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Commenting on the World A small sampling of artists who have used collage to interpret and express their ideas about the modern world in which they lived.

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Presentation on theme: "Commenting on the World A small sampling of artists who have used collage to interpret and express their ideas about the modern world in which they lived."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commenting on the World A small sampling of artists who have used collage to interpret and express their ideas about the modern world in which they lived.


3 John Heartfield, Adolf the Superman, 1932 John Heartfield, Göring The Executioner, 1933

4 Alexandr Rodchenko: Maquette for Mayakovsky's ProEto (1923) John Heartfield, The Spirit of Geneva, 1932

5 Hannah Hoch, Dada Rundschau, 1919 Hannah Hoch, Sliced With The Dada Knife Through the Last Weimar Beerbelly Cultural Epoch Germany, 1920 Examples of Dada

6 Peter Kennard, Defended To Death, 1982 Peter Kennard, Protect and Survive,1981

7 Magazine illustration, artist unknown

8 Klaus Staeck, North – South Conference, 1979 Klaus Staeck, Ronald Reagan Official Photo, 1982


10 Kurt Schwitters, The Proposal, 1942 Examples of Dada

11 Raoul Hausmann, Gurk, 1914 Examples of Dada Raoul Hausmann, Tatlin at Home, 1920

12 Carlo Carra, Patriotic Celebration, 1914 Francesco di Cocco, The Noise, 1917 Examples of Futurism

13 Kurt Schwitters, Merz Picture with a Rainbow, Examples of Dada Kurt Schwitters, As you Like It, 1946

14 Raoul Hausmann, Le Critique d’art, 1920 Examples of Dada

15 Romare Bearden

16 Max Ernst, No Title, 1932

17 Ian Campbell: Push: Work Class Pierre Robin, Collage Interdit

18 Carol Es, Crappy Shooter, 2001 Kinga Britscghi, Letter to the New World

19 Miriam Shapiro, Kimono, 1976 Sherrie Levine, Shifting Mental Structures, 2002


21 Pablo Picasso, Guitar, Sheet Music, and Wine Glass, 1912 Pablo Picasso, Guitar, 1912 Examples of Synthetic Cubism

22 Georges Braque, Glass, Carafe and Newspaper, 1914 Examples of Cubism

23 Examples of Dada Raoul Hausmann

24 Max Ernst, Max Ernst, Nova Collage, Examples of Surrealism

25 Joseph Cornell, Habitat in a Shooting Gallery, 1943

26 Richard Hamilton, Just What Is It That Makes Today’s Homes So Different, So Appealing?, 1956 Examples of Pop Art

27 Peter Phillips, Custom Print 1, 1965 Peter Blake, On the Balcony, 1957 Examples of Pop Art

28 Robert Rauschenberg

29 Alexis Smith, Priced to Sell

30 Elizabeth Murray

31 Pierre Robin: Decollage Corey Eisman, Dot Com

32 Bernie Stepenhaus


34 Unknown artist

35 Gary Wortzel, Sibelius Joanna Banana, Nothing is worth More Than Today, 2004

36 Shirin Kouiladjie

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