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Warm Up What is the difference between a goal and an objective? Why are ten year plans important to have?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up What is the difference between a goal and an objective? Why are ten year plans important to have?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up What is the difference between a goal and an objective? Why are ten year plans important to have?

2 Ten Year Plan

3 Why? A ten year plan is like a driving directions map. It is one thing to have a goal…but another to know how to get to that goal. A ten year plan allows for you to think of the map to your life.

4 Goals versus Objectives Goals are long term. Objectives are shorter term. Objectives are specific and mostly measurable. Objectives are the steps to the goal.

5 Example Goal: Lose 100 pounds. Objectives to Meet that Goal: Start a walking program with the group at your office that meets after work. Eliminate sweets from diet all but one night of the week. Complete a 5K by the end of year #3. Participate in at least one yoga class per week by end of year #5.

6 Example 2 Goal #2: Become an elementary school principal. Objectives to Meet that Goal: Take a job as an elementary education teacher the summer after graduation. Teach elementary education or several years. While teaching, return to school for a Masters degree in Educational Leadership. Take a job as an Assistant Principal by year six.

7 Practice Goal: Pass Application in Marine Science with an A Objectives to meet the goal:

8 Practice 2 Goal: Do well on the SATs Goals to meet the objective:

9 Last practice Goal: To have a job by the end of Junior year. Objectives to meet goals:

10 Your ten year plan. I want you to select a career that you had went over from last week. You knew what was the good and what was the bad about each. You also knew from their interviews what was required (education levels or special skills like SCUBA diving certification).

11 What is required… The main goal is your career. You need to list all of the objectives you need to do to get to that career. You also need some bullet points under some of your objectives. Use your notes from the road to college to recall time to different degrees and what you need to do.

12 Example Goal: Be a shark researcher Objectives: Objective 1: Graduate high school by year 3. – Pass all required classes with GPA over 3. – Join two clubs a year and being a leader in one by year 3. – Take the SATs two times year two and one in year three. – Complete all required MSA community service hours. – Apply to seven colleges in year 3.

13 Continued… Objective 2: Earn a bachelor’s of science in Marine Biology by year 7. – Pass all classes required by my major with a GPA above 3…. For the rest of this…think of what you will need to do class and grade wise? What would you need to do for work? Would you need to volunteer in a lab or not? Do you need SCUBA as an objective? Would you join clubs or honors programs? Think of what would get you to the end goal?

14 Final Part I want you to write a short one half page summary on why you chose the career that you picked for this assignment. I want you to tell me what about the job appeals to you. I want you to tell me why does it match your interests. I want you to tell me why you would be happy doing this career.

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