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By Katie Southers, Kate Thomas, Alison Hassett, CJ Sheppard, and Hunter.

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1 By Katie Southers, Kate Thomas, Alison Hassett, CJ Sheppard, and Hunter

2 Watergate Scandal –In the movie Forrest spots lights in a hotel across the street and complains to a hotel clerk that the lights are bothering him –It was the Nixon administration breaking into the Democratic Party's National Committee Offices on June 17, 1972 to gain insight on their upcoming campaign –The next scene shows Nixon’s resignation speech and makes it seem that Forrest was the reason the scandal became known –In reality it was the security guard Frank Willis that instigated an investigation (2008). Watergate: The scandal that Brought Down Richard Nixon. Retrieved May 22, 2008 from

3 Other History in Forrest Gump Elvis - Forrest’s mother ran a boarding house. One of the tenants was a young singer/guitar player. Forrest twisted his hips to the music. The next scene shows Elvis on TV using Forrest’s moves. This scenario is fictionalized. Elvis Presley Enterprises. (1996). Elvis Presley. Retrieved May 22, 2008 from Integration of the University of Alabama - In the movie, Forrest attends the University of Alabama on a football scholarship. During the Integration of the University in 1963, Forrest picked up a book of one of the African American students after they were allowed into the University. In the actual event Alabama Governor George Wallace blocked the doorway of a building and did not let Vivian Malone and James Hood enter the building. President John F. Kennedy sent troops to the University and the students were admitted.

4 Other History Vietnam –Forrest enlists in the army after college and soon is shipped to Vietnam after his basic training –Forrest writes to Jenny describing all the fighting in Vietnam –While Forrest is in Vietnam he gets in a battle and saves all of his platoon from Napalm and he gets shot in the buttock –In the actual war Napalm actual caused a lot of causalities and some died from there own Napalm bombs

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