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IC59 Cascade Filter Comparison between the recos for (HLC+SLC) and (HLC only) pulses Part I Mariola Lesiak-Bzdak LBNL 1 Cascade Phone Call, Nov. 8, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "IC59 Cascade Filter Comparison between the recos for (HLC+SLC) and (HLC only) pulses Part I Mariola Lesiak-Bzdak LBNL 1 Cascade Phone Call, Nov. 8, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 IC59 Cascade Filter Comparison between the recos for (HLC+SLC) and (HLC only) pulses Part I Mariola Lesiak-Bzdak LBNL 1 Cascade Phone Call, Nov. 8, 2010

2 Hard Local Coincidence A DOM will trigger if the PMT signal exceeds 0.25 PE. Readout hit only if a neighboring DOM on the same string is also hit within ±1μs – Hard Local LC span 1 LC span 2 Triggered DOM 2

3 What is SLC? SLC stands for Soft Local Coincidence readout mechanism. It means that the PMT waveform is digitized and read out whenever the DOM's PMT signal exceeds the threshold, even without coincidence with neighboring DOMs (thus, it is actually no coincidence at all). Thus, each hit without the local coincidence condition met will be SLC hit. Most SLC hits recorded in an event are due to dark noise – cleaning of SLC hits needed – see: 3

4 Comparison of the same event seen with only HLC (left) and both HLC and SLC (right) 4 HLC + SLC readouts HLC readouts only No cleaning applied! Cleaning needed!

5 Seeded RT-Cleaning principle A hit is only kept if it has another hit: within a designated radius R AND within a time distance T 5 More:

6 SLC hit cleaning implementation in the code at Level2 for IC59 [m] [ns] 6 At Level2 scripts there is only one type of SLC hit cleaning implemented: see:

7 HLC and SLC hits of the same IC59 event HLC readouts only SLC readouts only HLC + SLC readouts 7

8 HLC+SLC recos check 8 Output i3 file has the following pulses in the frame: OfflinePulseSeriesReco, TWOfflinePulseSeriesReco, OfflineSLCPulseSeriesReco L3+ scripts: recos using HLC pulses only Add SLC and HLC pulses: OfflinePulseSeriesReco+OfflineSLCPulseSeriesReco Time Window Cleaning applied to the pulses sum Do L2 muon recos (SPEFit8 CascadeLlhVertexReco, AtmCscdEnergyReco) for TWC(HLC+SLC) Pulses and repeat L3+ recos - no cuts applied!

9 Comparison between the reconstruction for HLC pulses only and (HLC+SLC) 9

10 Reminder: IC59 Level3+ cuts ------------------------------------------------------- – Energy reconstructed by AtmCascadeEnergyReco Energy > 10 TeV OR – Zenith angle reconstructed by muon fit SPEFit8 Zenith > 80 deg AND – Reduced likelihood rlogl of CascadeVertexFit Rlogl < 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AND – FillRatioFromMean(radius=mean*1.1) > 0.5 10

11 AtmCscdEnergyReco_Energy 11

12 CascadeLlhVertexFit_rlogl 12

13 SPEFit8_Zenith 13

14 FillRatioFromMean 14

15 Comparison of shapes of distributions for DATA and rescaled E^-2 Signal 15

16 Conclusions Further analysis required: – Check efficiencies with new variables – Check reconstructions as a function of NCh, energy – Add L1 fits: i.e. Tensor of Inertia 16

17 Extra SLIDES 17

18 SPEFit32_Zenith 18

19 CredoFit_rlogl 19

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