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Title I School Joshua ISD is a Title I School. Math lab, Reading Lab, Science Lab.

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3 Title I School Joshua ISD is a Title I School. Math lab, Reading Lab, Science Lab

4 First Grade Curriculum

5 First Grade CurriculumFirst Grade Curriculum Math: Envision is our math curriculum. Lots of fun activities for the students to work on. Homework: 1 math page every night except Friday AM (Accelerated Math): Program to give students practice on concepts in math.

6 Frist Grade CurriculumFrist Grade Curriculum Spelling: 10 words a week plus challenge words Students needs to study their words each night. There will be a TEST on FRIDAY Language Arts: We will focus on grammar, mechanics, and composition.

7 Students will have at least 12 grades in Reading, Math, Language and at least 6 grades in Science and Social Studies. Parents may view students grades online by signing up in the office.

8 TPRI: Reading test Fluency tests: rate a student reads Star Reading: Reading test on the computer Star Math: Math test on the computer

9 Sent home each night – PARENT SIGNATURE The first folder is provided. Additional folders are $3.50. Behavior Management: Color Chart When a child loses a color, he or she will stand at recess. Each teacher has a different system for Positive Reinforcement. We want to Encourage Good Behavior before punishing Bad Behavior!


11 Blue Blue –Commended Behavior Green Green – Good Behavior Yellow Yellow – 5 min. recess Orange Orange- 10 min. Recess Purple Purple – 15 min. recess Red Red- All recess Behavior Chart

12 Parties Winter Party Valentine Party Spring Party These are parties when students may bring STORE BOUGHT candy, cupcakes, cookies, ect. Birthday Parties: 1 each month for all birthdays After lunch STORE BOUGHT FOOD!! NO INVITATIONS HANDED OUT AT SCHOOL

13 Security Parents must enter through the FRONT DOOR ONLY during the school day. All other doors will be locked! Do NOT ask anyone to open a door for you!! You must sign in at the office, so we have record of you entering the building! This is for the Safety of your child and the other students in the school! Thank You for your cooperation!!!!!

14 Drop off Procedures All Drop off will be on the South side ( playground). Form one line. Let your child out at the first door (by the gym) on the south side. NO PARKING BY THE CURB or in parking spots in front of playground! If you are walking your child in you must park in the parking lot located beside the playground. You may walk your child to the gym. If you need to speak with your child’s teacher, schedule a time with her.

15 All Pick up will be on the North Side. Form two lines. DO NOT GET OUT OF YOUR VEHICLE! You must have card with child’s name on dash. Teachers will bring your child to your car. Once your child is safely in your car, remove your pick-up card from the dash. Please be sure your child’s teacher knows how your child will go home every day. This is for your child’s Safety! Pick Up Procedures


17 Gifted and Talented Nominations for your child are always Open.Communication A weekly newsletter will be sent home every Monday. Email or leave a message Conference from 9:45 -10:20 School website- Teacher Website

18 Thank You for coming!!

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