, well-managed and maintained grass and other vegetation, and other attractive enhancements.

19 Number of Visits to the Outdoor Advertising External

20 Number of Outdoor Advertising Signs by Type and Status

21 Supplement – Number of Outdoor Advertising Signs by Type and Status

22 Other Division Tracker Measures The Right of Way Division tracks other measures at the division level: Percent of right of way parcels acquired at approved offer, administrative settlements and free deeds Rate of relocatees who feel they are being treated fairly Rate of customers who feel they are being treated fairly Statewide rate of parcels acquired through negotiation Actual vs. cash flow budgeted for right of way STIP expenditures Design/Bridge Consultant (DBC) budget vs. actual expenditures Level of Partner Satisfaction

23 Performance measurement isn’t extra work … Forecast future performance Day-to-day business decisions Motivate staff to new performance levels Become the best in any industry it is our work!

24 Keys to Success… Executive support Linked to customer expectations Managerial accountability Cascade of measures

25 Lessons Learned… Don’t work on improving your measures until you’ve established your focus. Targets can limit performance. Don’t wait for perfect measures.

26 Questions? Thank You! For more information, contact: Joyce Musick Missouri Department of Transportation (573) 522-6151

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