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Do Now: What are the three ways that the Renaissance mindset was different from the Middle Ages mindset?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: What are the three ways that the Renaissance mindset was different from the Middle Ages mindset?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: What are the three ways that the Renaissance mindset was different from the Middle Ages mindset?

2 Renaissance Origins Learning Target: SWBAT explain geographic reasons for the beginning of the Renaissance, and show on a map the spread of the Renaissance across Europe.

3 Vocabulary Merchant Class: Wealthy people who make their living selling things others have made City State: Independent nation made up of a city and the land around it Urbanization: The development and growth of cities

4 Geographic Reasons The Renaissance began in Italy
It happened there for several main reasons:

5 I – Merchant Class Who are merchants again?
Sticking out into the sea, Italy has always been a center of trade. Its position as a peninsula with so many seaports meant that it was home to a large merchant class. These wealthy merchants had the time and resources to dedicate to artistic pursuits. Who are merchants again?

6 II – Political Organization
Italy was organized differently from the rest of Europe. Other places were politically organized into large kingdoms ruled by a single person. Italy, though, was made up of many smaller city-states. Because of their small size, many of the city-states functioned as republics.

7 Tech break

8 What’s a republic!? You pledge allegiance to it everyday in school!
What is it? 5:30-7:00



11 Quick Review! What is a Republic? System of government where the people choose representatives to make decisions for them

12 In these small republics, the people had the freedom to participate in the government. This meant a better-educated population and more of a focus on learning and culture.

13 III - Urbanization Finally, Italy was more urbanized than the rest of Europe. With many people living close together, they could share ideas, develop schools, and create large art projects.

14 The Renaissance Spreads
After the Renaissance began in Italy, it began to spread to other parts of Europe. Use a labeled map as a guide to shade in Italy and all the other nations which the Renaissance spread to: England France Germany Poland The Netherlands Spain

15 Write your summary! 5 will be collected in class today!

16 Classwork Activity: Travel Brochure
You’ve just learned three reasons why Italy was the perfect place for the Renaissance to start. Your classwork assignment is to create a travel brochure advertising Italy as a place to visit, and focusing on the three characteristics we discussed. First, fold your paper into thirds. The side with the map should be the cover. Label Italy on the map and create an appealing cover for the brochure. Then, on each of the three inside panels, describe a characteristic of Italy that led to the Renaissance and explain why this characteristic is a good thing (remember, you are trying to get people to come and visit). Be creative! You are welcome to use pictures and color.

17 Homework Write a letter from a citizen of Italy to a citizen of one of the countries above telling them what to expect from the Renaissance. In your letter, you should explain what the Renaissance is, describe the Renaissance mindset, tell why the Renaissance has already developed in your country, and tell them whether they should be happy or sad that it will soon spread to them. To earn a Check-Plus, use plenty of specific supporting details. Be sure to specify which country’s citizen you are writing to.

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