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September 2012 Developed by Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department at Purdue University and Department of Regional Infrastructures Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "September 2012 Developed by Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department at Purdue University and Department of Regional Infrastructures Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 2012 Developed by Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department at Purdue University and Department of Regional Infrastructures Engineering at Kangwon National University in South-Korea Web-based LDC Tool ver. 2013

2 * USEPA, 2007. An approach for using load duration curves in the development of TMDLs. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Flow and Load Duration Curves Simple, quick, and statistical approach Cumulative frequency of historic data over a specified period

3 To plot FDC and LDC manually: 1.Collection of Flow and WQ dataset 1.Collection of Flow and WQ dataset: a. Manual observation through long-term monitoring b. Flow data from USGS with WQ data from EPA, USGS or Local Organization 2.Handling the dataset collected 2.Handling the dataset collected: a. Combining flow and WQ dataset b. Unit conversion (e.g. mg/l to pound) c. Rearranging chronological data into flow frequency-based data d. (if need) Preparing LOADEST inputs and execution 3.Plotting FDC and LDC 3.Plotting FDC and LDC: a. Plotting graphs b. Calculating annual loads c. Calculating required reduction for each flow regime

4 Web-based LDC Tool STORET/WQX Web-based LDC Tool and STORET/WQX

5 WQ This table is for WQ data. To plot a Load Duration Curve (LDC), two data sets are required. water quality WQ flow data One is water quality (WQ) data, and the other one is flow data. flow This table is for flow data.

6 Option 5. “Copy and paste” the data from spreadsheet. (e.g. Microsoft Excel) Option 1 Option 1. Download the data from EPA, and upload it. Option 2 Option 2. Find the location on Google Maps, then it will give USGS WQ and flow simultaneously. Option 3 Option 3. Upload your file. Option 4. Use EPA STORET Data Warehouse WQ How can WQ data be prepared ?

7 WQ Option 1. EPA WQ data Upload the downloaded file. Select WQ parameter.

8 WQ Option 2. USGS WQ data Select WQ parameter and select period in the following page.

9 Option 3,5. Upload the file or “Copy and Paste”

10 Option 4. Use of Water Quality Portal


12 Web Services Request (CGI) with “Organization ID” and “Monitoring Location ID” WQ Data Handling (CGI) PurdueWQP Parsing to ‘Water Quality Data Table’ User Side Map-based User Interface (HTML/CGI)

13 New Window Option 4. Use of Water Quality Portal

14 1. Find the location, and then select one station. 2. Click the button to request WQ data to WQP. 3. Select WQ parameter.

15 Example: Web-based LDC Tool, STORET/WQX, and LOADEST

16 Preparing WQ data: Select State and County New Window

17 Preparing WQ data: Find the station

18 Preparing WQ data: Select WQ parameter

19 Preparing WQ data: Confirm WQ data selected The WQ selected is formatted to “Date Time Value”.

20 Preparing WQ data: WQ data in the “Water Quality Data Table”

21 Preparing Flow data: Click “Opt. 1 USGS Gage Location Tool”

22 You don’t see anything on the map ?

23 Preparing Flow data: Find the station

24 Preparing Flow data: Flow data in the “Flow Data Table”

25 Flow data checking by FDC module If the dataset has “missing data” or “negative values”, FDC module shows them.

26 Select the period to plot FDC and LDC. Set additional options. Set options

27 Results before LOADEST Execution

28 Running LOADEST may take time. Fill out your e-mail address here; the tool will send an e-mail when LOADEST is finished. LOADEST Execution

29 The tool shows LOADEST progress. LOADEST Execution

30 Results after LOADEST Execution

31 Last Updates and Future Works: Selection of AMLE or LAD in LOADEST result Use of USGS WQ data via web access for the EPA Region 5 Use of STORET/WQX via web access for the EPA Region 5 - Map interface will be updated. - WQ data for all states will be available soon.

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