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The Immune System. Vocabulary! 1.Pathogen 2.Immune System 3.Mucous Membrane 4.Phagocytes 5.Spleen 6.Lymph Nodes 7.Antigen 8.Histamine 9.Autoimmune Disease.

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Presentation on theme: "The Immune System. Vocabulary! 1.Pathogen 2.Immune System 3.Mucous Membrane 4.Phagocytes 5.Spleen 6.Lymph Nodes 7.Antigen 8.Histamine 9.Autoimmune Disease."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Immune System

2 Vocabulary! 1.Pathogen 2.Immune System 3.Mucous Membrane 4.Phagocytes 5.Spleen 6.Lymph Nodes 7.Antigen 8.Histamine 9.Autoimmune Disease

3 Slide of Human Blood Draw all the different types of cells you see.

4 The Body’s Defense Systems NonSpecific Defenses Specific Defenses The function of the Immune System is to fight infection through the production of cells that inactivate foreign substances or cells. This is called IMMUNITY.

5 Nonspecific Defenses A PATHOGEN is any agent that causes disease. Nonspecific Defenses help protect the body against any pathogen regardless of the pathogen’s identity. First Line of Defense—BARRIERS--- The SKIN! The SKIN is your body’s most important nonspecific defense! If pathogens can’t enter the body they can’t infect us. The skin also produces sweat and oils which are toxic to some pathogens. MUCOUS MEMBRANES! Serve as a barrier for sensitive regions (eyes, nose,etc) and secrete sticky, mucus which traps many pathogens.

6 Nonspecific Defenses Cont. If a pathogen gets past the skin or mucous membranes…it will stimulate an INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE—2 nd Line of Defense: 1.Pathogen enters, chemical messengers called HISTAMINES are released, causing blood to flow to the injured area. This causes redness, swelling, warmth, and pain. 2.White blood cells (called phagocytes) are drawn to the Histamines and attack the pathogens that have entered the body. 3.Phagocytes ingest and destroy the pathogens.

7 Insert pictures of immune response

8 Insert real images of different white blood cells

9 Immune Review #1

10 Specific Defenses: Immune System The IMMUNE SYSTEM are the cells and tissues that recognize and attack foreign substances in the body. Immune System is comprised of white blood cells, bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, and adenoids. Lymph Nodes located throughout the body contain Lymphocytes (white blood cells—B Cells or T cells) The SPLEEN stores healthy blood cells, breaks down old red blood cells, makes new white blood cells.

11 Immune System Coloring

12 Recognizing Pathogens An ANTIGEN is any substance that the immune system can recognize and react to, including pathogens. When lymphocytes recognize a pathogen they bind to it and attack= IMMUNE RESPONSE During an immune response the immune system also creates ‘memory cells’ which will ‘remember’ and be able to more quickly identify pathogens the next time they infect a body.

13 Crash Course Immune System

14 Problems of the Immune System AsthmaAllergies Autoimmune Diseases

15 Allergies An allergy is a physical response to an antigen Histamines are released Symptoms include: runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, itchy ANTIHISTAMINES (Benadryl) can relieve the over-active symptoms

16 Asthma Asthma (often triggered by allergies or illness) is a respiratory disorder in which the airways narrow.

17 Autoimmune Diseases A disease that causes the immune system to attack itself is an AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE.AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease in which helper T cells (a type of white blood cell) attack the myelin sheath of nerve cells causing weakness, blurred vision, paralysis, and even death.

18 Mini-Research! With a partner— Google, “autoimmune diseases” and choose 1. Create a poster with the following info: Name of Disease Symptoms of Disease Cause of Disease Who gets it? Treatment? You will Present to class!

19 Brain Pop! HIV

20 Immune Review #2

21 Dreaded Red!

22 Operation Antibody

23 Frayer Diagram

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