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1 RDA Day 2: Using the RDA Toolkit

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1 1 RDA Day 2: Using the RDA Toolkit

2 2 Learning Objectives Log into the RDA Toolkit and create a User Profile Navigate the Toolkit using icons, table of contents, and other visual cues Follow links within the Toolkit to its various components Perform quick and advanced searches Save searches and create bookmarks Help / Additional resources

3 3 What is RDA? Resource Description and Access A standard for bibliographic description, not a display standard A standard based on the FRBR conceptual model

4 4 What is RDA? (cont.) FRBR (Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records) Group 1: Work, Expression, Manifestation and Item (WEMI) Group 2: Person, Family, and Corporate Names (PFC)

5 5 What is RDA Toolkit? RDA Toolkit is an integrated, browser- based, online product that allows users to interact with a collection of cataloging- related documents and resources including RDA

6 6 What is RDA Toolkit? RDA RDA Update History RDA Element Set AACR2 LC-PCC Policy Statements Examples of RDA Cataloging RDA Mappings User-Created Content

7 7 Logging in Log in at http://access.rdatoolkit.org Berkeley has institutional account with ip authentication Offsite access instructions campus.html campus.html

8 8 Navigation Icons Pages Expandable/Collapsible Table of Contents Print Table of Contents Full/Core/Basic Examples Synch Table of Contents Tabs Links

9 9 Searching RDA Quick Search (RDA only) Advanced Search (all documents) --Filters --Search RDA by AACR2 number --Save Search Search Results --Previous/Next hit --Return to results Bookmarks

10 10 Help / Additional Resources RDA Toolkit Help RDA Toolkit Video Help RDA Toolkit Essentials webinars Library of Congress training Local: “Using the RDA Toolkit” on the RDA Learner’s page learners-page learners-page

11 Exercises 11 1. What is the title of the instruction Works of Uncertain or Unknown Origin Use the Toolkit navigation to get to the instruction OR do a simple search on the rule number. 2a. What is the RDA equivalent of “heading”? Access Points Look up “heading” in the Index to see the x-ref 2b. What is the instruction number that gives the definition of this RDA term? 5.1.4 is the first of several definitions. Click on the x-ref “Access Points.” See definitions starting with 5.1.4

12 12 Exercises (cont.) 3. I know that illustrations are recorded differently in the 300 field in RDA. How can I see how to record this information? Option 1: On the Tools tab, go to RDA Mappings. Go to the MARC Bibliographic to RDA Mapping table to find the instruction for 300 field for Illustrative Content. Click on the instruction 7.15. Option 2: On the Tools tab, go to the RDA Examples. Look at the MARC encoding on some of the example records.

13 Exercises (cont.) 4. The book that I am copy-cataloging does not have a title page. How can I find out whether the title in the record is correct? Should there be a note to indicate where the title came from? Option 1 Quick search on “title.” The first hit in the list is Title Source. Go to that instruction which states: “Make a note on the source from which the title proper is taken if it is not one of these sources…” 13

14 14 Exercises (cont.) Option a) in this instruction is for a resource of multiple pages (i.e. a book) and has a link to Go to this instruction which gives the prescribed order to use when the resource lacks a title page. One of these sources should have the title used in your record. Option 2 Quick search “title page” lack* Takes you to instruction Quick search “title page” note Returns a link to instruction

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