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100 300 200 400 300 500 400 500 400 300 200 Economy Amend- ments Facts MISC.

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2 100 300 200 400 300 500 400 500 400 300 200 Economy Amend- ments Facts MISC

3 To what role did President Clinton appoint his wife, Hilary Clinton? Health Care Reform Task Force Leader

4 Why has the U.S. tried to reduce trade barriers, like tariffs, through international trade organizations such as, The World Trade Organization? U.S. Businesses make more money with few trade barriers.

5 What is true of the Persian Gulf War? Helped the U.S.’s reputation, involved 34 nations in Desert Storm with the U.S. leading it, started with an air attack, switched to ground attack, ended with Saddam Hussein still in power.

6 Countries in the Middle East started resenting the U.S. What is a result of the U.S.’s support of Israel over the years?

7 What international agreement between the U.S.,Canada, the Soviet Union, and most European countries recognized post- World War II borders and promised to respect human rights? Helsinki Accords

8 What was one effect of the Camp David Accords in 1977? Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty.

9 To what country did the U.S. send troops to overthrow the drug- dealing dictator and restore it’s elected government? Panama

10 Who was the first African American billionaire and the founder of Black Entertainment Television? Robert Johnson

11 Compared to the United Nations, why does NATO seem to represent the U.S. better. It is smaller and made up of only Europe and North America.

12 Oil was used as a political weapon against the U.S. by OPEC. What was an economic problem in the 1970s?

13 Both were small entrepreneurs who created huge companies. How are Sam Walton and Bill Gates alike?

14 He wasn’t elected to the position in any way. How was Gerald Ford different from other Presidents?

15 began economic sanctions, tried a military rescue, and negotiated the hostages’ release How did President Carter respond to the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979-1981?

16 The President’s reputation was hurt and questioned due to misconduct. What was the result of the Watergate and Clinton scandal?

17 Eastern European governments began ending all communist policies in their countries. What effect did Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev’s removal of the Brezhnev Doctrine have on the governments of Eastern Europe?

18 Estee Lauder Who created a cosmetic company that gave away free gifts with purchases and used beautiful models in their advertising?

19 actor and California governor What roles did Reagan have before the presidency?

20 Boris Yeltsin and George H.W. Bush Who officially met and ended the Cold War in 1992?

21 Iran released them as Reagan was about to become president. How did the Iranian Hostage Crisis get resolved?

22 Ross Perot Who was the third-party candidate in the 1992 election that gained 20% of the votes for president, which changed the outcome of the election?

23 by working as the diplomatic mediator How did Jimmy Carter act to help negotiate the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt?

24 Sun Belt What nickname was given to areas in the South and Southwest which saw a sharp increase in population?

25 Iraq invaded Kuwait. Why did countries in the United Nations go to war in the Persian Gulf?

26 Bosnia To what country did the U.S. send peacekeeping force with other NATO soldiers to end Christian murdering or “ethnic cleansing” of Muslims in the former Yugoslavia?

27 Jerry Fallwell Who was the Evangelist leader of Moral Majority leader that promoted conservative Christian ideas?

28 The Soviet Communist system would go bankrupt and fall. What did Reagan believe would happen if the Soviets kept spending more and more on its military?

29 Nixon ordered a cover-up. What did the evidence how in the Watergate scandal?

30 trade deficit What occurs when a country buys more products from foreign countries than it sells to foreign countries?

31 Sam Walton Who was the founder of Wal-Mart and developer of new types of retail stores such as membership warehouses like Sam’s Club and supercenters that combine grocery and variety stores?

32 Bill Gates Who was the co-founder of Microsoft and developer of the more user friendly Windows program to become one of the wealthiest men and philanthropists in the world?

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