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Welcome to Presentation. Presentation on Living standard and socio- economic condition of garments employees.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Presentation. Presentation on Living standard and socio- economic condition of garments employees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Presentation

2 Presentation on Living standard and socio- economic condition of garments employees

3 Prepared by NameID:IntakeSection Jahirul Islam 07081101074 14 th 2 Mishu Ahmed 07081101068 14 th 2 Md. Shahin 07081101051 14 th 2 Maria Hossain 07081101084 14 th 2 Ferdouse Begum 07081101067 14 th 2

4 Objectives Broad/General  To find out living standard and socio economic condition of garments employees. Short/Specific  To have an idea about their motive and attitude toward their organization.  To have an idea about their job and salary satisfaction.  To know the proper way to study a subject  To increase the knowledge of conducting a research and writing the report.

5 Methodology Types of research This is a Descriptive Research. Sources of Data Both primary and secondary sources of information have been collected for the purpose of this report. Primary Data The primary information has been collected by survey method. Secondary Data Different types of secondary data have been elaborated such as Websites, news report etc.

6 Methodology (cont..) Data Collection Procedure The information for this report obtained through primary and secondary sources method. Primary Primary data are collected through survey method. A questionnaire was developed with different types of measurement scale from both open-ended question and fixed alternative questionnaire and we contact with respondent through person to person interview with 100 respondents. Secondary Secondary data are collected through the relevant documents such as website, news paper, prior research report etc. Questionnaire Both open-ended and fixed alternative questions are used in the questionnaire. Fixed alternative question includes simple dichotomy question, simple attitude scale and multiple choice questions.

7 Methodology (cont..) Sampling Plan Population The target population is garments employees. Sample units/elements Among the population, any type of garments employee are selected to survey. Sample frame We design sample frame on the basis of region. Mirpur-1 Mirpur-1 Mirpur-2 Mirpur-2 Mirpur-6 Mirpur-6 Mirpur-10 Mirpur-10 Asulia (Savar area) Asulia (Savar area) Sample Procedure Non probability convenient procedure was used for drawing sample elements.

8 Methodology (cont..) Sample Size We estimate that our confidence level 95% (z=1.96) expected range of error (E) is 3.9 and standard deviation is 20. For determining the sample size we use formula as The sample size is limited to 100 for all type of garments employees. Limitation Unavailability of specific data from every sector.  Lack of Statistics.  Cost Constraint.  Time Constraint.  Confidentiality.

9 Analysis & Findings Academic qualification of garments employees By analyzing data in the questionnaire it is clear that most of the garments employees are not educated. From the graph we come to clear that the 46% of employees are primary educated. That shows the maximum number of employees are primary educated. 20% of employees have completed their SSC level. 14% of employees have completed their HSC level.

10 Analysis & Findings Monthly income of garments employee From the collecting data and analyzing that data we find that the monthly income of a garments employee is in the class of Tk3,000 to Tk6,000. From the graph we can see that 48% of respondent income level is in that range. Where 23% and 21% of respondents’ income level is in the class of less than Tk3,000 and Tk6,000 to Tk9,000 respectively. The statistics shows that 92% of garments employees’ income level is less than Tk9,000.

11 Analysis & Findings Monthly expenditure of a garments employee The monthly expenditure of a garments employee is less than Tk3,000. From the graph it is clear that 49% of respondents’ monthly expenditure is in that class. 36% of respondents monthly expenditure is in the class of Tk3,000 to Tk6,000. The statistic shows that 85% of garments employees’ monthly expenditure is less than Tk6,000.

12 Analysis & Findings Overtime facility Most of the organizations of garment industry provide overtime facility to their employees. From the graph we can see that 82% of garments employees are getting overtime facility from their organization.

13 Analysis & Findings Job satisfaction of garments employees Almost equal number of respondents says that they are satisfied and non-satisfied to their job. The graph said that 52% of respondents are satisfied and 48% of respondents are not satisfied to their job. It mainly depends on the organization internal environment that they work.

14 Analysis & Findings Satisfaction to salary It is a great problem in this time that many garments employees have walked out from their workplace and going to strike along the road for increasing their salary scale. From our survey we find that 81% of garments employees are dissatisfied to their salary.

15 Analysis & Findings Promotional facility provided by organization Maximum organizations in the garments industry provide promotional facility to their employee. From the graph it is clear that the research found that 91% of garments employees said that their organization provides promotional facility for the betterment of the employees. While conducting survey we found that maximum respondents firstly join in the root level of the organization then they have promoted to higher level.

16 Analysis & Findings Does organization provides bonus to employees? Maximum organization provides bonus to their employees based on performance and different occasion. Our study shows that 86% of garments employee are getting bonus from their organization.

17 Analysis & Findings Extra facility provided by organization Maximum organization in the garments industry does not provide extra any other facility to their employees. Our study shows that 65% of garments employees said that they are not provided extra facility by the organization.

18 Analysis & Findings Advanced money provided by the organization The garments organization does not provide advanced money to the employees. From our study we found that 86% respondents said that their organization does not provide advanced money.

19 Analysis & Findings Provide salary in Maximum organizations provide employees’ salary in first week and also second week. The graph shows that 49% respondents are getting salary in first week and 44% respondents are getting salary in second week. The statistic shows that 93% of respondents are getting salary in first and second week.

20 Analysis & Findings Company follows model The organization in the garments industry follows autocratic model to run their organization. Our study shows that 68% respondents said that their organization follows autocratic model. 28% respondents said their organization follows supportive model.

21 Analysis & Findings Employees’ workplace is safety Employees’ workplace is safety in which employees are working. Our study shows that 79% of respondents said their working environment is safety.

22 Major Findings  Garments employee’s deepest claim to increase their salary.  Maximum number of garments employees are primary level educated.  Monthly income of garments employees is in the range of Tk.3000 to Tk.6000.  Their maximum monthly expenditure is less than Tk.3000. Statistic found that 85% of employees’ monthly expenditure is less than Tk.6000.  86% of respondents said their organization provides bonus to them in different occasions.  Organization does not provide advanced payment to employees.  Organization provides salary within first and second week of month.  Almost all organization follows autocratic model to run their organization  Employees workplace is safety said 79% respondents.

23 Recommendation 1. Organization should increase salary for the employees to reduce Grievance and increase productivity. 2. Organization should provide advanced payment when needed as a result they will be motivated to work more and more 3. Extra any other financial or non-financial facility should be provided by the organization that will help to achieve organizational goals. 4. Medical facility should be provided for the employees. 5. Organization should follow collegial model instead of autocratic model. 6. Employees workplace should be kept in safety. 7. Insurance for all employees should be maintained.

24 Conclusion In Bangladesh Garments industry plays an important role to cycling the economic wheel of the country. Every year the county earns a huge amount of money by exporting its products from various countries. Its main imported countries are USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Soudia Arabia and so on. But unfortunately the workers who are the key person to make up products are being neglected since initial stage of this industry. Their salary level is very low in compare to their level of work they are doing. In this report we try find out the living standard and socio-economic condition of the garments employees. By analyzing them we found that they are actually neglected even from their general rights that they can claim from the organization.

25 Thank You to all for being attended patiently

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