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The 8-queens problem CS 5010 Program Design Paradigms “Bootcamp” Lesson 8.7 1 TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this.

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1 The 8-queens problem CS 5010 Program Design Paradigms “Bootcamp” Lesson 8.7 1 TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAA © Mitchell Wand, 2012-2015 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

2 Introduction In this lesson, a classic example of general recursion: the eight queens problem. Along the way we'll learn something more about layered design. 2

3 Layered Design In layered design, we write a data design and a set of procedures for each data type. We try to manipulate the values of the type only through the procedures. We already did this once– we hooked things up so that our graph programs (reachables and path?) didn't care how the graphs were represented, so long as we had a successor function that gave right answers. In general, we start with the lowest-level pieces and work our way up. 3

4 The problem for this lesson: 8-queens Find a placement of 8 queens on a chessboard so that no queen can capture another queen. Here's one solution: 4 source

5 What can a queen capture? A queen can move any number of spaces horizontally, vertically, or diagonally 5 © 2009 Bigriddles

6 What can a queen capture? If the queen is at row r and column c, then it can attack any square (r', c') such that r' = r (horizontal movement) c' = c (vertical movement) r'+c' = r+c (northwest-southeast movement) r'-c' = r-c (northeast-southwest movement) 6

7 Of course, we'll generalize to boards of other sizes and our data representation should be independent of board size. If we need information about the board size, we'll put that in an invariant. 7

8 Data Design for Queen ;; Queens: (define-struct queen (row col)) ;; A Queen is a (make-queen PosInt PosInt) ;; Queen Queen -> Boolean ;; STRATEGY: Use template for Queen on q1 and q2 (define (threatens? q1 q2) (or (= (queen-row q1) (queen-row q2)) (= (queen-col q1) (queen-col q2)) (= (+ (queen-row q1) (queen-col q1)) (+ (queen-row q2) (queen-col q2))) (= (- (queen-row q1) (queen-col q1)) (- (queen-row q2) (queen-col q2))))) ;; Queen ListOfQueen -> Boolean ;; STRATEGY: Use HOF ormap on other-queens (define (threatens-any? this-queen other-queens) (ormap (lambda (other-queen) (threatens? this-queen other-queen)) other-queens)) 8

9 Data Design Define a legal configuration to be a set of queens on squares that can't attack each other. Since no two queens can occupy the same row, we'll only represent legal configurations of the form {(1,c1),..., (k, c_k)} for some k. We’ll represent them as a list in reverse order: ((k c_k) (k-1, c_k-1)... (1, c1)) 9

10 Operations on configurations ;; : -> LegalConfig (define empty-config empty) ;; legal-to-add-queen? : PosInt LegalConfig -> Bool ;; GIVEN: a column col and a legal configuration ;; ((k, c_k), (k-1, c_k-1),... (1, c1)) ;; RETURNS: true iff adding a queen at row k+1 and column col ;; would result in a legal configuration. ;; STRATEGY: Cases on whether the configuration is empty. (define (legal-to-add-queen? col config) (or (empty? config) ;; first queen is always legal (local ((define next-row (+ 1 (length config))) (define new-queen (make-queen next-row col))) (not (threatens-any? new-queen config))))) 10 None of the old queens threaten each other, so we only need to check whether the new queen threatens any of the old queens.

11 Operations on Configurations (2) ;; place-queen : PosInt LegalConfig -> LegalConfig ;; GIVEN: a column col ;; and a legal config of some length k ;; WHERE: a new queen at (k+1, col) wouldn’t threaten ;; any of the existing queens. ;; RETURNS: the given configuration with a new queen ;; added at (k+1,col) ;; STRATEGY: Cases on whether config is empty (define (place-queen col config) (if (empty? config) (list (make-queen 1 1)) (local ((define next-row (+ 1 (length config))) (define new-queen (make-queen next-row col))) (cons new-queen config)))) 11 It turns out to be useful to separate out legal-to-add- queen? as a separate function.

12 Operations on configurations (3) ;; Config PosInt -> Boolean ;; RETURNS: Is the configuration complete for a board of ;; size n? ;; STRATEGY: combine simpler functions (define (config-complete? config size) (= size (length config))) 12

13 The General Problem ;; complete-configuration : ;; LegalConfig PosInt-> MaybeLegalConfig ;; GIVEN: a legal configuration and the size of the board ;; RETURNS: an extension of the given configuration to the given ;; size, if there is one, otherwise false. ;; STRATEGY: Recur on each legal placement of next queen. ;; DETAILS: Given ((k, c_k), (k-1, c_k-1),... (1, c1)), we ;; generate all the configurations ;; ((k+1, c_k+1), (k, c_k), (k-1, c_k-1),... (1, c1)) ;; and recur on each of them until we find one that works. ;; HALTING MEASURE: (- size (length config)) 13

14 Algorithm If config is already complete, it is its own completion: the problem is trivial. Otherwise, look at each of the successors of c in turn, and choose the first completion. 14 In other words,...

15 Top Level ;; Nat -> MaybeLegalConfig ;; STRATEGY: Call a more general function (define (nqueens n) (complete-configuration empty-config n)) 15

16 Function Definition ;; HALTING MEASURE: (- size (length config)) (define (complete-configuration config size) (cond [(= (length config) size) config] [else (first-success (lambda (next-config) (complete-configuration next-config size)) (legal-successors config size))])) 16

17 legal-successors ;; LegalConfig Nat -> ListOfLegalConfig ;; GIVEN a legal configuration ;; ((k, c_k), (k-1, c_k-1),... (1, c1)) ;; RETURNS: the list of all legal configurations ;; ((k+1, col), (k, c_k), (k-1, c_k-1),... (1, c1)) ;; for col in [1,size] ;; STRATEGY: Use HOF filter on [1,n] to find all places on ;; which it is legal to place next queen. Use map on the ;; result to construct each such configuration. (define (legal-successors config size) (map (lambda (col) (place-queen col config)) (filter (lambda (col) (legal-to-add-queen? col config)) (integers-from 1 ncols)))) 17

18 Help Functions ;; integers-from : Integer Integer -> ListOfInteger ;; GIVEN: n, m ;; RETURNS: the list of integers in [n,m] ;; STRATEGY: recur on n+1; halt when n > m. ;; HALTING MEASURE: max(0,m-n). (define (integers-from n m) (cond [(> n m) empty] [else (cons n (integers-from (+ n 1) m))])) ;; (X -> MaybeY) ListOfX -> MaybeY ;; first elt of lst s.t. (f elt) is not false; else false ;; STRATEGY: Use template for ListOfX on lst (define (first-success f lst) (cond [(empty? lst) false] [else (local ((define y (f (first lst)))) (if (not (false? y)) y (first-success f (rest lst))))])) 18 first-success is like ormap, but in ISL ormap requires f to be (X -> Bool), not (X -> MaybeY). In full Racket, we could just use ormap.

19 Output > (nqueens 1) (list (make-queen 1 1)) > (nqueens 2) #false > (nqueens 3) #false > (nqueens 4) #false > (nqueens 5) (list (make-queen 5 4) (make-queen 4 2) (make-queen 3 5) (make-queen 2 3) (make-queen 1 1)) > (nqueens 6) #false > (nqueens 7) (list (make-queen 7 6) (make-queen 6 4) (make-queen 5 2) (make-queen 4 7) (make-queen 3 5) (make-queen 2 3) (make-queen 1 1)) > 19 > (nqueens 8) (list (make-queen 8 4) (make-queen 7 2) (make-queen 6 7) (make-queen 5 3) (make-queen 4 6) (make-queen 3 8) (make-queen 2 5) (make-queen 1 1)) > (nqueens 9) (list (make-queen 9 5) (make-queen 8 7) (make-queen 7 9) (make-queen 6 4) (make-queen 5 2) (make-queen 4 8) (make-queen 3 6) (make-queen 2 3) (make-queen 1 1)) > (nqueens 10) (list (make-queen 10 7) (make-queen 9 4) (make-queen 8 2) (make-queen 7 9) (make-queen 6 5) (make-queen 5 10) (make-queen 4 8) (make-queen 3 6) (make-queen 2 3) (make-queen 1 1)) > (nqueens 11) (list (make-queen 11 10) (make-queen 10 8) (make-queen 9 6) (make-queen 8 4) (make-queen 7 2) (make-queen 6 11) (make-queen 5 9) (make-queen 4 7) (make-queen 3 5) (make-queen 2 3) (make-queen 1 1)) > (nqueens 12) (list (make-queen 12 4) (make-queen 11 9) (make-queen 10 7) (make-queen 9 2) (make-queen 8 11) (make-queen 7 6) (make-queen 6 12) (make-queen 5 10) (make-queen 4 8) (make-queen 3 5) (make-queen 2 3) (make-queen 1 1)) You should check by hand to see that there are no solutions for n = 2,3,4, and 6.

20 Layered Design We designed our system in 3 layers: 1.Queens. The operations were make-queen, queen-row, and threatens? 2.Configurations. The operations were empty- config, config-complete?, legal-to-add-queen?, and place-queen. 3.Search. This was the main function complete- configuration and its helper legal-successors. 20 These were the only operations used by the configuration functions These were the only operations on configurations used by layer 3.

21 Information-Hiding At each level, we could have referred to the implementation details of the lower layers, but we didn't need to. We only needed to refer to the procedures that manipulated the values in the lower layers. So when we code the higher layers, we don't need to worry about the details of the lower layers. 21

22 Information-Hiding (2) We could have written 3 files: queens.rkt, configs.rkt, and search.rkt, with each file provide-ing just those few procedures. In larger systems this is a must. It is the major topic of Managing System Design (aka Bootcamp 2) 22

23 Information-Hiding (3) These procedures form an interface to the values in question. If you continue along this line of analysis, you will be led to objects and classes (next week's topic!). 23

24 Information-Hiding (4) You use information-hiding every day. Example: do you know how Racket really represents numbers? Do you care? Ans: No, so long as the arithmetic functions give the right answer. Similarly for file system, etc: so long as fopen, fclose, etc. do the right thing, you don't care how files are actually implemented. 24 Except for performance, of course.

25 Summary In this lesson, we wrote a solution to the n- queens problem. – we used generative recursion – with a list of subproblems. We constructed our solution in layers – At each layer, we got to forget about the details of the layers below – This enables us to control complexity: to solve our problem while juggling less stuff in our brains. 25

26 Next Steps Study the file 08-9-queens.rkt in the Examples folder. If you have questions about this lesson, ask them on the Discussion Board Do Guided Practice 8.5 Go on to the next lesson 26

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