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MA3C0207 丁筱雯.  Qualitative research is uniquely suited to discovery and exploration.  A research proposal consists of two sections: WHAT the researcher.

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Presentation on theme: "MA3C0207 丁筱雯.  Qualitative research is uniquely suited to discovery and exploration.  A research proposal consists of two sections: WHAT the researcher."— Presentation transcript:

1 MA3C0207 丁筱雯

2  Qualitative research is uniquely suited to discovery and exploration.  A research proposal consists of two sections: WHAT the researcher wants to learn more about (the study’s conceptual framework) HOW the researcher will learn about this issue or question (its design and methods).

3  The large end describes the general phenomenon—the topic—and articulates the theoretical perspective.  The smaller end describes the specific project proposed.

4  Introduction  Overview of the conceptual framework and design and methods

5  Conceptual Framework (the what)  Topic and statement of the problem  Purpose and significance  Background for the study  Overview questions and sub questions  Limitations  Place boundaries around the study  Define important concepts and terms  Show gaps  Establish the importance of the study

6  Design and methods (the how)  Overall approach and rationale  Site or population selection and sampling strategies  Data gathering procedures  Data-analysis procedures  Trustworthiness and methodological limitations  Ethical considerations  Making decisions is integral to learn how to do qualitative research.

7  Appendixes  Informed consent forms  Draft interview guide  Draft observation protocol  Preliminary analysis framework

8  Establish the what of the study  What do you want to learn about?  What is already known about this topic?  What questions remain unanswered?  What assumptions are you making when you ask the question?

9  Conceptualizing your study is perhaps the most important step in your research.  The conceptual framework explains the way you are thinking about your topic.  The conceptual framework presents your theory of the world you will be studying.  The conceptual framework is grounded in your own experience, existing research and existing theoretical base.

10  Your own experience in practice informs your conceptualization.  What other people have discovered about the topic is foundational.  Conceptual framework has a theoretical base.

11  Aids in describing and explaining the phenomenon diagnosing the situation  Sharpens the focus; provides categories for analysis  Provides insight into the basic character of the phenomenon  Serves as a source of hypothesis generation  Links the inquirer’s questions to large theoretical constructs and policy discussions

12  Precious research and theoretical writings ground your study in an ongoing conversation about the topic.  Share the results of previous studies that are related to yours.  Show gaps which your study can contribute.

13  Describe the focus of the proposed research and briefly forecasts and methods.  Establish the credibility of the project.  Should evoke the reader’s interest.  This is where you establish your voice, or authorial point of view.

14  Topics are what interest us.  Booth, Colomb, & Williams (1995) I want to learn about _______.  What are the component parts of the topic?  How do these parts relate to one another?  Hoe does the topic relate to a larger domain?

15  Interrogate the topic be viewing it as dynamic and changing:  What is the history here?  What were its beginnings, and where is it now?  Further refine the topic by asking about its categories and characteristics:  How does it vary? along what dimensions?  How are the cases of it different from and similar to one another?

16  This set serves five purposes:  Establishes the theoretical framework that guides your study  Demonstrates that you are knowledgeable about the topic  Reveals gaps in that literature that your study can begin to address  Leads toward the general research question that your study will pursue  Articulates a sound rationale or need to conduct the study

17  Purposes for research:  Describing  Comparing and contrasting  Forecasting  To understand  To develop  To discover

18  Creswell (1994)  The purpose of this study is to ___ (describe? compare and contrast? forecast?) the ___ (central concept being studied) for ___ (person? group? ) using a ___ (method of inquiry).  The result will be in a ___ (descriptive portrait? discussion of themes and patterns?)  At this stage in the research, the ___ (central concept being studied) will defined generally as ___ (provide a general definition of the central concept).

19  Situate your study as addressing a particular, important problem.  How you define the research topic and problem shape the study’s significance.  Be sure that statements about the project’s significance match the agency’s needs and priorities.

20  The significance responds to the following:  Who has an interest in this domain of inquiry?  How will this new research add to theory, policy, and practice in this area?  How might it be of benefit to the participants and therefore of significance to them?

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