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K. Goulianos CDF RESULTS ON DIFFRACTION AND EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTION Konstantin Goulianos 14th Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (EDS Blois Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "K. Goulianos CDF RESULTS ON DIFFRACTION AND EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTION Konstantin Goulianos 14th Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (EDS Blois Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 K. Goulianos CDF RESULTS ON DIFFRACTION AND EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTION Konstantin Goulianos 14th Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (EDS Blois Workshop ) Frontiers of QCD: From Puzzles to Discoveries December 15-21, 2011, Qui Nhon, Vietnam 1

2 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 2 CONTENTS  INTRODUCTION  DIFFRACTION Diffractive W and Z production – published Diffractive structure function in dijet production – update Rapidity gaps between jets - update  EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTION Exclusive  in pp collisions at 1.96 TeV – new!  CONCLUSION

3 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 3 Diffraction at CDF in Run I Single Diffraction or Single Dissociation Double Diffraction or Double Dissociation Double Pom. Exchange or Central Dissociation Single + Double Diffraction (SDD) SD DD DPE /CD SDD Elastic scatteringTotal cross section  T =Im f el (t=0) OPTICAL THEOREM   gap multi-gap w / two gaps  part of SD Find PRL/PRD references in  

4 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 4 Definitions  dN/d  M p p’ gap  =-ln  0 p M ,t,t p p p’ ln M 2 ln s particles  =-ln  No radiation  no price paid for increasing diffractive gap size

5 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 5 Highlights of Run I Results The MBR (Minimum Bias Rockefeller) Monte Carlo was used in the forward physics program - see: Run I

6 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 6 TOTAL SD x-SECTION Factor of ~8 (~5) suppression at √s = 1800 (540) GeV  suppressed relative to Regge KG, PLB 358, 379 (1995) 1800 GeV 540 GeV M ,t,t p p p’ √s=22 GeV  RENORMALIZATION Regge  CDF results Run I

7 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 7 DD at CDF renormalized gap probabilityx-section Run I

8 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 8 SDD at CDF  Excellent agreement between data and MBR (MinBiasRockefeller) MC Run I

9 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 9 DPE / CD at CDF  Excellent agreement between data and MBR  low and high masses are correctly implemented Run I

10 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 10 Hard diffraction  dN/d  1.45 +/- 0.25 J/  0.62 +/- 0.25b 1.15 +/- 0.55W 0.75 +/- 0.10JJ Fraction % Fraction: SD/ND ratio @ 1800 GeV All fractions ~ 1% (differences due to kinematics)  ~ FACTORIZATION ! FACTORIZATION ! hard Run I

11 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 11 Diffrr. Structure Function - DSF   momentum fraction of parton in “Pomeron”  suppression factor is 2.5 times larger than in soft diffraction  one of the main reasons for repeating measurement in Run II with an improved forward detector system  breakdown of QCD factorization PRL 84, 5043 (2000) ~ 20 Run I p+p  p+[JJ+X] __

12 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 12 Puzzles from run I  gap fractions are suppressed relative to theory predictions, both for soft (Regge) and hard diffraction …but factorization holds among processes at the same energy, just like at HERA  DSF at √s=1800 GeV suppressed by factor ~ 20 while Regge by factor ~8  contradicts RENORM prediction, but…see further down in the talk Run I

13 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 13 The CDF II Detector – plan view

14 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 14 The MiniPlugs @ CDF 3.5<|h|<5.1

15 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 15 Measurements w / the MiniPlugs ADC counts in MiniPlug towers in a pbar-p event at 1960 GeV. “jet” indicates an energy cluster and may be just a hadron. 1000 counts ~ 1 GeV Multiplicity of SD and ND events ENERGY MP TOWER STRUCTURE MULTIPLICITY @ POSITION NIM A 430 (1999) NIM A 496 (2003) NIM A 518 (2004)

16 K. Goulianos  In LO QCD W probes the quark content of diffractive exchange.  Production by gluons is suppressed by a factor of  S and distinguished by an associated jet. Diffractive W/Z MWMW 16 CDF Diffraction and Exclusive ProductionEDS-2011 Vietnam

17 K. Goulianos M W from inclusive W  e/  +v Method: compare transverse M W data with MC M W diff = 80.9± 0.7(GeV/c 2 ) 17 EDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production

18 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 Vietnam 18 Data and event selection 0.6 fb-1 of integrated luminosity data W Z CDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production

19 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 Vietnam 19 Diffractive W/Z fractions Run I: R W =1.15±0.55 % for  min <  <0.1  [0.88±0.21 (stat)% within 0.03 <  < 0.10 & |t|<1 ~80% 68-80% ~87% f1-int =(25.6±1.2)% CDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production

20 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 Vietnam 20 DSF from Dijets in Run II )(xF ) F Bj ND jj Bj SD jj )(xRate )(xRate )R(x Bj ND jj Bj SD jj Bj    x Bj -distribution of SD/ND ratio has no strong Q 2 dependence  slope of t-distribution is independent of Q 2 for |t| < 1 (GeV/c) 2  does the t-distribution have a diffraction minimum beyond |t|=1 GeV/c) 2 ??  stay tuned, release coming soon! CDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production

21 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 21 Dijet E T distributions  similar for SD and ND over 4 orders of magnitude Kinematics

22 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 22 Q 2 dependence of DSF in dijets E T jet ~ 100 GeV !  The Pomeron evolves as the proton !  Small Q 2 dependence in region 100<Q 2 <10 000 GeV 2 where d  SD /dE T & d  ND /dE T vary by a factor of ~10 4 !

23 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 23 Diffractive structure function – Run II t - dependence  No diffraction dips at |t| < 1 GeV 2  No Q2 dependence in slope from inclusive up to Q 2 ~10 4 GeV 2 Fit d  /dt to a double exponential:  Same slope over entire region of 0 < Q 2 < ~ 10 000 GeV 2 !

24 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 Vietnam 24  T SD and dijets ~8 ZEUS and H1 vs. CDF H1 ZEUS CDF KG, PLB 358 (1995) 379  T sd ~ 8 soft ** e p p p p p dijet Magnitude: same suppression factor in soft and hard diffraction! Shape of  distribution: ZEUS, H1, and Tevatron – why different slapes?  CDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production

25 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 25 GAPS BETWEEN JETS Jet gap  analysis nears completion  repeat at LHC at 7 TeV with higher E T forward jets

26 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 26 EXCLUSIVE Dijet  Excl. Higgs T HEORY CALIBRATION p p _ } JJ   c Exclusive dijets PRD 77, 052004 (2008) PRL 99, 242002 (2007) PRL 242001 (2007)

27 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 27 Exclusive  production Phys.Rev.Lett. 99,242002 (2007)  3  /  o   evts observed  2  candidates  1  0  0 candidate V.A.Khoze et al. Eur. Phys. J C38, 475 (2005):  2 events   ~ 90 fb, in agreement with theory  cannot claim discovery as bgd study was made a posteriori E T  > 5 GeV |   |< 1.0

28 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 Vietnam 28 Exclusive Dimuon Production  many physics processes in this data set: 3 GeV/c 2 <M  <4 GeV/c 2 exclusive  c in DPE p+p →p+  +  - +p  c  c CDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production

29 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 29 Exclusive J/  and  (2s) J/  production 243  21 events 3.92 d  /dy| y=0 = 3.92 ± 0.62 nb Theoretical Predictions 2.8 nb [Szczurek07,], 2.8 nb [Szczurek07,], 2.7 nb [Klein&Nystrand04], 2.7 nb [Klein&Nystrand04], 3.0 nb [Conclaves&Machado05], and 3.0 nb [Conclaves&Machado05], and 3.4 nb [Motkya&Watt08]. 3.4 nb [Motkya&Watt08].  s  production 34  7 events 0.54 d  /dy| y=0 = 0.54 ± 0.15 nb R =  (2s)/J/  = 0.14 ± 0.05 In agreement with HERA: R = 0.166 ± 0.012 in a similar kinematic region Fit : 2 Gaussians + QED continuum J/   (2s) QED continuum PRL 242001 (2009)

30 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 Vietnam 30 Exclusive  c →J/  (→  +  - )+   Allowing EM towers (E T >80MeV)  large increase in the J/  peak & minor change in the  (2s ) peak  Evidence for:  c →J/  +  production J/  286  352 = +66 events  (2s) 39  40 = +1 event d  /dy| y=0 = 75 ± 14 nb, compatible with theoretical predictions  160 nb (Yuan 01)  90 nb (KMR01) Allow extra EM tower PRL 242001 (2009) CDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production

31 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 31 Exclusive  production  new! (submitted to PRL: arXiv:1112.0858)

32 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 32 Exclusive  and e + e - events

33 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 33 Exclusive  data vs. MC

34 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 34 Exclusive  cross section

35 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 35 Exclusive  event candidate

36 K. Goulianos Tevatron Low-s Energy Scan September 8-16 2011  √s=300 & 900 GeV (CDF already studied √s=630, 1800 &1960 GeV)  MinBias events (charged particle multiplicities, dN/d , etc…  Underlying event for various processes  Gap-X-Gap events  Tune MC generators  Plan to have (some) results in summer conferences CDF data EDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 36

37 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 37 SUMMARY  Diffractive W and Z fractions: final results based on Run II CDF data using a Roman Pot Spectrometer (RPS) to measure the recoil pbar momentum  The W fraction is in good agreement with the fraction measured in Run I based on a rapidity gap analysis  The Z fraction is about 10% smaller than the W fraction, just as in non- diffractive events  Diffractive structure function in dijet production: no strong Q2 and/or t dependence over a wide range is there a diffraction dip in the t-distribution?  coming soon  Central rapidity gaps in min-bias and very forward dijet events: same dependence on  =  max -  min  Exclusive production observed/measured for several processes thank you for your attendance

38 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 38 BACKUP

39 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 39 DIFFRACTIVE AND NON-DIFFRACTIVE INTERACTIONS Diffractive  gaps  Colorless exchange with vacuum quantum numbers Non-diffractive  no “large” gaps  Color-exchange POMERONPOMERON Goal: understand the QCD nature of the diffractive exchange rapidity gap Incident hadrons acquire color and break apart CONFINEMENT Incident hadrons retain their quantum numbers remaining colorless pseudo- DECONFINEMENT p ppp p

40 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 40 Gap survival probability S =

41 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 41 Dynamic Alignment of RPS Detectors Method: iteratively adjust the RPS X and Y offsets from the nominal beam axis until a maximum in the b-slope is obtained @ t=0. Limiting factors 1-statistics 2-beam size 3-beam jitter @ CDF W /lowlum data

42 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 42 Pomeron dominated  &  dependence of F D jj – Run I

43 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 43 Diffractive dijets @ Tevatron p jet reorganize jet

44 K. GoulianosEDS-2011 VietnamCDF Diffraction and Exclusive Production 44 Diffractive DIS @ HERA e Q2Q2 ** p jet  reorganize J. Collins: factorization holds (but under what conditions?) e **  t p IP Pomeron exchangeColor reorganization Results favor color reorganization

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