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ECOLOGY & FOODWEBS S7L4 Students will examine the dependence of organisms on one another and their environments. –Recognize that changes in environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "ECOLOGY & FOODWEBS S7L4 Students will examine the dependence of organisms on one another and their environments. –Recognize that changes in environmental."— Presentation transcript:



3 S7L4 Students will examine the dependence of organisms on one another and their environments. –Recognize that changes in environmental conditions can affect the survival of both individuals and entire species. –Categorize relationships between organisms that are competitive or mutually beneficial. –Describe the characteristics of Earth’s major terrestrial biomes and aquatic communities.

4 EQ’s to be answered in this unit: How is life like a web? Why is it necessary for everything in an ecosystem to work together? How do YOU fit into the larger world? How does a change in temperature and/or precipitation affect the living things in the environment? Why can’t there be a lone survivor? What effect does the environment have on organisms? How does the environment affect us?

5 ENERGY FLOW Energy is transferred from one organism to another. Two methods of transfers –Food Chain –Energy Pyramid

6 FOOD CHAIN Shows how energy passes from one organism to another. –A producer will ALWAYS be first. Producers make their own food. –CONSUMERS will be next: A herbivore will be second. –An organism that eats only plants (ex: rabbit, deer) A carnivore will be next. –An organism that eats other animals (ex: hawk, wolf) An omnivore can also be next. –An organism that eats both plants and animals (ex: bear, human)

7 EXAMPLE GRASS RABBIT WOLF Producer Herbivore Carnivore

8 Grass  Grasshopper  Frog  Snake  Hawk GRASS (is eaten by a) GRASSHOPPER (which is eaten by) a FROG (which is eaten by a) SNAKE (which is eaten by a) HAWK Example of a Food Chain


10 ENERGY PYRAMID Shows how much energy is at each level of food chain Pyramid Levels –1 st level is carnivores Larger animals least energy –2 nd level is carnivores –3 rd level is herbivores –4 th level is producers Plants Most energy

11 ENERGY PYRAMID Carnivores Least Energy (Larger Animals) Carnivores Herbivores Producers (Plants) Most Energy


13 Where Does Energy Comes From? SUN –Provides energy for life on Earth

14 2 Ways To Obtain Energy Producers –Make own energy through the Sun –Example: Plants Consumers –Can’t make own energy –Eat other organisms –Example: Animals

15 SYMBIOSIS Relationship between species Types: –Mutualism: both benefit –Commensalism: one benefits, the other is not affected –Parasitism: one benefits, the other is harmed

16 Mutualism – Bees & Flowers Commensalism – Fish & anemones Parasitism – Ticks

17 NICHE-Organism Survival –How does it find food and shelter? –How does it avoid danger? –How does it care for its young? –Does it have predators? –Can it cooperate with other animals? –Can it find prey (food)? A Niche is a term describing the relational position of a species or population in an ecosystem.

18 Interactions Within Communities Living Things –Any plant or animal; biotic factors Non-Living Things –Objects that do not have living characteristics; abiotic factors –Example: water, rock

19 BRAIN POP sresourcesandenvironment/foodchains/zo om.weml

20 BrainPop Time Again! tems/symbiosis/ tems/symbiosis/

21 Biosphere Earth’s crust All water that covers the Earth Atmosphere around Earth Includes all ecosystems (ex: Ocean) Contains all plants and animals –Ecology = Study of the Earth, Type of Science

22 Population vs. Community Population –One group of organisms of the same species –Example: deer, birds Community –Several groups of organisms living together –Example: birds, bears, snakes, all living in the forest

23 Habitats All places where an organism might live –Provides food and shelter –Example: tree, nest, cave Organism –A single living thing (plant, animal, fungus, protist, bacteria)

24 BRAIN POP sandecosystems/ecosystems/zoom.weml

25 Let’s see if you can answer the EQ’s: How is life like a web? Why is it necessary for everything in an ecosystem to work together? How do YOU fit into the larger world? How does a change in temperature and/or precipitation affect the living things in the environment? Why can’t there be a lone survivor? What effect does the environment have on organisms? How does the environment affect us?

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