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“Oh…, I feel so lonely. No one wants to be my friend,’’ said Lady Dame sadly. “How I wish someone can be my friend”. Every evening Lady Dame would.

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Presentation on theme: "“Oh…, I feel so lonely. No one wants to be my friend,’’ said Lady Dame sadly. “How I wish someone can be my friend”. Every evening Lady Dame would."— Presentation transcript:




4 “Oh…, I feel so lonely. No one wants to be my friend,’’ said Lady Dame sadly. “How I wish someone can be my friend”. Every evening Lady Dame would fly freely stretching her bright yellow, red and purple coloured wings, around her big and beautiful garden.

5 As Lady Dame was flying around, Hamy, an attractive, brightly coloured male butterfly flew across the garden. Hamy was so amazed by Lady Dame’s beauty and he fell in love that very moment. “Oh…, what a beauty” said Hamy softly. Hamy was so amazed and he didn’t realise that he flew towards a big tree, bumped to it and fell to the ground.

6 “Ouch!!” shouted Hamy painfully. “He he he,.. giggled Lady Dame. “Are you alright?” Can I help you?” said Lady Dame again but this time she was concerned and worried. “ I mean, I am fine,” said Hamy nervously.

7 They then gazed at each other’s eyes and from then on Lady Dame and Hamy fell in love and they got married.

8 After few weeks, Lady Dame started to lay an egg. Hamy was overjoy when he saw the eggs because he knew that he was going to be a father. “We are going to have a baby, my love,” said Hamy excitedly to Lady Dame. Many days after that, the eggs suddenly hatched and turned to a small baby butterfly. Baby butterfly always felt so hungry all the time. She kept on munching and munching till she got bigger and bigger. Baby butterfly felt so full and got so sleepy.

9 “ I ate too much. I feel so tired now. I must go to sleep,” said baby butterfly to herself. “ U..wah..,” yawned Baby Butterfly lazily. She then wrapped herself with a very thick warm blanket. “Good night mom, good night dad,” said the baby butterfly. As she said good night to her parents, she slowly went to sleep.

10 Few weeks later, she woke up from her long sleep and began to stretch her wings out. The baby butterfly became a very, very beautiful female adult butterfly. She was as beautiful as her mother, Lady Dame.

11 Lady Dame and Hamy was so proud of their beautiful daughter.

12 Her parents called her Bella because of her beauty. Bella flew around beautifully and outstretched her wings all day long and was proud of herself. The whole family lived a joyous and happy life in their beautiful garden, and Lady Dame will never be alone again.

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